Wa`alaikumus-Salam wa RahmatULLAHIwaBarakatuh...
Perkara 1 : Di dewan yang maner membuatnya...?
Perkongsian 1: Berhatiy-hatiy mengucapkan 
Assalamu`alaikumwaRahmatULLAHIwaBarakatuh, kerana perkataan 
waRahmatULLAHIwaBarakatuh... adalah hanya untuk muslim... Orang kafeeer hanya 
boleh diberikan ucapan "Assalamu`alaikum" (keamanan ke atas kamu). Ini kerana, 
haram diunjurkan Rahmat dan Barakat kepada orang yang engkar terhadap menerima 
ALLAH Sebagai Hanya SATU-SATUNya Tuhan Yang Musti DiBerikan Penyembahan...
Justeru itu, bagi sessiaper yang akan fwdkan email ini kepada manusia ramai 
yang lain..., yang macam AKAD akan lunjurkan..., silalah padam 
"waRahmatULLAHIwaBarakatuh... Cukup, Assalamu`alaikum... Untuk muslim boleh, 
non Muslim pun boleh... insyaALLAH... 
Ameeen Ya ALLAH Ya RABB...

>From: Salwani Mohd Daud <salwanid...@gmail.com>
>To: ikram-ajk <ikram-ajk-disk...@googlegroups.com>; 
>naqibnet-oper...@yahoogroups.com; islah-net@yahoogroups.com; 
>keluargaikra...@yahoogroups.com; sri...@yahoogroups.com; 
>sr...@yahoogroups.com; sm...@yahoogroups.com 
>Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 6:56 AM
>Subject: [Islah-Net] Wacana: Pengelasan Ilmu dalam Islam: Satu Seni Bina Islam 
>dalam Ilmu oleh Professor Datuk Dr. Osman Bakar
>السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 
>Jemputan untuk semua, sila luangkan masa dan edarkan maklumat ini kepada 
>kawan2 yang lain.
>Tajuk: Classification of Knowledge in Islam : An Islamic Architecture in 
>Synopsis : Welcome to the world of Islamic architecture of knowledge
>       * • Classification of knowledge as an landmark in Islamic intellectual 
> history
>       * • Historical overview of classifications of knowledge in Islam
>       * • Why is classification of knowledge important to the Islamic mind?
>       * • When and why did classification of knowledge stop as an 
> intellectual activity in Islamic civilization?
>       * • The relevance of the Islamic idea of classification of knowledge to 
> the contemporary world
>       * • The need to revive the Islamic tradition of classification of 
> knowledge
>Professor Dr. Datuk Osman Bakar
>Deputy CEO
>International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia
>Prof Abdullah
>Tuesday, 7 March 2012
>Tempat : UKM
>Masa : 9.45 pg – 12.00 tgh
>09.45am – 10.00am Arrival of Guests & Registration
>10.00am – 10.05am Welcome Remarks by Moderator
>10.05am – 11.15am Address by the Speaker
>11.15am – 12.00pm Discussion
>Dr Osman Bakar, an Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of 
>Malaya, is currently the Deputy CEO of the International Institute of Advanced 
>Islamic Studies, Kuala Lumpur. A former Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and 
>Research) at the University of Malaya (1995-2000) and Professor at the 
>International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 
>International Islamic University, Malaysia (2005-2008) Dr Bakar. is also a 
>Senior Fellow at the Prince al-Waleed Center for Muslim-Christian 
>Understanding, Georgetown University, Washington DC; Senior Research Fellow at 
>Center for Civilizational Dialogue, University of Malaya; and Visiting 
>Research Fellow at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan. Formerly the holder of 
>Malaysia Chair of Islam in Southeast Asia at Georgetown University 
>(2000-2005), Dr Bakar was educated in London University where he obtained B.Sc 
>and M.Sc in Mathematics. He earned his doctorate in Islamic philosophy from 
 University, Philadelphia.
>A Fullbright Visiting Scholar at Harvard University (1992) he has published 15 
>books and more than 250 articles on Islamic thought and civilization, 
>particularly Islamic philosophy and science, and on contemporary Islam, 
>inter-religious and inter-civilizational dialogues. The founder of the Center 
>for Civilizational Dialogue at the University of Malaya (1995), Dr Bakar has 
>also served as advisors and consultants to various international academic and 
>professional organizations and institutions, including UNESCO and The Qatar 
>Foundation. He is a member of C-100 (Council of 100 Leaders) of The 
>West-Islamic World Initiative for Dialogue established by the World Economic 
>Forum based in Switzerland. He was awarded with a datukship by the Sultan of 
>Pahang (1994) and another datukship by the Malaysian King (2000).
>Dr Bakar’s best known works are Tawhid and Science (A History and Philosophy 
>of Islamic Science), Classification of Knowledge in Islam, and Islam and 
>Civilizational Dialogue. The former book has been published in a number of 
>Muslim languages, including Persian, Turkish, Indonesian, and Albanian. 
>Several of his other writings have also been translated into Spanish, Chinese, 
>Urdu, Arabic, and Bosnian.
>Maklumat lanjut 
> والسلام Dr Salwani
>Persatuan Saintis Muslim Malaysia (PERINTS)
>'Sains untuk kesejahteraan alam' - PERINTIS

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