The real terrorists are the British Government

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Who are the Real Terrorists?
> Former Prime Minister of Malaysia
> Adeeb Press Link
> Saturday, September 10, 2005
> [Speech delivered on Friday, 9 September 2005 at the
> Human Rights
> Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam -
> "Malaysian Human
> Rights Day 2005 Conference: Human Rights and
> Globalization" in Le
> Meridien, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.]
> ( - I would like to thank Suhakam for
> this honor to
> address you on a subject that you have more
> knowledge and experience
> than I do.
> Your are concerned with Human Rights or Hak Asasi
> Manusia. And it is
> only right that as a civilized society and nation we
> should all be
> concerned with human rights in our country and in
> fact in the world.
> But human rights should be upheld because they can
> contribute to a
> better quality of life. To kill 100,000 people
> because you suspect
> that the human rights of a few have been denied seem
> to be a
> contradiction. Yet the fanaticism of the champions
> of human rights
> have led to more people being deprived from their
> rights and many
> their lives than the number saved. It seems to me
> that we have lost
> our sense of proportion.
> With civilizational advances it is only right that
> the human community
> try to distinguish itself more and more from those
> of the other
> creatures created by God which are unable to think,
> to reason and to
> overcome the influence of basic desires and
> feelings. Submission to
> the strong and the powerful was right in the animal
> world and in
> primitive human societies. But the more advance the
> society the
> greater should be the capacity to think, to
> recognize and evaluate
> between right and wrong and to choose between these
> based on higher
> reasoning power and not just basic feelings and
> desires.
> The world today is, in the sense of the ability to
> make right choices,
> still very primitive. For example those who claim to
> be the most
> civilized still believe that the misfortune which
> befall them as a
> result of the actions by their enemies are wrong but
> the misfortune
> that they inflict on their enemies are right. This
> is seen from the
> concern and anger over the death of 1,700 U.S.
> soldiers in Iraq but
> the death of a hundred times more of Iraqis as a
> result of the
> military invasion and occupation of Iraq and the
> civil war
> precipitated by the imposition of democratic
> elections are not even
> mentioned. There is no tally of Iraqi deaths but
> every single death of
> a U.S. soldier is reported to the world. These are
> soldiers who must
> expect to be killed. But the Iraqis who die because
> of U.S. action or
> the civil war in Iraq that the U.S. has precipitated
> are innocent
> civilians who under the dictatorship of Saddam
> Hussein would be alive.
> You and I read reports of the death of Iraqis with
> equanimity as if it
> is right and just. You and I do not react with anger
> and horror over
> this injustice, this abuse of the rights of the
> Iraqis to live, to be
> free from terror including state-initiated-terror.
> Prior to the invasion of Iraq on false pretences,
> 500,000 infants died
> because sanctions deprived them of medicine and
> food. Asked by the
> press, Madeleine Albright, the U.S. Secretary of
> State, whether she
> thought the price was not too high for stopping
> Saddam Hussein's
> dictatorship, she said it was difficult but the
> price (death of
> 500,000 children) was worth it.
> At the time this was happening where were the people
> who are concerned
> with human rights? Did they expose the abuses of
> Britain and America?
> Did they protest against their own Governments? No.
> It is because
> they, the enemy are killed. That is acceptable. But
> their own people
> must not be killed. To kill them is to commit acts
> of terror.
> Yet what is an act of terror. Isn't it any act that
> terrifies people?
> Are not the people terrified at the idea of being
> bombed and killed?
> Those who are to be killed by exploding bombs know
> they would have
> their bodies torn from their heads and limbs. Some
> will die instantly
> no doubt.
> But many would not. They would feel their limbs
> being torn from their
> bodies, their guts spilled on the ground through
> their torned abdomen.
> They would wait in terrible pain for help which may
> not come. And they
> would again experience the terror, expecting the
> next bomb or rocket.
> And those who survive would know the terror of what
> would, what could
> happen to them personally when the bombers come
> again, tomorrow, the
> day after, the weak or month after. They would know
> that they could be
> next to have their heads torn off from their bodies,
> their limbs too.
> They would know that they would die violently or
> they would survive in
> horrible pain, minus arms, minus legs, maimed
> forever. And yet the
> bombings would go on. In Iraq for ten years between
> the Gulf War and
> the Iraq invasion, the people lived in terrible
> fear. They were
> terrorized. Have they any rights? Did the people of
> the world care?
> The British and American bomber pilots came,
> unopposed, safe and cosy
> in their state-of-the-art aircrafts, pressing
> buttons to drop bombs,
> to kill and maim real people who were their targets,
> just targets. And
> these murderers, for that is what they are, would go
> back to celebrate
> "Mission Accomplished".
> Who are the terrorists? The people below who were
> bombed or the
> bombers? Whose rights have been snatched away?
> I relate this because there are not just double
> standards where human
> rights are concerned, there are multiple standards.
> Rightly we should
> be concerned whether prisoners and detained foreign
> workers in this
> country are treated well or not. We should be
> concerned whether
> everyone can exercise his right to vote or not,
> whether the food given
> to detainees are wholesome or not, indeed whether
> detention without
> trial is a violation of human rights or not.
> But the people whose hands are soaked in the blood
> of the innocents --
> the blood of the Iraqis, the Afghans, the
> Panamanians, the
> Nicaraguans, the Chileans, the Ecuadorians; the
> people who
> assassinated the Presidents of Panama, Chile,
> Ecuador; the people who
> ignored international law and mounted military
> attacks, invading and
> killing hundreds of Panamanian in order to arrest
> Noriega and to try
> him not under Panamanian laws but under their own
> country's law --
=== message truncated ===

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