
wassalamu3alikum wara7matuAllahi wabarakatuhu

These aayat also directly aplies to those suposedly
scholars and the  so called islamic educational
institutions who take pride in using a lantin
french/english name i.e. Dr/doctor to cirtify their
cirtifications. As if there is no arabic word
instead,and as if there was non ever equaly aplicable.

As I had looked  deeply in the translation of the word
Dr/doctor=scoserer or a conman or the person who  is
capable  or able to fool the public. As the brother
had made it clear in the main post what was done at
the times of our prphet Sulaiman and Mosa and others
peace be on to them and. 

It is quite obvious that Allah subhanoh had lead them
to get a name which suit their doings.

Allah knows best

Allah may protect me and all muslims from the
deception of shayateen ins and jin ameen.

Yours brother in Islam
Hyder binJameel
--- DDN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i r   R a h
> e e m
>       Bismillaahi walhamdulillaahi wassalaatu
> wassalaamu ‘alaa rasoolillaahi
>       Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa
> Barakaatuhu
>       Teachings of the Qur`aan
>       Al-Baqarah
>       Soorah 2
>       Aayat 99-103
>       by Ayub A. Hamid
>       ______________________________________________
>       99 And certainly We have revealed to you clear
> communications and none disbelieve in them except
> the covenant-breakers[40]. 100 Is it not the case
> that every time they made a covenant, some party
> among them threw it aside? The truth is that most of
> them do not believe. 101 And when a Messenger from
> Allaah came to them fulfilling the prophesies they
> had with them, a group of those who were given the
> Book tossed the Book of Allaah behind their backs as
> if they knew nothing. 102 Instead, they continued to
> follow:
>         a.. What the devils (shayaateen) chanted
> during the reign of Sulaymaan (Solomon) -- it was
> not Sulaymaan who indulged in these acts of
> disbelief, but it was the devils who disbelieved by
> teaching people Magic; and, 
>         b.. What was sent down to the two angels at
> Babel, Haroot and Maroot. But neither of them taught
> anyone without warning, "Verily we are only a
> temptation, therefore do not be a disbeliever." Even
> then they learned from them the means by which they
> might cause a separation between a man and his wife
> – though they cannot harm anyone except with Allah's
> permission.
>       They used to learn what harmed them and did
> not benefit them. And they certainly knew that he
> who dealt in these things would have no share in the
> hereafter. How wretched was that for which they
> bartered themselves, if they only knew! 103 And if
> they had believed and maintained taqwa, reward from
> Allaah would certainly have been better; if they
> only knew!
>       Magic and sorcery have been practised in
> various societies at different times; for example,
> it was quite popular in Egypt at the time of Moosa.
> It is considered disbelief (kufr) in Islam; hence,
> the Jews were not allowed to practise it[41]. 
> During the reign of prophet Sulaymaan (Solomon),
> Israelites started openly breaking this law. Prophet
> Sulaymaan was given special knowledge of things that
> was not given to many other prophets. Hence the
> anti-Islam elements from Jinns and humans, who have
> been called devils here, put much emphasis on
> propagating magic and sorcery[42] to divert people’s
> attention from prophet Sulaymaan’s mission.
> Ironically, some of that nonsense was even
> attributed to him. It was so important to clear
> prophet Sulaymaan’s name from this accusation that
> Allaah SWT did not wait for completing the statement
> and clarified right there that he was not involved
> in these acts of disbelief (Kufr) at all. Any charms
> or enchantments attributed to him were actually
> works of devils.
>       Magic was also extremely popular and prevalent
> in Babylon. Israelites were impacted grossly by it,
> as observed by prophet Isaiah.[43] To counter the
> impact of magic on the society, Allaah SWT sent two
> angels with esoteric knowledge[44] so that they can
> establish the supremacy of their angelic knowledge
> and people can be freed from their awe for magical
> powers of the devils. Ignoring this objective for
> which angels were sent, the Israelites wanted to
> learn the angels’ knowledge for their personal
> worldly benefits. But that would be the misuse of a
> tool that Allaah had provided temporarily only for a
> special role -- to establish the supremacy of Islam
> over magic, to save Israelites from becoming victims
> of sorcery and to attract people to come to Islam.
