Proselytizing during relief efforts divides
Christian groups Some say disasters such as the
tsunami offer a time to answer questions; others want
to focus on their acts.
By Eric Gorski 
Denver Post
Monday, January 17, 2005,1413,36~53~2657661,00.html
In the tsunami disaster zones of South Asia, help is
on the way in the form of food rations, clothing,
clean linens and words from James Dobson and the Bible
about why God lets bad things happen. 

The heavy presence of Christian relief groups in a
region where other beliefs dominate and pockets of
religious tension exist poses challenges to interfaith
relations and underscores the wide range of
philosophies faith-based agencies take to religion and
humanitarian work.

Some U.S. groups - including the relief arms of the
Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran and Methodist churches -
follow a Red Cross code of conduct against furthering
a particular religious or political viewpoint.
Generally, these groups believe their works, rather
than their words, sufficiently show how faith moves

Many evangelical Christian groups, which put a
stronger emphasis on winning new converts, believe
relief can be packaged with religion as long as
immediate needs are addressed first. After all, they
say, this is when people are asking life's deepest

That logic motivated Colorado Springs-based Focus on
the Family to include excerpts from a book written by
Dobson, founder of the influential media ministry, in
300,000 survival packets bound for the region.

The convergence of these opposing philosophies could
lead to conflict, some relief workers say. The
agencies that shun evangelization say those that
follow other rules risk undermining everyone's work
with locals and government officials.

It remains to be seen whether U.S. Christian relief
groups will inflame religious tensions or enhance the
image of Americans abroad. The Bush administration has
expressed hope that U.S. tsunami relief efforts will
improve relationships, especially with Muslims.

Early next month, the Rev. Drew Stephens of Riverside
Baptist Church in Denver plans to lead a six-person
medical team to Banda Aceh, the epicenter of the
disaster in heavily Islamic Indonesia.

Though the Indonesian constitution recognizes five
religions, including Christianity, the nation has been
rife with violent religious skirmishes in recent
years, including church bombings and fighting between
Muslims and Christians.

Stephens is following the destruction to Aceh
province, the only part of the country authorized to
implement Islamic law. Reports have surfaced of
radical Muslim groups handing out Korans with sugar
and rice.

On Friday, a senior Islamic leader preaching at the
province's main mosque warned foreign relief workers
of a serious backlash from Muslims if they bring
Christian proselytizing.

A veteran missionary, Stephens emphasizes that he puts
no conditions on helping people. If the chance arises,
he said, he will share what he believes is the great
hope of Christianity.

"We need to be able to build a bridge to the people
and their culture before there should be an
expectation they want to hear what we want to share,"
Stephens said.

For many evangelicals, working in natural-disaster
areas is an opportunity to fulfill what they interpret
as "the Great Commission," Jesus' call in the Gospel
of Matthew to make his message known in all corners of
the world. There's disagreement, though, about drawing
boundaries when calm times give way to chaos and

"It's been controversial over the years, people asking
which is more important - feeding people and caring
for their educational and spiritual needs, or
proselytizing and bringing people to the faith," said
Rick Mitchell, a vice president with Mission of Mercy,
a Colorado Springs group staging tsunami relief in Sri
Lanka, where it runs child-development programs.
"Scripture says to me and to this organization that
you can't separate the two."

While Focus on the Family is not a relief group, the
ministry is seeking to raise $1 million for survival
staple kits to be distributed by partner agencies and
churches, said Glenn Williams, vice president of
international and cultural ministry. The goal is to
meet immediate needs, not evangelize, Williams said.

Even so, excerpts from Dobson's "When God Doesn't Make
Sense" will be bundled with the food, water and

"You have a lot of people who have serious questions
at the moment, feeling a tremendous sense of loss and
asking, 'Where was God in this?"' Williams said.

The very mission of the Colorado Springs-based
International Bible Society is to publish and
distribute Scripture. So when the tsunami struck, the
group prepared the distribution of 100,000 texts,
including a book translated into Thai, "When Your
Whole World Changes."

"We believe the Bible or Scripture booklets present
relevant answers to problems people are facing," said
Judy Billings, an IBS spokeswoman. "With the disaster,
people are open to God's word. They're in a crisis."

Not all evangelical Christian groups share that view.

The child-sponsorship group Compassion International,
also based in Colorado Springs, is providing emergency
relief in India and Indonesia. Though the organization
does not camouflage its Christian identity, neither
will it be passing out religious literature, said
David Dahlin, chief operating officer and senior vice

"People could wonder whether you have ulterior
motives, that it's not a genuine compassionate
response," Dahlin said. "Or they might feel as, if
they are a strong adherent to a different faith, they
might be reluctant to take aid. We don't want that."

Like evangelicals, Mormons have a strong missionary
zeal. But the church does not send missionaries to
disaster areas.

The church's relief arm works with other groups, often
crossing faith lines, said Harold Brown, head of
welfare and humanitarian services for the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The LDS church
collaborated with Islamic Relief Services to pack 70
tons of food, soap, body bags and other supplies onto
an Indonesia-bound MD-11 cargo plane.

"We don't use humanitarian work as some sort of cover
so we can preach the Gospel," Brown said. "We have
60,000 missionaries out in the world preaching the
Gospel. We don't want to be seen as not having a clear
and pure motive of helping people in need."

A similar philosophy guides Catholic Relief Services,
which instructs its workers not to proselytize or
convey a specific Catholic message, said the Rev. Bill
Headley, counselor to the president of the agency.

"In the long run, (proselytizing) could be defeating
because you're linking basic needs up with a much more
thoughtful and prayerful process," Headley said. "Once
basic needs are satisfied, you might find people may
not stay with you as a Catholic or Christian."

The Rev. Fred and Polly Ingold, retired Methodist
missionaries living in Estes Park, worked from 1969 to
1993 in Indonesia. Their goal, they said, was to forge
good relationships and do what needed to be done,
including developing clean-water pumps for villages
that relied on river water.

When a project was finished, the Rev. Ingold spoke at
a dedication ceremony. This is not Methodist water, he
would say, but God's water, for all to share.

Kathryn Wolford, president of Lutheran World Relief,
said organizations that strongly push a religious
message risk undermining all relief groups' standing
abroad, especially when diverse faiths and cultures

"It can create conflict and resistance because in that
kind of situation people don't necessarily distinguish
one (relief) group from another," she said.

So far, few conflicts have come to light. A
Virginia-based evangelical Christian charity,
WorldHelp, dropped plans last week to adopt Muslim
tsunami orphans into a Christian children's home after
the Indonesian government protested.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations
characterized the incident as confirmation that some
evangelical groups hope to exploit the tragedy.

Staff writer Eric Gorski can be reached at
303-820-1698 or [EMAIL PROTECTED],1413,36~53~2657661,00.html

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