Pakistan Justice Movement Condemns Desecration of Allah's Sacred 
Quran at Guantanamo Bay Prison


(InformationTimes.com) - Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) (Justice 
Movement) Chairman Imran Khan and PTI Vice President Dr. Arif Alvi 
have very strongly condemned the sadistic desecration of the holy 
Quran of God (Allah), which is a barbaric crime and evil sin 
reportedly committed by some American soldiers or criminal barbarians 
masquerading as American interrogators at the U.S. Guantanamo Bay 
(Gitmo) Naval Base prison. 

Gitmo is the U.S. military's Island of Hell where hundreds of 
Pakistanis, Afghans, Arabs, Muslims and other humans were locked up 
in cages like zoo animals. They were never charged with any crime and 
never prosecuted in any just, fair, or independent court of law under 
U.S. or international laws. Gitmo prisoners of war, hostages, 
or "enemy combatants" and millions of other innocent victims of war - 
including Americans, Europeans, Pakistanis, Afghans, Palestinians, 
Iraqis, Arabs and Muslims - are protesting and asking that for how 
long will they continue to suffer from the barbarous atrocities of 
bloody racist crusades illegally launched by certain infamous 
Christian, Jewish and Zionist rulers of the uncivilized, oil-hungry 
Wild West against all Arabs, all Muslims and Islam. What ever 
happened to the noble concepts of Multiculturalism, Pluralism, 
tolerance, peace and love among all humans of the whole world?

The illegal act of flushing or stuffing a holy Quran down a toilet at 
the unlawful U.S. Gitmo prison is a blasphemous crime against Allah 
(God), divine Quran (sacred Islamic Book), Prophet Muhammad, all 
Muslims and Islam, which was reported in the U.S.-based Newsweek 
magazine's issue of 9 May 2005 and the Chicago Tribune edition of 5 
August 2004.

Newsweek reporters Michael Isikoff and John Barry wrote:

GITMO: SouthCom Showdown
GUANTANAMO: A Scandal Spreads

NEWSWEEK (Periscope), May 9 2005 issue - "Investigators probing 
interrogation abuses at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay 
have confirmed some infractions alleged in internal FBI e-mails that 
surfaced late last year. Among the previously unreported cases, 
sources tell NEWSWEEK: [U.S. military] interrogators, in an attempt 
to rattle suspects, flushed a Quran down a toilet and led a detainee 
around with a collar and dog leash. An Army spokesman confirms that 
10 Gitmo interrogators have already been disciplined for mistreating 
prisoners, including one woman who took off her top, rubbed her 
finger through a detainee's hair and sat on the detainee's lap. (New 
details of sexual abuse - including an instance in which a female 
interrogator allegedly wiped her red-stained hand on a detainee's 
face, telling him it was her menstrual blood - are also in a new book 
to be published this week by a former Gitmo translator.)

"These findings, expected in an upcoming report by the U.S. Southern 
Command in Miami, could put former Gitmo commander Maj. Gen. Geoffrey 
Miller in the hot seat. Two months ago a more senior general, Air 
Force Lt. Gen. Randall Schmidt, was placed in charge of the SouthCom 
probe, in part, so Miller could be questioned. The FBI e-mails 
indicate that FBI agents quarreled repeatedly with military 
commanders, including Miller and his predecessor, retired Gen. 
Michael Dunleavy, over the military's more aggressive 
techniques. 'Both agreed the bureau has their way of doing business 
and DOD has their marching orders from the SecDef,' one e-mail 
stated, referring to [U.S.] Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. 
Sources familiar with the SouthCom probe say investigators didn't 
find that Miller authorized abusive treatment. But given the 
complaints that were being raised, sources say, the report will 
provoke questions about whether Miller should have known what was 
happening - and acted to try to prevent it. An Army spokesman 
declined to comment." [Copyright 2005 Newsweek, Inc. (C) 2005 

The Chicago Tribune Staff Reporter E.A. Torriero wrote:

"The allegations - the most detailed from former Guantanamo 
detainees - claim that guards harassed and beat detainees and 
routinely tossed inmates' Korans [holy Qurans of Allah (God)] into 
prison toilets. The three former detainees, who were released last 
spring, also alleged coerced confessions - some at gunpoint - and of 
living among snakes and scorpions in the cells."

Read the Chicago Tribune article, "Ex-Inmates Allege Guantanamo 
Abuse - 3 Britons claim brutal treatment by U.S. guards at detention 
site in Cuba", published on 5 August 2004, which is attached below 
with this Information Times Special Report.

In the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) (Justice Movement) press 
release issued on 5 May 2005, PTI Vice President Dr. Arif Alvi 
wrote: "In the 'war on terrorism', there has been rampant 
brutalization of the people in Iraq by U.S. forces. Thousands of 
incidents have been reported in the press on the callous attitude of 
the Occupation Army. Innocent people have been killed by trigger-
happy and nervous troops with no recrimination or inquiry. Statistics 
have shown, as reported by JAMA [Journal of the American Medical 
Association], that at least 100,000 civilians have been killed as the 
direct result of [Iraq] war without taking into consideration 
Fallujah [Iraq], which has been wiped out. The figures could be much 
higher if indirect effects of this war are also calculated. The 
abuses at [Iraq's] Abu Ghraib [prison] only came out because they 
were photographed [and videotaped] and those photos [and videotapes] 
were leaked. Had they not seen the light of day the world would not 
have known about them.

