As salam alaikum. We are all aware of the Tsunami and the devastation it has caused. However, we need to worry about something else now. It is the child trafficking of the children that are now orphan or, have been displaced from their families. Recently, we received an email/posting from a member (a mass forwarded posting). The email says “I just received a call from my friend Dr. Aminuddin Natar, whose told me to ask anybody who interested to adopt muslim children from disaster area Acheh, since most of them losing the immediate families. There are appx.300 children from age 3 to 10. All paperworks will be taken care off at no fee.”

This is exactly what the UNICEF is warning everyone about! NO children is ready for adoption and the “all paperwork taken care of” is most likely by groups that are involved with child trafficking. Many of the children are only displaced from their families; therefore they are not orphans and certainly not ready to be shipped into another country without going through some proper govt. channel. Other immediate families will, likely raise even the ones that are orphan. So, the whole talk about adopting is very premature at this point.

None of these “adoption” is approved by any of the world organizations, or the respective governments of the countries affected by Tsunami.

Adoption is a big business. There are many families in the west that are childless and are willing to spend a lot of money to get a very young child. Adopting a child is very expensive and legally complicated in USA (the country I am well aware of), therefore often time, the couples that are willing to raise a child, will go out of the country to get a child. There is certainly nothing wrong in it and in fact it is noble to raise an orphan.

However, there are child traffickers, that kidnap children to be sold for adoption, and even worse, as sex trade. So, I ask that you are careful in dealing with these kinds of emails that are asking to adopt a child. I would advice that if you are sincere about adopting a child, then please goes through some well-known organizations.

Here is an article that talks about child traffickers that are active in the Aceh region.

Traffickers threaten Aceh orphans

Tuesday, January 4, 2005 Posted: 9:18 PM EST (0218 GMT)

(CNN) -- Indonesian authorities have taken steps to protect displaced or orphaned children from traffickers after last week's tsunami disaster, barring people from leaving the country with children under 16 from its hard-hit Aceh province.

Riaz Saehu, the press secretary for the Indonesian Embassy in Washington, said Jakarta was implementing the measure because "the government would like to protect the children" from potential traffickers.

"We are afraid the children can be taken advantage of," he said.

The disaster is believed to have left as many as 13,000 children orphaned in the region.

But John Budd, a spokesman for the U.N. children's fund UNICEF, said it was unclear how many children had lost parents or were only separated from their families.

Budd said the fears have been stoked by reports from relief agencies that criminal gang members in Aceh have been posing as aid workers or parents.

And a couple was arrested on charges of attempting to traffic in children in the city of Medan, which he said was "notorious" for the practice -- "both for adoption and for the sex trade."

In addition, an e-mail message received by UNICEF worker in Malaysia offered 300 orphans for adoption, promising that "All paperwork will be taken care of," he said.

"To even start talking about orphans at the moment is utterly premature," he said.

UNICEF is working with Indonesia's government to set up child centers in the region to help reunite orphaned children with members of their extended families, he said.

Indonesian officials and aid workers began setting up a registration system for children Tuesday, Budd said.

"The Indonesian government -- the president and vice president, as well as the police here -- are deeply concerned about it, and we're supporting them," he said.

Another UNICEF official, Simon Ingram, said there are indications "traffickers are active" in the tsunami-stricken regions. Asked about Indonesia barring people leaving the country with young Aceh children, he said.

"That was a step we were pleased they took."

Ruud Lubbers, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, said it is unclear if trafficking is occurring on a large scale, but "we are trying to prevent it."

"We are prepared for this sort of behavior and terrible things, so we are cautious," he said.

UNICEF has launched a four-point plan to save the children in the region:

-- Focusing on basics such as clean water, adequate sanitation, nutrition and routine medical care.

-- Giving a high priority to identifying children who have lost their families, and reuniting them with their extended families and communities.

-- Ensuring the children are protected from child traffickers and sex predators.

-- Helping children cope with the tragedy by getting them back in school as soon as possible and training teachers about signs of severe trauma.

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{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

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