
wassalamu3alikum wara7matuAllahi wabarakatuhu

My dear sister in islam Lisa Wright,

MashaAllahi subhanaAllah. I would want see how I could
explain, what is in my head.

Islam is fact and not myth. So there is no mystic
about it.

About awliya only Allah knows who is a wali. But for
sure we know our prophets and their companions are our

understand that shaikhuna Jalaluddeen Rumi ra7hima
huAllah was not a sufi but he was a salafi.

Allah may guide me ameen

Hyder binJameel
--- Lisa Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Subhan'Allah
> There are certainly 'false Sufis' who liken Allah to
> the creations, and thus leave Islam. You
> acknowledged that Jaylaaniyy and Rifa^iyy are
> awliyya when you said:
> "The Sufis worship others than Allaah, such as
> Prophets and “awliya’” [“saints”], living or dead.
> They say, “Yaa Jeelaani”, “Yaa Rifaa’i” [calling on
> their awliya’], or “O Messenger of Allaah, help and
> save” or “O Messenger of Allaah, our dependence is
> on you”, etc"
> Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. We thank
> Allah for the blessing of Islam and humbly ask Him
> to raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad, his kind Al
> and Companions, and to protect his nation from that
> which he fears for it. May Allah grant us the
> sincere intentions and the proper comprehension.
> Sufism is very much a part of the Religion of Islam.
> Indeed, the leader of all the Sufis was Prophet
> Muhammad, who was sent by Allah to teach the people
> the matters which, if performed and practiced in the
> proper way, would lead to their success in this life
> and in the Hereafter. Unfortunately, many things
> which are in fact contradictory to the teachings of
> the Prophet are today labeled Sufism. There are
> some, who under the guise of being Sufis, spread
> falsehood and misguidance and dare to label it
> Sufism. On the other hand, there are groups, like
> the Wahhabis and those who follow them, who
> categorically deny Sufism and claim it is not even a
> part of the Religion.
> It is our intention to shed light on the methodology
> of the true Sufis and encourage others to follow
> their path while exposing those fakes, the
> "Sufi-claimers," and warning against their
> misguidance. We have divided our topic into two
> parts: First, to explain Sufism and give examples of
> the genuine Sufis in our history. Second, to expose
> those "Sufi-claimers" by presenting some of their
> misguidance and to warn against it. Our intention is
> in following the saying of Allah in Surat Al ^Imran,
> 110:
> which means: [You are the best nation brought to the
> people, ordering the lawful, forbidding the
> unlawful, and believing in Allah.]
> Allah said in Surat al-Ahzab, 70-71:
> These verses mean: [ O you who believe, be
> God-fearing and utter the statements which comply
> with the Religion so that Allah may guide you to
> perform the good deeds and forgive your sins. The
> one who obeys Allah and His Messenger shall win
> greatly. ]
> The statements which comply with the laws of the
> Religion are the sound sayings, whereas the sayings
> which contradict the Religion are abhorrent and
> evil. With reference to Sufism, the sound saying
> which complies with the laws of the Religion is that
> Sufism is the methodology implemented by the true
> Sufis and is very much a part of the Religion. True
> Sufis are people who realize the importance of the
> Obligatory Knowledge of the Religion and endeavor to
> acquire it through proper channels, i.e., through
> trustworthy and knowledgeable teachers. They acquire
> the knowledge, then implement it and encourage
> others to do the same. Sufis are a people who follow
> the great Messenger, Muhammad, in a full manner by
> following his teachings and his example. They weigh
> things by the scale of the Religion. They do not
> deem lawful that which Allah ordained as unlawful,
> and they do not deem unlawful that which Allah
> ordained as lawful. They judge ugly what the laws of
> the Religion judge ugly, and they
>  judge good what the laws of the Religion judge
> good. They do not indulge their appetites, and do so
> willingly. They go against the desires of their
> selves. They are a people who keep busy worshipping
> their Lord, fighting laziness and ignorance. They
> may work in the matters of this life, yet they do
> not have an interest in worldly acquisitions because