"This incident of the desecration of the holy Quran at Guantanamo Bay 
prison speaks volumes about the prejudices, which are harbored behind 
closed doors by U.S. troops and their right-wing leaders, and has 
hurt the feelings of the entire Muslim world.

"The Pakistan Tehreek-Insaf in its urgently called meeting on this 
issue with PTI Vice President Dr. Arif Alvi in the Chair passed a 
resolution stating that 'PTI condemns the desecration of the holy 
Quran by U.S. soldiers in Guantanamo Bay, and not only wants a public 
apology by the U.S. Government, but demands an immediate withdrawal 
of [all] U.S. troops from Iraq and Afghanistan to end the rampant 
killing of innocent Muslims in this region'."

The two recent statements of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) (Justice 
Movement) Chairman Imran Khan are as follows:


Islamabad, Pakistan, 6 May 2005 (PTI): [Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf 
(PTI) (Justice Movement) Chairman] Imran Khan has demanded an 
unconditional apology from the U.S. Government for the desecration of 
the holy Quran by the U.S. Army at Guantanamo Bay. He made the demand 
during an emergency press conference at the PTI's Central Secretariat 
in Islamabad on Friday. Akbar S. Babar, Central Information Secretary 
of the [political] party was also present during the press conference.

The PTI Chief stated that he had moved an adjournment motion in the 
National Assembly so that this grave issue could be discussed and a 
resolution could be passed to condemn the desecration of the holy 
Quran. He revealed that in the latest [9 May 2005] issue of the 
Newsweek magazine, a news item has been published narrating the 
despicable ways in which the inmates at Guantanamo Bay have been 
tortured and humiliated by the U.S. Army. According to the news item, 
interrogators, in an attempt to rattle suspects, placed Qurans on 
toilets and, in at least one case, flushed the holy Book down the 
toilet. Demanding urgent debate in the National Assembly, the PTI 
Chief stated in the adjournment motion that the desecration of the 
holy Quran is a matter of utmost importance that has grievously 
injured the feelings of [all] the Muslims.

Imran Khan condemned the extreme physical and emotional torture of 
inmates and termed it as a gross violation of all international human 
rights standards. Humiliating prisoners for their religious beliefs 
shows the depth of the degradation and moral decay, and reminds us of 
the dark ages when people were persecuted for their religious 
beliefs. Such acts would only breed anger, hatred and more violence 
against the U.S. and completely run counter to the stated goals of 
the "war on terror".

Imran Khan urged all segments of society - media, civil society 
organizations, political parties, irrespective of their political 
leanings -- to protest against these barbaric acts, as we are duty 
bound to protect and respect our faith [Islam] as well as that of 
other people. He said Islam today is under increasing attack in the 
name of the "war on terror". He urged the [Pakistan Army-Military] 
Government to demand an apology from the U.S. as the [Tyrant Pervez 
Musharraf-Dictor Shaukat Aziz] Government is acting as a frontline 
state in the U.S. led "war on terror".


Islamabad, Pakistan, 7 May 2005 (PTI): The PTI [Pakistan Tehreek-e-
Insaf] Chief, Imran Khan, has expressed his extreme distress over an 
insulting and humiliating cartoon published in The Washington Times. 
The cartoon was published in a [daily dogmatic] newspaper widely 
believed to be the mouthpiece of the ruling Neo-Conservatives [Neo-

The PTI Chief said that on the one hand the [Musharraf-Aziz] 
Government does not stop from boasting about its services to the U.S. 
in its "war on terror" and claims to be champions of moderation. In 
return, the U.S. Army tortures Muslim inmates at Guantanamo Bay by 
desecration of the holy Quran.

Imran Khan warned the [U.S. and Pakistan] rulers to stop humiliating 
the [Pakistani] nation as their patience is running out. He 
reiterated his demand of an unconditional apology from the U.S. He 
said he would raise the continuing insult of our nation and [Islamic] 
faith in the National Assembly.

The PTI Chief said that the recent series of humiliating episodes are 
a direct consequence of General Musharraf's usurpation of power who 
has coined the doctrine of "Enlightened Moderation" only to fool 
people. He called on General Musharraf to stop lecturing the 
[Pakistani] nation about oderation. He said the [Musharraf-Aziz] 
Government proudly boasts about its role as a "frontline state" in 
the "war on terror" telling the nation about the respect in which 
Pakistan is held in the "West". Whereas, the reality is quite 
different as is evident from the disgraceful desecration of the holy 
Quran and showing Pakistan [corrupt military dictator General Pervez 
Musharraf] as a U.S. puppy [dog] in search of "Al-Qaeda" suspects.

