Al Asma al Husna:

The Most Beautiful Names
"He is Allah, the Creaor, the Shaper out of naught, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise." (59:24)
"Allah is He, there is no deity other than He; to Him belong the
Most Beautiful Names." (20:8)
   **********Al Asma al Husna*********
Allah The One Almighty Supreme Being. His personal name.
Ar Rahman The All merciful. He who wills goodness and mercy for all His creatures from all eternity, excluding none from His infinite bounty.
Ar Raheem The Compassionate. He who acts with extreme kindness. He recompenses those who put to good use the benefits He bestows on them,
by giving them yet greater and everlasting benefits.
Al Malik The Sovereign Lord. He who is Absolute Ruler of the entire universe.
Al Quddus The Holy One. He who is free from all error, absentmindedness, incapacity or deficiency. He who is Most Pure.
As Salaam The Source of Peace. He who frees His servants from all danger and obstruction. He greets His fortunate servants in Paradise.
Al Mu'min The Guardian of Faith. He who awakens the light of faith in our hearts. He protects and comforts those who shelter with Him.
Al Muhaymin The Protector. He who watches over and protects all things.
Al Aziz The Almighty. He who prevails, and can never be conquered.
Al Jabbar The Compeller. He who repairs all broken things, and completes that which is incomplete. He is able to compel the execution of His will.
Al Mutakabbir The Majestic. He who demonstrates His greatness in all things and in all ways.
Al Khaliq The Creator. He who brings from non-being into being, creating all things in such a way that He determines their existenceand the conditions and events they are to experience.
Al Bari The Evolver. Evolver who created all things so that each whole and its parts are in perfect conformity and harmony.
Al Musawwir The shaper. He who designs all things, giving each its particular form and character.
Al Ghaffar The Forgiver. He who is always ready to forgive.
Al Qahhar The Subduer. He who dominates all things, and prevails upon them to do whatever He wills.
Al Wahhab The Bestower. He who constantly bextows blessings of every kind.
Ar Razzaq The Provider. He who provides all things useful to His creatures.
Al Fattah The Opener. He who opens the solution to all problems and makes things easy.
Al Alim The All Knowing. He who has full knowledge of all things.
Al Qabid The Constrictor. He who constricts and restricts.
Al Basit The Expander. He who releases, letting things expand.
Al Khafid The Abaser. He who brings down, diminishes.
Ar Rafi The Exalter. He who raises up.
Al Muiz The Honorer. He who confers honor and dignity.
Al Mudhill The Dishonorer. He who degrades and abases.
As Sami The All Hearing.
Al Basir The All Seeing.
Al Hakam The Judge. He who judges and makes right prevail.
Al Adl The Just. He who is very Equitable.
Al Latif The Subtle. He who knows the minutest subtleties of all things. He imperceptibly fashions the greatest refinements, and gently and inconspicuously extends all kinds of benefits to His servants.
Al Khabir The Aware. He who has knowledge of the inner, most secret aspects of all things.
Al Halim The Forbearing. He who is Most Clement.
Al Azim The Magnificent. He who is Most Splendid.
Al Ghafur The All Forgiving.
Ash Shakur The Appreciative. He who gratefully rewards good deeds.
Al Ali The Most High.
Al Kabir The Great. He who is supremely Great.
Al Hafiz The Preserver. He who guards all creatures in every detail,preserving everything from calamity and misfortune until its appointed time.
Al Muqit The Sustainer. He who gives every creature its sustenance.
Al Hasib The Reconer. He who knows in every detail and particular the account of all our deeds and actions throughout our lives.
Al Jalil The Sublime. He who is Lord of Majesty and Grandeur.
Al Karim The Generous. He whose generosity is most abundant.
Ar Raqib The Watchful. He who watches vigilantly over the whole
universe, all things being subject to His control.
Al Mujib The Responsive. He who grants the wishes of those who appeal to Him.
Al Wasi The All Embracing. He who has limitless capacity and abundance.
Al Hakim The Wise. He whose every command and action is pure wisdom.
Al Wadud The Loving. He who lives His good servants, and bestows his compassion upon them. He alone deserves to be loved and gained as a friend.
Al Majid The Glorious. He whose glory is most great and most high.
