Prayer Issues in the Public Schools 

Town Hall meeting Wednesday night November 16, 2005 at 6:00 pm in the 
Multi Purpose Hall at the Islamic Association of North Texas, Dallas 
Central Mosque, 840 Abrams rd, Richardson, TX 75081 

Washington based Becket fund lawyers are coming, on Wednesday 
evening, to Dallas with the purpose of meeting our community parents 
and students of Berkner high school. They will be meeting with the 
school officials as well to discuss the prayer issue. 

This is a good opportunity to gain much needed knowledge regarding 
our religious freedom rights in the public school system and how it 
interrelates with federal and state laws. 

All are invited; please spread the word. 




1. Discussion should not focus on anything but the issue - issue 
should be weighed from the consequences. Is the winning "worth it"? 

2. Please honor every one's opinion, and no one should be given more 
than 3 minutes to make their point. I will request the moderator to 
keep announcing the rules and not let any one cross the line. Cut off 
the first two beyond three minutes unless they are making a point..

3. Don't let a few people's screaming and emotional bursts deter you 
from doing what needs to be done.

4. A few may even call you Kafir (disbeliever in God) or Munafiq (say 
one thing, do one thing), these are the old dirty tactics to let you 
run, so they can have their say, and you will find a few to support 
them too. You may hear more of such words, these are the tactics of 
people who lack wisdom to explain and wisdom to forsee the future, 
and instead throw things that have no bearing on the subject, but 
most people reel from it and run. Don't allow any one but God to 
shake you.  Islam really means peace, and we should be the 
peacemakers. Remember the example of Prophet (pbuh) of setting the 
Aswad in Kaabah, he has set numerous examples of inclusiveness. 
Please do not throw equally non-sensical things at them like look at 
Saudi or some of the Muslim countries... Both tactics will derail us 
from going forward.

5. Whatever we earn, we have to earn thru goodwill and not hostility. 
The winning that bodes ill will, isn't worth winning at all.

6. This issue benefits Muslims exclusively because of the nature of 
our prayers. Different faiths have different options including the 
meditative prayers, whereas, Islam prescribes ritualistic prayers and 
they are time specific. I am sure our learned Scholar Dr. Yusuf 
Kavakci may bring his wisdom to the discussion.

7. There is always the lunch hour that students can use to pray. 

8. Mobcracy is the term,  I have learned from a scholar where people 
thrill themselves in pushing for their gains, as the numbers are on 
their side. That is utterly selfish. What about their own kind where 
they make up the miniscule minority? Are we saying that let the 
majority run, meaning we are willing to take an unjust lower berth if 
we are the minority? It sounds like let's get what we can and not 
worry about others. Just because others are unjust, we don't have to 
be their mirrors.

We sincerely hope, we do not push for the school to give a dedicated 
place. Instead we may request the schools, budget permitting or 
private funding, consider creating a "general purpose room" for any 
one of any faith to go meditate/pray. Let the availability of that 
room be planned at the beginning of the school year, as all other 
events are planned. 

I do hope that we will not even consider asking the schools to carve 
out a time for prayers from their class time. Let the students pray 
in their lunch hour, prayer is something you do from your own free 
time as devotion to God.

Due to the preparation for thanksgiving celebrations on Sunday,  and 
the pre-planned meetings, I am having difficulty in making the time. 
Insha Allah, I will do my best to attend, but please attend if you 
can, even if you are not in the Richardson School district. One bad 
act, will affect us all. Sanity has to prevail.

Down below, I have posted some excerpts from the Constitution some 
one had posted, I have not verified the authentic of it.

Mike Ghouse

>From Zafar Siddiqui:

Assalamu alaikum,

I am writing on this forum after a long time. I think before we go
tangential let's take a look at the religious freedom that is
accorded to students under the first amendment guidelines and under
the Equal Access Act. We must appreciate this freedom that you can't
find elsewhere in the world.

Please read the following before coming to conclusions on this issue.

"The Equal Access Act is designed to ensure that, consistent
with the First Amendment, student religious activities
are accorded the same access to public school facilities as
are student secular activities. Based on decisions of the
Federal courts, as well as its interpretations of the Act, the
Department of Justice has advised that the Act should be
interpreted as providing, among other things, that:

> Student religious groups at public secondary schools
have the same right of access to school facilities as is
enjoyed by other comparable student groups. Under
the Equal Access Act, a school receiving Federal funds
that allows one or more student noncurriculum-related
clubs to meet on its premises during noninstructional
time may not refuse access to student religious groups.

> A meeting, as defined and protected by the Equal
Access Act, may include a prayer service, Bible reading, or
other worship exercise.

> A school receiving Federal funds must allow student
groups meeting under the Act to use the school media—
including the public address system, the school newspaper,
and the school bulletin board—to announce
their meetings on the same terms as other noncurriculum-
related student groups are allowed to use the
school media. Any policy concerning the use of school
media must be applied to all noncurriculum-related
student groups in a nondiscriminatory manner.
Schools, however, may inform students that certain
groups are not school-sponsored.

> A school creates a limited open forum under the
Equal Access Act, triggering equal access rights for
religious groups, when it allows students to meet during
their lunch periods or other noninstructional time
during the schoolday, as well as when it allows students to
meet before and after the school day.

> Students have a right to distribute religious literature to
their schoolmates on the same terms as they are permitted
to distribute other literature that is unrelated to school curriculum
or activities. Schools may impose the same reasonable
time, place, and manner or other constitutional restrictions
on distribution of religious literature as they do on
nonschool literature generally, but they may not single out
religious literature for special regulation."

Jazak Allah Khair,
Zafar Siddiqui


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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

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