Imran Khan expressed his determination to make Pakistan a free and 
sovereign nation whose citizens can live in dignity and enjoy the 
fruits of economic progress.

Press Secretary
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) (Justice Movement)
Lahore, Pakistan

[SYED ADEEB is America's investigative journalist based in the 
Washington DC area, U.S.A. He is Chief Editor of the Information 
Times, Adeeb Press and Free Press Network (FPN). Mr. Adeeb is also an 
Information Technology consultant, social scientist, educator, human 
rights defender and a noted psychological disinformation warfare 
-> E-Mail your comments, suggestions, or questions to:


3 Britons Claim Brutal Treatment by U.S. Guards at Detention Site in 
Publisher: Chicago Tribune - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Date of Publication: August 5, 2004. Page: 1.14

Tribune Staff Reporter
Tribune news services contributed to the report.

Three freed British terrorist suspects alleged Wednesday that they 
endured brutal treatment and sexual sadism from guards at the U.S. 
military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Detainees at Guantanamo were kept naked while being forced to watch 
videotapes of prisoners who had been ordered to sodomize one another, 
according to a 115-page report released Wednesday by the men's 
attorneys in New York and London. The lawyers characterized the abuse 
as "systematic."

The allegations - the most detailed from former Guantanamo detainees -
 claim that guards harassed and beat detainees and routinely tossed 
inmates' Korans [holy Qurans of Allah (God)] into prison toilets. The 
three former detainees, who were released last spring, also alleged 
coerced confessions - some at gunpoint - and of living among snakes 
and scorpions in the cells.

"What we see time and time again is not a few rogue soldiers but a 
deliberate decision by high-ranking people in the administration to 
push as far as they could and well beyond the limits of what is 
acceptable treatment," Jamie Fellner, a Human Rights Watch lawyer, 
said at a New York news conference.

The military has repeatedly denied allegations of abuse at 
Guantanamo, saying that offenses like those photographed in Iraq's 
Abu Ghraib prison never happened at Guantanamo. On Wednesday, the 
Pentagon said it was studying the report but refused to comment on 
its specifics.

Maj. Michael Shavers, a Pentagon spokesman in Washington, said the 
U.S. does not abuse prisoners at Guantanamo.

"The U.S. operates a humane and professional detention operation at 
Guantanamo that is providing valuable information on the war on 
terror," he said.

The allegations come as the U.S. military is stepping up hearings for 
nearly 600 prisoners at the detention center to decide their fate 
as "enemy combatants." Human-rights lawyers have characterized the 
process as "a kangaroo court" because, among other things, the 
inmates are not represented by outside counsel.

Military officials started the hearings as the first step toward 
compliance with a June U.S. Supreme Court ruling that Guantanamo 
inmates can challenge their detentions in court. Each suspect has a 
U.S. military officer as a "personal representative" at his hearing.

The hearings, which began last week, have gone on outside public 
view. Six have been completed, the military said. But four of those 
six detainees refused to cooperate, a military spokesman said.

On Thursday, a handful of reporters in Guantanamo will be able to 
view the hearings but are under military restrictions to keep the 
names of suspects private. Certain parts of the testimony also will 
be classified.

The three Britons released last spring - known as the "Tipton Three" 
because they hailed from that town in England's West Midlands- -wrote 
the report with their British attorney, Gareth Peirce.

Shafiq Rasul, Asif Iqbal and Ruhal Ahmed said they were detained in 
northern Afghanistan in November 2001. They were never charged with a 
crime and now are free in Britain. Their lawyers would not reveal the 
conditions under which they were captured.

In more than two years of detention in Afghanistan and Cuba, the men 
claim they were injected with drugs, deprived of sleep and subjected 
to various forms of humiliation.

At Guantanamo, conditions worsened after Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller 
took charge, the men said in the report. Miller was later sent to run 
Abu Ghraib prison, where abuses allegedly took place under his watch.

According to the report, Rasul said he was kept in isolation "for 
months and months and months."

"I could heard dogs barking nearby and soldiers shouting 'Get 'em, 
boy,"' he said.

The account also asserts that guards forced detainees to race in 
short shackles and beat anyone who fell.

The Britons said they were forced to confess to being seen in a video 
with Osama bin Laden and Mohamed Atta, one of the Sept. 11 hijackers. 
The confession is discredited, the report says, because Rasul was 
working in Britain at an electronics store at the time the video 
allegedly was made.

"The idea that these three people were kept in this prison, this 
gulag, and forced to make false confessions is amazing," said Michael 
Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, a non-
profit organization based in New York.

[Illustration - PHOTO Caption: Michael Ratner, President of the 
Center for Constitutional Rights http://www.ccr-ny.org , holds a copy 
of ex-inmates' claims about Guantanamo. Getty/AFP photo by Timothy A. 
Clary. - Copyright 2004 Chicago Tribune]

[Source/Copyright 1990-2005: Information Times
Publisher: Information Times - Chief Editor: SYED ADEEB
Independent Free Media - USA
Date of Publication: Friday, 13 May 2005
CONTACT E-MAIL: freepressnet(a)hotmail.com

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

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