> For human beings, the useful knowledge was the
> guidance that Allaah had provided in the Book which
> required people to focus their attention on personal
> and societal Islamic goals, physical hard work and
> reliance on Allaah. The knowledge that angels
> brought was dangerous for people because it would
> entice them to indulge into these esoteric
> activities for their worldly interest instead of
> using it exceptionally for establishing supremacy of
> Islam over magic in situations where it became a
> stumbling block in the propagation of Islam. The
> most harmful danger was that it would distract them
> from the guidance of the Book and the purposes for
> which the Book was sent. Instead of working hard for
> their goals, people would try to find short cuts and
> hope to achieve their goals by the power of the
> esoteric knowledge. They would lose their reliance
> on Allaah and start relying on esoteric things. That
> is why the angels did not want to teach it freely.
> Anyone who wanted to learn, they would warn the
> person that he was stepping into a dangerous
> territory where he may lose faith because of losing
> sight of Islamic objectives and reliance (tawakkul)
> on Allaah. But Israelites not only insisted on
> learning, but worse yet, they wanted to learn it for
> extremely abominable purposes such as causing
> separation between a husband and wife. 
>       The practice of sorcery that devils promoted
> during Sulaymaan’s reign, the esoteric knowledge
> they picked up from angels, and the cabbala kind of
> things continued among Israelites. In fact, that was
> a flourishing business for them in Madeenah and many
> people used to utilize their services in this area.
> That was one of the reasons of their influence in
> the area because the Arabs used to come to them for
> this kind of superstitious stuff. As Islam does not
> allow these things, becoming Muslim would have put
> an end to their business and raison de’etre for
> their fame and status. That was another reason that
> they rejected the call of Islam, tossed their own
> books and prophesies behind their backs and opted
> for sorcery and other practices of that kind instead
> of adopting Islam. 
>       Muslims have always been expected to dedicate
> their attention, their resources and their
> capabilities towards the achievement of personal and
> collective goals of Islam. For all of their
> endeavours, they are to do their best using their
> physical and temporal resources, making du’aa
> (supplication) to Allaah, leaving the results to Him
> and then being happy and content with whatever
> results come their way. This kind of trust in and
> reliance on Allaah and attitude of being happy with
> whatever consequence they face despite their best
> human efforts is called tawakkul. If they remain
> dedicated to their Islamic goals and live according
> to the guidance provided by the Book striving
> towards the desired level of excellence, making the
> sacrifices needed for this dedication and relying on
> Allaah for their personal affairs, Allaah SWT grants
> them spiritual powers that are better than any
> esoteric knowledge. In such a case, their du’aa to
> Allaah SWT or their recitation of some verses of the
> Qur-aan can produce better results than are produced
> by incantations and enchantments. But the key is
> total reliance on Allaah while continuing to
> physically do their best in the given circumstances
> and employing all the allowable means that are
> humanly possible, not merely depending on du’aa or
> the recitation. 
>       However, when people become ignorant of the
> proper Islamic perspectives, disregard the guidance
> of the Book, lose sight of Islamic goals, prefer the
> world over hereafter and concentrate only on their
> worldly expediencies and needs, they start depending
> on magic, sorcery, amulets, incantations,
> enchantments, auguries, divinations, mysticism, holy
> waters, etc. to gain their worldly benefits, though
> none of it may work. However, by indulging in these
> things, people lose Allaah’s help and support[45]
> and nullify their faith. That is why the verse of
> the Qur-aan under discussion regards these practices
> as disbelief (Kufr) regardless of whether the source
> of these things is devils for magic or angels for
> mystic knowledge. Thus all they get from these
> things is harm. Despite the dangers and harm of
> these things, people continue to indulge in them due
> lack of faith and ignorance about Islamic objectives
> and their desire to find shortcuts to advance their
> carnal agendas.
=== message truncated ===

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

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