AsSalaam Alaikum R B,  AB
My Response to your mail.... commented under your comment is in blue......

OH Muslims! Our Best ROLE MODEL is the Prophet (saws). We Do Not Need Another & There is No COMPARISON to Him.

Who's the Real Shah Rukh Khan?

Comments - Mine

>> Shah Rukh Khan, born into a Muslim family, is married to a Hindu and his children follow both religions. At home, next to idols of Hindu gods he has the Koran. The most important thing is that "the children should know about the value of God". <<

Somebody should present him with some CD's of Zakir Naik's "Islam Versus HInduism" or Ahmad Deedat....that will bring some truth to their doorsteps and may be they will all change for better..or at least their will be realisation of the difference atleast.

What a insulting comment by Mr. SRK. How can he compare the idols that the Hindus worship (BTW – Hindus believe in polytheism if I am not mistaken) with Allah the Almighty. The two beliefs (Islam & Hinduism) are poles apart & there is no comparison. So how can you expect a child to follow 2 religions at the same time. This is a silly _expression_ that many inter faith married couples say when questioned what religion their children will follow. I believe when the children are small it is the parents who will be guiding them in everything in life. If so how can you teach them two conflicting religious ideologies at the same time.

This is a true example of Hypocracy, I have personally seen some of this cross breeds which are popularly known as colour'ds here in Africa. Theirs is the worst belief and seem to be very lost and not excepted by either of the communities...hence they creat their owns. they are most immodest communities here (Not all of course Good are Good But they are very very few..)

Some of my Indian Muslim friends boast that the Muslims are ruling Bollywood. (ie the main male stars are all Muslims SRK, AK & SK). Is it anything to be proud of. What benefit are these film stars bringing to Islam & Muslims.

This is also a example of misrepresentation and misleading, the worst people are representing the  BEST religion in the world, Some credit goes to the belief of tassawuf and sufism which has encouraged music and other activities in some of the Muslim communities. which is leading the biggest minority in the whole world towards disaster. India is a country of unfortunate Muslims who grow up to become either of the  "Ahley Bid'aa wall jamaah" or the other jamaa which misleads muslims in a very systematic way in the name of tableegh.

Unfortunately most of the fans of these film stars are Muslims. Due to the lack of world famous Muslims currently the Muslim populace will tag on to any Muslim  who becomes famous & idolize him irrespective of whether the field that he/she is popular of or his/her lifestyle is in accordance with Islam or not.

Very true! But you have your self said we dont need Heroes when we have the best of all the heros the prophet and his seerat amongst us.....some credit goes to the parents also with modernisation going on..we forgot our heroes like.....The great Abu bak, The Omar, the ALI, The Osman and the Sultaan salaahuddin Ayyubi, Umar bin AbdulAziz, and many more like them.

Some Credit goes to some of the parents also for not making efforts for the imformation to reach the kids,,so taht they can be proud of the rich history and the heroes of the Ummaah.

Individuals like SRK should be better advised to refrain from making unnecessary comments about Islam & Muslims if they are not serious about Islam. And the general Muslim populace should do well to keep away from people like these in any form....BTW, if his wife is Hindu, to my knowledge & understanding Islam does not recognize that marriage.

They are some of those who follow their own whimsies and fantasies, they are FAR-FAR away from the truth, its not only poles apart , but actually is a joke doing what this so called hEro is doing....He has always brought disgrace and humiliation to Islam and Muslims...this is another one.(If only he HAD read that Quran and understood it)..he would'nt have done it

IF HE HAS NOT DONE WHAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO...LET us NOT forget what we have to do and somebody close to him or around him send the CD's of Zakir Naik.....(Islam-VS-HInduism).





Zubair Ahmed
BBC News, Mumbai
            (Comments in RED are Mine)


Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan is a bundle of contradictions.


Humble and arrogant in the same breath, a dreamer and a realist, now vulnerable and now supremely confident.


Who is the real Shah Rukh Khan?

The actor has now allowed the camera to capture his private life for the first time - London-based filmmaker, Nasreen Muni Kabir, has directed two documentaries on his "outer" and "inner" worlds. The documentaries will be out on DVD early next month and may unravel the enigma for his millions of fans, from Morocco to Malaysia. Will the DVDs sell? "Shah Rukh Khan sells, period," he replies, with his famous dimpled smile.



But if the answer appears arrogant, the notion is quickly dispelled. "Any comparison between me and superstars such as Amitabh Bachhan and Dilip Kumar is blasphemous," he says. Shah Rukh Khan, 40, says the documentaries are not an expose. "There's a personal me, there's an actor me and there's a star me."


He says he has been writing an autobiography for the past four or five years and that the idea behind the documentaries was to let his fans know he is as ordinary in real life as they are. "My life may seem glamorous from the outside but off screen it's as ordinary as anyone else's. I want people to know that movie stars live a normal, middle-class life."


Khan has been in the limelight for more than 10 years now. He started his career as a TV actor in his hometown, Delhi. But soon after moving to Mumbai (Bombay), home to India's entertainment industry, he established himself as an accomplished performer. Innumerable hits have followed.


Khan is one of the most coveted Bollywood actors today, winning all the awards the entertainment industry can offer. His critics say he is awards hungry. "I've won many awards and I want more. If you want to call it hunger then I'm hungry for awards."


He is highly competitive. "I'm the child inside who, when taking part in a race, wants to win, when he jumps he jumps the highest," he says.



"King Khan", as he is popularly known, is one of the most saleable faces in Indian cinema. He has also made commercials for more than 25 brands.


Nasreen Muni Kabir, who followed him for more than 25 days to make the documentaries, says: "Time seems to stop when you are with SRK. These documentaries will stand as a tribute to the uniquely creative life and thoughts of a marvellous human being and truly iconic star."


Shah Rukh Khan, born into a Muslim family, is married to a Hindu and his children follow both religions. At home, next to idols of Hindu gods he has the Koran. The most important thing is that "the children should know about the value of God".


Khan lost both his parents before he became well-known. His tenderness comes to the fore when he talks about them. "I do miss them a lot, especially now that I'm successful, because I would have liked them to see part of it." He was very attached to them and says his way to avoid depression is to "get up in the morning, wear make up and be someone else".


Shah Rukh Khan rules Bollywood, but who exactly runs his life? "My two children, my family and friends. I do whatever they tell me. I love spending time with them." And what about his fans? "They run my professional life."





"For to us will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy Quran 88:25-26)

Copyright © 2005 by AB

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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