Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 07:38:57 -0000
Subject: [IslamIstheTruth] A Must read! Must read!

Re: Nuh( AS )-1a

Several people of knowledge existed in the times between Adam and
Nuh (AS). Five of those people lived, at the most, within one or two
generations preceding Nuh (AS) and they were particularly popular
and very exceptional. Their names were: Wadd, Suwa, Yaguth, Ya'uq
and Nasr. They were all mentioned in the Qur'an in Surat Nuh. They
were widely loved by the people and they were of an immense
influence, as well.

The Shaytan was extremely upset as he watched all this and, since
despair is not of his nature, he waited for the right moment. The
Shaytan does not approach you in the moments of strength but rather
in the moments of weakness. The times during which those holy people
of knowledge lived were times of strength. Glory to Allah Who made
those five men able to protect and guide all humans on this Earth
for all that time! So, what did the Shaytan do? He waited until the
last of those holy people died. See how much the Shaytan fears one
strong righteous person? See how a single strong person could keep
a whole nation steadfast on the right path? Each of those five men
was equal to thousands of people. How many do you think you are
equal to? Does the Shaytan fear you at least in the building where
you live?

Listen to this excellent proverb that I would like our young men and
women to consider: "Be equal to a thousand men; if you could not,
then be equal to one full man rather than half a man." Do you
understand the meaning? Never accept to be half a man.

If those five men were able to keep all the people of the earth on
the right path, how many are you able to keep? I know that some of
the people who are present here are equal to tens and hundreds. One
of them would be a woman who came along and brought along with her a
few of her friends. A second would be someone who teaches people the
Qur'an. A third would be a person who helps the people around him. A
forth would be someone who tries to guide those employees and
workers in his factory by insisting when it is prayer time, that
they all stop working for those few minutes until they all pray as
one group and then resume their work. A fifth would be someone who
educates the people in his club. A sixth would be a woman who keeps
the people in her building on the right path by inviting them
to "Iftar" (dinner when it is time to break one's fast) and
reminding them of Allah. Some Muslims are, beyond doubt, equal to
hundreds, some are equal to tens, some are hardly able to stay on
the right path themselves, some are equal to halves and some are
equal to zeros. Some could attend lectures like this and still
remain a zero if they do not make use of the knowledge they learn. I
urge you to make a difference in this life for the sake of Allah and
for the sake of Islam. Do not wait until you die worthless. Mustafa
Sadeq Al-Rifa'i said some valuable words, "If you do not add
something to this life, then you are redundant in this life." In
other words, if you do not produce something of a benefit to this
life, then you are a useless person that should be rejected by life.

Is there anybody here who is equal to a half or a zero? It is a
great shame if you make all this effort to attend here and then
still leave as equal to a half or a quarter or a zero. We have to
become equal to tens and hundreds.

The Shaytan, thus, waited until the death of the last of these holy
men, which marked the end of that period of strength. He then went
to the people who loved those five men and told them, "Build statues
in the image of those five men so that you would remember them, just
out of loyalty, but do not worship them." The Shaytan knew he could
not make the first generation worship these statues because they
were the ones who lived with those men of knowledge and they knew
very well that, no matter how much they loved them, they should
never worship them. Thus, the Shaytan decided to wait another fifty
years until the first generation died. Can you imagine how patient
the Shaytan could be until he gets you to commit a sin?

Thus the Shaytan made the first generation build the statues as a
demonstration of their loyalty to those men but he did not make this
first generation worship them. As the second generation emerged,
however, he started to tempt them to walk around those statues to
feel closer to them and closer to Allah. When they started to do
that, the Shaytan proceeded with his plan of convincing them that,
if they were to pray and prostrate themselves to those statues, they
would become closer and closer to Allah. He said to them: if you
want to be closer to Allah, prostrate yourselves to these statues so
Allah would know that you prostrated yourself for His sake. This is
how the people started to prostrate themselves to those idols and in
this way, started to worship them.

How many generations did Iblis (the Shaytan) have to wait to get to
this point? Three generations. Beware of the Shaytan's tricks
because this is what he does with us as well.

One man told me how he ended up committing adultery after twenty
years of gradual preparation by the Shaytan. I am not mentioning his
story to disgrace him. You do not know who he is and he has repented
anyway. He told me that if the Shaytan had started with him by a
direct temptation to commit adultery he would have never done it and
the Shaytan knew that. So, he started with telling him to look at
every woman in the street. Then, bit by bit, years later, he allowed
himself to commit adultery. Now, he has repented.

This happens to many people. The Shaytan finds you leaving this
lesson, for example, quite strong, so he stays away for a while. You
say to yourself, "I have to end my relationship with the girl I have
been going out with." The Shaytan tells you, "Just check on her once
a month." Believe me, this is how it happens. The girl might also
answer, "I attended the last lecture as well, so we will break up
but we will just check on each other once a month." This way, the
Shaytan leaves the door half open, waiting for your moment of
weakness, even if it comes two or three years later.

If you say to yourself, "I will stop all the wrongdoing that I have
been committing." The Shaytan tells you, "But do not delete all the
numbers that are already saved in your cellular phone; leave them
for now."

Ask yourself, "Why? Why not tear up the phone book where you keep
all those numbers? Did you not repent?" Of course you will
answer, "Yes, I repented but I might tell them to attend the next
lecture." Really! Think: how else will the Shaytan get you to keep
those numbers? He is not going to tell you to keep the numbers so
you would resume the relationship; he is going to tell you that you
are keeping the numbers so you would help them to return to Allah's
path. The main thing for him is to keep the door half open until the
right moment of weakness comes; then you find the number and the
phone conveniently available and resume the wrongdoing.

Or, the Shaytan might tell you to go to a party with some friends,
and even if there will be alcohol in the place where you are going,
you will not drink; you will just sit there for two or three hours.
Then you find yourself drinking. Have you ever heard of anybody who
smoked marijuana without first smoking a cigarette? One step leads
to another. So, be very aware of the Shaytan's tricks.

From: veretest



{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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