> the world has departed their hearts.
> True Sufis are those who follow the teachings of the
> Messenger of Allah, his companions, and their
> followers. They have attained the high ranks of
> righteousness and piety in Islam. The true Sufis
> from Ahl us-Sunnah are the best examples to follow.
> The leader and best example of them all was Prophet
> Muhammad r. He was the most knowledgeable creation
> of Allah--the best--and the one with the highest
> status. He was sent to teach the people the true
> Religion. He showed the path to guidance and the
> route to success in this world and the Hereafter. He
> had the best ethics, the best manners, and the most
> love for Allah. He encouraged and urged the people
> to acquire the Knowledge. After Prophet Muhammad,
> the greatest leaders of the true Sufis were the four
> caliphs: Abu Bakr, ^Umar, ^Uthman, and ^Aliyy. Abu
> Bakr as-Siddiq was the best of the humans after the
> prophets. After him, ^Umar Ibnul Khattab, then
> ^Uthman Ibn ^Affan, then ^Aliyy Ibn Abi Talib. They
> are the greatest Sufis of the nation of
>  Prophet Muhammad. They were the most knowledgeable
> among the companions of the Prophet. They understood
> that the Knowledge of the Religion is the foundation
> for success and, in turn, urged and guided the
> people to acquire it. After these superior men, the
> great men of Sufism acquired the knowledge,
> highlighted its importance, taught it, ordered
> others with it, and spread it. Great men such as
> al-Jilaniyy, al-Awza^iyy, Abu Hanifah, Malik,
> ash-Shafi^iyy, Ahmad, Sufyan ath-Thawriyy,
> al-Junayd, al-Ash^ariyy, al-Maturidiyy, at-Tahawiyy,
> ar-Rifa^iyy, al-Ghajdawaniyy, and many others were
> great Sufis who adhered to the teachings of the
> Prophet. Another was Uways al-Qarniyy, whom the
> Prophet praised in his hadith:
> In this hadith, the Prophet told us the best of the
> followers of the Companions was a man by the name of
> Uways Ibn ^Amir from the tribe of Qarn, a part of
> the tribe of Murad. He was known for his kindness to
> his mother. He had been inflicted with leprosy from
> which he was cured--except for a small spot. The
> Prophet ordered the companions, should they meet
> Uways al-Qarniyy, to ask him to make supplication to
> Allah to forgive them. This is what our Master ^Umar
> Ibnul Khattab did during his caliphate when some
> reinforcements from Yemen came to al-Madinah to
> support the Muslims in their battle with the
> blasphemers. The reinforcements had come to our
> Master ^Umar, in al-Madinah so that he would tell
> them where to go and what to do according to his
> battle strategy.
> Our Master ^Umar inquired whether or not Uways was
> with them. When he found him he asked him, "Are you
> Uways, the son of ^Amir?" Uways said, "Yes." ^Umar
> asked him if he was good and kind to his mother and
> again Uways replied, "Yes." ^Umar asked him, "Were
> you inflicted with leprosy and cured except for a
> spot as small as one dirham?" He said, "Yes." Then
> our Master ^Umar, remembering the order of the
> Prophet, asked Uways to make supplication to Allah
> to forgive him. Out of his humbleness, Uways told
> ^Umar that Umar’s supplication would more likely be
> answered since ^Umar had recently returned from
> performing Hajj. However, ^Umar told Uways about the
> order of the Prophet, and Uways made supplication
> for him.
> Uways was a very humble person. Some of the children
> used to think he was a crazy person because he was
> so poor and his clothing so old. Our Master ^Umar
> told him he would write to the ruler of the country
> where Uways was headed to list his name as one of
> those who would receive money from time to time,
> however, Uways did not accept--despite his very poor
> situation. Rather, he told ^Umar, "I prefer to be
> like other people."
> In another hadith, the Prophet said:
> which means: <<There are some people who [because
> they are so poor] cover their unlawful nakedness
> with two pieces of ragged clothing; whose hair is
> tousled and appearance dusty such that if they knock
> at a door, they would be turned away. Yet, if they
> raise their hands and make supplication to Allah,
> they will be answered.>>
=== message truncated ===

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

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His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
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