Al Ba'ith The Resurrector. He who brings the dead to life, and raises them from their tombs.
Ash Shahid The Witness. He who is present everywhere and observes all things.
Al Haqq Truth. He whose being endures unchangingly.
Al Wakil The Trustee. He who manages the affairs of those who duly commit them to His change, and who looks after them better than they could themselves.
Al Qawi The Most Strong. Al Matin The Firm. He who is very steadfast.
Al Wali The Protecting Friend. He who is a friend to His good servants.
Al Hamid The Praiseworthy. He to whom all praise belongs, and who alone is lauded by the tongues of all creation.
Al Muhsi The Reckoner. He who knows the number of every single thing in existence, even to infinity.
Al Mubdi The Originator. He who creates all creation ab initio without matter or model.
Al Mu'id The Restorer. He who recreates His creatures after He has annihilated them.
Al Muhyi The Giver of Life. He who confers life, gives vitality, revives.
Al Mumit The Creator of Death. He who creates the death of living creature.
Al Hayy The Living. The Ever-Living, who knows all things and whose strength is sufficient for everything.
Al Qayyum The Self-Subsisting. He who maintains the heavens, the earth, and everything that exists.
Al Wajid The Finder. He who finds what he wishes when He wishes.
Al Majid The Noble. He whose dignity and glory are most great, and whose generosity and munificence are bountiful.
Al Wahid The Unique. He who is Single, absolutely without partner or equal in His Essence, Attributes, Actions, Names and Decrees.
As Samad The Eternal. He who is the only recourse for the ending of need and the removal of affliction.
Al Qadir The All-Capable. He who is Able to do what He wills as He wills.
Al Muqtadir The All-Powerful. He who disposes at His will even of the strongest and mightiest of His creatures.
Al Muqaddim The Accelerator. He who brings forward whatever He wills.
Al Mu'akhkir The Delayer. He who sets back or delays whatever He wills.
Al Awwal The First.
Al Akhir The Last
Al Dhahir The Manifest
Al Batin The Hidden. He who is hidden, concealed.
Al Wali The Governer. He who administers this vast universe and all its passing phenomena.
Al Muta'ali The Most Exalted. He who is Exalted in every respect, far beyond anything the mind could possibly attribute to His creatures.
Al Barr Source of all Goodness. He who treats His servants tolerantly,and whose goodness and kindness are very great indeed.
At Tawwab The Acceptor of Repentance. He who is ever ready to acceptrepentence and forgive sins.
Al Muntaqim The Avenger. He who justly inflicts upon wrongdoers the punishment they deserve.
Al Afuw The Pardoner. He who pardons all who sincerely repent.
Al Ra'uf The Kind. He who is very compasionate.
Malik al-Mulk The Lord of Sovereignty. He who is the Eternal Owner of Sovereignty.
Dhu'l-Jalali Wa'l-Ikram The Lord of Majesty and Bounty. He who possesses both greatness and gracious magnanimity.
Al Muqsit The Equitable. He who does everything with proper balance and harmony.
Al Jami The Gatherer. He who brings together what He wills, when He wills, where He wills.
Al Ghani The Self-Suffient. He who is infinitely Rich and completelyIndependent.
Al Mughni The Enricher. He who enriches whom He will.
Al ManiĀ’ The Preventer.
Ad Darr The Distresser. He who creates things that cause pain and injury.
An Nafi The Beneficent. He who creates things that yield advantage and benefit.
An Nur Light. He who gives light to all the worlds, who illuminates the faces, minds, and hearts of His servants.
Al Hadi The Guide. He who provides guidance. When He wills, He directs His servants into good and profitable paths, and leads them to their goal.
Al Badi The Incomparable. He who is without model or match, and who brings into being worlds of amazing wonder.
Al Baqi The Everlasting. He whose existence is without end.
Al Warith The Inheritor. He who is the Real Owner of all riches. His wealth endures, while even the richest mortals must one day leave all  their wealth behind.
Ar Rashid The Director. He who moves all things in accordance with His eternal plan, bringing them unerrignly and with order and wisdom to their ultimate destiny.
As Sabur The Patient. He who is characterized by infinite patience.


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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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