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Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:37 AM
Subject: FWD: Israel in Darfur, Sudan

From: "Dr Amir Ali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FWD: Israel in Darfur, Sudan
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 00:28:45 -0600
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The Muslim International Newsletter
-- from Dr. Amir Ali -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Darfur: About the Israeli presence in Darfur

By: Al Sammani Awadalla




No doubt the rebellion that broke out in Darfur in February 2003 was quite a shock to Sudanese people. That was not because people’s aspirations for peace in the South started to show, but because they never expected such a rebellion to break out in Darfur in particular. There were no reasons or justifications to it whatsoever. Rebellion broke out showing a considerable amount of means and facilities led by the two movements of Sudan Liberation and Justice and Equality Movements. They started their armed attacks on villages, towns and government institutions. They practiced violence, banditry and murdering civilians on a large scale. The Darfur crisis had gained all forms of international attention both formally and through publicity. Certain terms and terminology started to be circulated in a way that astounded Sudanese citizens. There were terms like Janjaweed, Bashmerga, Torabora, genocide and ethnic cleansing. They linked what happened in Darfur with incidents that took place before in Rwanda involving ethnic cleansing. The Darfur crisis found its way to western mass media and was the focus of attention for all western space channels. This focus did not come due to the presence of a crisis or problem, but rather resulted from policies adopted by Zionist organizations that were present in Darfur. They pretend they want to interfere due to the presence of some crisis or problem. The organizations are managed by Zionist circles that want to penetrate into Sudan through the Darfur gate after failing to do so through Southern Sudan. Those Zionist Israeli organizations found fertile soils for their objectives in the Darfur rebels. Israel had therefore entered Darfur and provided training for rebels and supported them through armament and finance to execute its policy in the Horn of Africa. State Minister of Education, leader in the General Center for Ansar Al Sunna Group Secretariat, Ustaz Mohamed Mustafa Abu Zaid states: Studies assert that Israel is trying to find a foothold in Sudan. Many studies indicate that Israel is heading westwards for Darfur. It is not surprising therefore that it comes under cover of international organizations, investment companies, through any diplomatic fronts or even through international peace keeping or monitoring forces. The reason for that being that to Israel, Sudan represents a depth for water resources. Sudan is one of the important countries along the Nile Basin. No wonder Israel seeks to arrive at this target, any time and by all means. Muslim Brothers Leader, Sheikh Sadig Abdalla Abdel Magid says: I spoke many times about Israeli inference in Sudan. This happens in a way that stirs alarm. I drew attention to many situations, which show Israeli interference in southern Sudan, and the serious role played by this Israeli presence in one of the dearest parts of Sudan to us all. I drew attention to the Israeli weapons and training in Israel for rebels. In addition to that there were the serious attempts made by Israel towards secession of the south from northern Sudan. But all this was received with deaf-ears. However, now, when everything became clear for all to see, Israel found out that all what has been said was not taken seriously, it started to extend its trials ever further. It went towards Darfur through the neighbouring Chad. It started to launch their false allegations about genocide, rape and other imaginary problems to western and America mass media. Sheikh Sadig drew attention of our responsible figures towards this fact: that of flagrant Israeli intervention in Darfur without our responsible figures showing any objection to it. He adds: “We still say that our responsible figures should take a strict political stance that should unveil this serious presence in Darfur an d use all means to stop it”. He asserted that it is quite serious and those weak stances will only encourage enemies to proceed on with their interference be they Israelis or Americans. United Democratic Salvation Front leader, Farouk Gatkoth says that our responsible figures should seek to solve these problems because there is real crisis in Darfur and the government has to bear its responsibilities towards the region. He says interference by Israel and America in Darfur comes as a result of a problem there. It is therefore necessary to stop and resolve this problem in the same way as the Southern problem so that Darfur might return to normality. This will stop other countries to interfere there. Unionist Democratic Party leader Farouk Ahmed Adam asserts that Israeli attempts to penetrate into African States through local conflicts is quite an old policy that had been witnessed in several African countries such as southern Sudan. Israeli documents and publications indicate direct Israeli intervention in the Southern Sudan conflicts whether through providing training, experts, weapons or other things that might support war in the South and prolong it. He went on to state that Israel was equally present in the disturbances witnessed in Darfur. All documented information and incidents indicatethat Israel had been present in the Darfur conflict right from the start. It used to directly support war in the form of providing weapons or launching regional and international campaigns for diplomatic, publicity and financial support for rebel factions in Darfur. Ustaz Farouk added that they need to show details of these documents because they had been known to all. This is not at all strange as Israel is an extending country based on an Israeli heritage of exploiting and robbing nations to control their resources. This had been established on strategies, which were approved through the Zionist protocols, which rely on controlling the region extending from the Euphrates to the Nile sources in Central Africa. There fore, what Israel is doing now is not at all surprising. Farouk Ahmed Adam goes on to cast an important question: How can such interference be confronted? How can we avoid this Israeli penetration? He thinks the best way for that is to block the way through which Israel and other hostile countries might enter Sudan. This should be through investigating problems and solving them radically so that reconciliation and unity could be achieved between people. He stated that according to him, this is the urgent test that should be focus for attention by all parties including the Darfur armed rebels as they really realize the risks that threaten the country and the whole region due to Israeli policies. Ustaz Farouk further stated that he appreciates their national sense and their aspiring at treating all causes that led to the cruel suffering of the Darfur people. He, therefore, expects them to respond and to support all the positive initiatives that might settle the problem and spare the country all the risks. He also held Darfur people equally responsible and calls on them not to expect solutions from other countries. The Darfur problem is quite intricate and they should have confidence in themselves and their capabilities. They should join in with others in their serious efforts towards arriving at national settlements that will achieve justice, development and peace for Darfur and unity and stability for all Sudanese people. This is the priority of all priorities and the wish of all wishes. Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Engineer Ibrahim Mohamed Hamid thinks that the solution to Darfur problem can only come by people of the Sudan and by Darfur people in particular. It is only thus that it becomes a real solution characterized by sustainability. Nothing can ever come from abroad. He stated that the battle now is not one of humanitarian or security affairs. It is a publicity battle aiming at imposing some fallacies through repeated publicity blither. It is necessary, therefore, that all Sudanese mass media should rise up to confront this fake publicity campaign, which aims at disuniting and fragmenting Sudan. The Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Ibrahim Mohamed Hamid asserts that Israeli presence in Darfur had become quite clear. At the beginning of last week the Jewish Council held a meeting in Canada, during which support for Darfur and Darfur rebels was announced. Hamid stated that the confrontation to Israel and its interference should be carried by the state at its highest levels






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(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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