Salaam aley kum warahmahtullah

"Arif N. Khan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Never before in the history of mankind so much wealth and affluence was

>achieved by any nation as the US which is the only super power now.


I guess you are forgetting the most finest NATION or a State that was advanced in every feild. well, to be precise, it was this nation that produced people who where the back bone or the ones who laid down the foundation of CIVILIZATION. it was the MUSLIMS. it was the Muslims WHO achived success in every field. they where the ones who advanced or expose this world to the concept of Chemistry, Algebra, Math, Biological Sceinces, Astronomy, Medical sceines, curing deseases.


Implementing JUST economic system, fair distribution of wealth among the people. a JUST judicial system. its not like dick cheney, going to hunting with justice scalia, one of the judges who is responsible for handling HALLIBURTN SCANDAL.


Look at the islamic history how it was rich and vast. during the time of Abdullah ibn aziz, ra, the wealth was so abundant, the state cud not find any person who was in need of money. baskets full of money wud be left outside the masajids for people to take it. even then money was abundant, then the state invested money in research, and military. Money was given to those who were preparing to get married and settle down. even after that so much wealht was left, the state then, gave ransom to prisoners in europe and set them free.


Just read the History of ISLAMIC civilization you will learn thatwhen islam came, it raised humanity to such an elevated quality of life that,under, islamic state spain'ss capitali Cordoba, was given teh title of "jewel of the world, [west like to hide this era caling it dark ages], Muslims were in teh forefront of human achievements, inventing camera, designing the astrolabe,  describing blood circulation, curign meningittis, introducing algebra, trignomentry, creating irrigation system, inovation water wheel, treatign small pox,  discovered medical use f alcohol, calculated distance fromthe sun, determined circumference adn weight of the earth n sun.


in 1512, a venetian ambassador commented about islamic state that : "Iknow of no state which is happier than this one. it is furnished, wiht all god's gifts, it controls war and peac with all. it is rich =in gold, in people, in ships, and in obedience, no state cna be compared with it. may god preserve the most of the just of all emeperors."


u wanna read more, read the book  "what went wrong" by bernard lewis.


> Even the upper middle class in many Third world countries lives much below

>the standards of living enjoyed by the poor in the West.


its not just third world contries. it is prevaling even in the rich capitalistic societies, we find a system that leads to satisfaction of only some individuals at the expense of the masses. In wealthy nations, such as the United States and the Great Britain, as you mentioned in above,  rich people have pets which are well groomed, well fed, and well sheltered in nice palaces, while hundreds of thousands of citizens of their own nation live in cardboard boxes, eat from dumpsters, and have no medical care. you can also read the statistics realesed by UN about increase in poverty in these nations.

> Poverty is an economic condition in which people lack sufficient income to

>obtain the minimal levels of health care, food, housing, clothing, and education

>generally recognized as necessary to ensure an adequate standard of living.


 Poverty is not an Economic condition. It is an condition which is the product of wealthy sucking the blood of the weak and the poor.  the true nature of the capitalism is explained inan article of L.A Times, on economic theory of English Philosopher  Herbet spencer: "Spencer created eugenics movement to stop unift from reproducing because he belived that the most humane way was to do what economy would do in a more brutal way if left to itself. iin spencers view, all remedial social welfarer measure simply prolonged and exapnaded human agonry by increasing population who would eventually die of startvation." spence believed that is the duty of the rich to drive the poor into extinction."


 The food produced by Great Plains of America is enough to feed entire world three times, but to maintain high prices surplus food is burned. Furthermore, economic solution for capitalism is to draw maximum profit even if it takes to invade other nations, exploit them and create wars. Regarding Gulf war, one commentator said, ?War brings business, and business is good."





 Los Angeles Times; March 13, 1995, “First, it’s the explicit policy of the Federal Reserve Board to keep 6% of our work force unemployed. Our economy must maintain this level of joblessness, the Fed insists; lest inflation rear its head and bondholders lose value. If too many Americans are employed, the fed will raise interest rates to throw people out of work. Capitalism, as we know it requires roughly one-tenth of its potential workers to be jobless for the sake of price stability….”


are u happy to read this. its the policy of goverment to keep 6percent of population unemployed. Now, how can you say that Povery is economic condition.?


>Tens of thousands of poor people in the Third world die every year from starvation and >malnutrition. Infant mortality rates are higher and life expectancy lower among the poor. >Such is not the case with the developed  countries who provide help and to developing >countries.


I have an my up coming article. Argentina in Econoic Crisis: Islam- the only solution." you might wanna read it how RICH nations thur its tools IMF, WORLD BANK, UN wud drive nations into poverty. it was said that Argentina was able to provide food to the whole world three times. thats why it was called "food basket of the world."  Argentina's living standard was compare to that of FRANCE with 99percent literacy rate before 2001.


My rerach paper covers  how Argentina got into that mess fron December 5th 2001. besides this you might wanna read this too meanwhile.  


these intervies n links  provides a useful insight to one of the ways the US  and Europe practice modern-day colonialism. Don't take everything he  says for granted, but there is enough truth there to make worth reading.

The interview at this link
and the book review at this liink
 you need to understand that capitalist economy of a nation leads to poverty in a large percentage of population. In order to solve the problem of poverty, American government
 brought the idea of social security and Medicare. Today these ideas or programs have 
led to the emergence of welfare families, insurance fraud and enormous debt all of which 
have become primary problems in the society and have been in focus of so called budget 
crisis.  alcohol, rape, crime, domestic violence and other social ills are tearing the societies 
apart, but because alcoholic counseling, research, rape counseling, and other businesses 
that thrive on these social problems collectively constitutes a multibillion dollar industry, the
capitalist notion of benefit and interest maintains that such problems will remain to keep 
the industry of ‘Crime Prevention’ alive.  


 "We have about 60% of the world?s wealth but only 6.3% of its population. In this situation we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity. We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and world benefaction. We should cease to talk about such vague and unreal objectives as human rights, the raising of living standards and democratisation. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better." - George Kennan [Director of Policy Planning U.S.State Dept.]



 And the majro cause of our poverty is that we do not take realisitc view of our >environments and have forgotten what we were told by the Holy Prophet about acquisition >of knowledge, hard and honest work, justice, truth, kindness and Huqooqul Ibad as well as >Huqooq ul Allah.


this is true.. no doubt abot it no wud argue with you on this. but this is contradicting what you saying. you are supporting Capitalism.. but Islam  is at war with Capitalism. Capitalism is totally contradictory to Islam. you cannot adopt it. the aqeeda that capitalism is based on is Benefit. either be it sex, money, globilization or what have you. just look at what happened in asia. it exposed the realityof  america. the richest nation in the world, gaveonly $15 million dollars. when countries called USA  "a stingy nation" it was then that $20 million dollars more were pitched in. USA Cannot afford to give any more.. cus it cant.. its in totally mess. $450 billion dollars of debt. it is the only contry in the world with highest debt.


Wait for my article "Argentina in Economic Crisis : Islam the only solution" inshallah you will be exposed to reality of the kuffar and their system.



Prince 0f Destiny

Prince oF Destiny

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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