I hope the peace deal is not torpedoed by extremist elements of the army from the era of the murderer Suharto.

sahannan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Indonesia, Aceh Separatists Reach Peace Deal

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HELSINKI, July 17, 2005 (IslamOnline.net & News Agencies) – Indonesia's government and Aceh separatists reached an agreement to bring peace to the troubled province after a 30-year conflict and will sign a memo of understanding on August 15.

"The memorandum details the agreement and the principles that will guide the transformation process in Aceh," the government and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) said on Sunday, July 17, after marathon talks in Helsinki, reported Agence France-Presse (AFP).

The agreement is to bring a "peaceful, comprehensive and sustainable solution" to end a conflict that has raged in the province since 1976 and cost nearly 15,000 lives.

Both sides agreed that "no substantive changes" will be introduced to the initialed memorandum before it is signed on August 15 in Finland.

No details of Sunday's deal were made public, but the statement said that it covers the governing of Aceh, including political participation, as well as the questions of human rights, amnesty and reintegration into society, security arrangements, and dispute settlement.

Both sides also agreed to establish a monitoring mission in the province to check on progress which they hoped would be run by the EU and a number of Asian countries.

GAM wanted to form its own party while Jakarta resisted changes to election laws requiring all local parties to have a national presence.

It has given up its historic demand for independence for the province on Sumatra island, which has rich deposits of natural gas.

The peace deal will involve GAM fighters laying down their arms and getting an amnesty and Indonesian troops withdrawing.

It may also mean the return to Aceh of the political leaders of GAM from three decades of exile in Stockholm with the ageing Prince Hasan di Tiro whom they consider their head of state.

The devoutly Muslim province of 4 million people on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra has been a battleground since 1976 when GAM launched its campaign for independence, angered by what it said was Jakarta's exploitation of the province's resources.

When they convened for a first round of Helsinki talks in January it was the first time the parties had come face to face since May 2003, when Jakarta declared martial law and launched a major military offensive in Aceh.

The renewed efforts to make peace were prompted by a need for international aid to reach Aceh, which bore the brunt of last December's tsunami which killed more than 131,000 people in the province.


"It is a historic moment, we finally reach a peaceful settlement," said Djalil (L).

"It is a historic moment, we finally reach a peaceful settlement that has been longed for so many years by the people of Aceh and by the people of Indonesia," Indonesian Information Minister Sofyan Djalil told Reuters.

"Society can live peacefully and we can rebuild Aceh after it has been destroyed by the tsunami," he said.

Djalil called the deal on GAM's political future a "middle way" between GAM wanting to form a party and Jakarta worrying it would require changes to the constitution and might encourage other religious and ethnic groups to seek similar status.

Despite the announcement, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono remained adamant Sunday on the establishment of local political parties in Aceh.

"I have repeatedly explained that the Indonesian political party system is a national system," he said.

Yudhoyono said that Jakarta would "not readily allow the establishment of local political parties."

He added that the separatists will have "political rights, that along with the other elements in Aceh they have opportunities to take part in the existing political process".

Following a grueling day of negotiations on Saturday, July 16, GAM announced confidently that the final sticking point in the talks, local political participation in the province, had been resolved.

The group said it was "pleased to announce that, in negotiation with the government of Indonesia ..., it has reached an in-principle agreement on the question of the establishment of local political parties in Aceh".

GAM spokesman Bakhtiar Abdullah told AFP on Wednesday, July 13 that an "amazingly surprising" advances have been made in the peace talks.

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