Clean Money, Dirty Conscience
Are some Americans guilty of banking while Muslim?
Jeff Taylor
Reason Express
December 28, 2004

The headline grabbing quirkiness of Yasser Arafat's
investment in the American bowling industry
demonstrates that true global connectedness remains a
scary thing. Such financial scorekeeping—whose money,
what money, where—is a pointless exercise in an age
when funds can circle the Earth in a second and mutate
several times along the trip. 

The clean money, dirty money, blood money obsession
would be quaint were it not for the tremendous burden
the pursuit of money laundering places on innocent
people just trying to enjoy the immense benefits of a
modern financial system. The PATRIOT Act's veil of
secrecy is beginning to bite in this regard without
any evidence that the United States is made safer in
the bargain. 

Some Middle Eastern-surnamed individuals in the U.S.
now report an unwillingness on the part of some banks
to do business with them based on government money
laundering/anti-terror regulations. In fact, while
other parts of the PATRIOT Act initially drew fire,
Section 314 glided by, largely overlooked by everyone
except the bankers. As it turns out, Section 314 is a
ticking time-bomb for anyone a buttoned-down banker
might consider suspicious. 

This section requires banks and other federal
regulated financial institutions to comply with
government requests for information on customers. As
with other parts of PATRIOT, Section 314 built upon
other long-standing federal bank regs, allowing
PATRIOT boosters to use their tired Officer Barbrady
"this is nothing out of the unusual" defense of the

But Section 314 anticipated and sanctioned a much
larger number of information requests in a much
shorter period of time, increasing the cost of
compliance to banks. Indeed, the initial crush of
information requests from the government in September
2002 was so great that the banks won a temporary
suspension of the requests. Banks thought they had a
much firmer grasp of what to do with Section 314
requests when they resumed in February 2003. 

However, the catch remained that banks are supposed to
comply with Section 314 requests quickly and
accurately, divulging no information to anyone about
them, and then promptly forget all about the requests.
In particular, if an information request for a Joe
Terror comes in, and Podunk Bank has no records of a
Joe Terror as a customer, the law directs Podunk Bank
to do nothing. 

This practice does avoid flooding the reporting system
with replies that say, "yes, we have no Joe Terror,"
but leaves Podunk Bank with the queasy feeling that it
responded to federal regulators by doing nothing. This
is not in the nature of bankers. If the feds dropped
in, particularly a suit from the criminal section of
the Treasury Department, and suggested a change in the
color of the balloons in the lobby, there would not be
a whole lot of discussion as to why. Banks comply;
that is why they are banks. 

So rather than risk the wrath of regulators, banks
very quickly hit upon the idea of keeping names
submitted on Section 314 requests on their
do-not-do-business-with lists. All banks have them and
the lists are perfectly legal. After all, some
customers—bad credit risks, chronic check bouncers—may
just be more trouble than they are worth. Putting
314-requested names on the list would at least create
a paper trail should the feds someday request one and
remove a troublesome class of customer from bank rolls
to boot. 

This brings us to the question of the day: Has Section
314 made all Muslim-surnamed customers, or even more
broadly, those of Middle Eastern descent in general,
more trouble than they are worth to American banks? 

The American Civil Liberties Union says it has dozens
of complaints involving financial institutions denying
services to Muslims. A recent case involves a
Mississippi man who was suddenly told by his bank that
his account had been closed. No explanation was given
for the action. Interestingly, however, the bank,
AmSouth, recently was fined $40 million by the
Treasury for failure to comply with reporting
regulations involving money laundering. 

It is certainly true that the more Middle Eastern
names a bank has on record, the more likely it is to
be forced to complete Section 314 information
requests. The more requests you get, the more likely
you are to screw one up and get walloped with a fine.
Why not lighten that load and reduce that risk by
cutting back on "trigger" names? The logic is

The banks, of course, would never admit to such a
practice, and regulators point to official directions
not to use Section 314 requests as a guidepost to a
customer's desirability as a client. But this language
simply ignores reality, and the reality is that the
law has set up a powerful incentive to keep Muslims
outside the mainstream financial services sector. 

Maybe that outcome does not trouble the 44 percent of
Americans who say in a poll that they favor
restrictions on the civil liberties of Muslims in the
U.S. However, it guarantees that some law-abiding
Muslims will face frustrating hurdles to living their
lives as everyday Americans. And that is troubling to
anyone who values freedom and real, lasting security. 

Jeff Taylor writes the weekly Reason Express.

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