Respected Moderator and the Members of the list

Assalamu Alaikum

I have seen the letter of Mr. Fatemolla (please see below). He has raised
questions about 41 items from the Books of Hadith and from some Law Books,
particularly Shafii Fiqh. I do not know what really Mr. Fatemolla is trying
to achieve.

Most of the points referred to  are from Hadith Books. Anybody can go
through those Books of Hadith, read various explanations and background of
each of these Hadith, and find out the authenticity level of these Hadith,
other Hadith on these issues, conclusions of different jurists. Any one then
will find his answer.  Giving references to Hadiths in the manner given in
the letter of Mr. Molla does not serve the purpose of truth or Islam.

There are references of Shafii Fiqh in his letter at some places. I would
only say that these are only Ijtihad of Imam Shafii or some of his
followers, these are not agreed by other jurists necessarily and no body is
bound  to follow any particular juristic view.

I would not like to detail out in view of what I have said in para 2-3
above. I would only take up only first two items. As regards  item one, all
of us know that women are permitted to join all prayers and  are encouraged
to join some prayers and in fact large number of women attend mosques
throughout the world. As regards item two, I do not find anything wrong in
the Prophet's instruction to the women not to use perfume during visit to
the mosque, though I have not checked up various opinions in different Books
of Fiqh. Women are permitted to use perfume at all other places

If we examine all the points, the position wll be the same,  if we follow
the procedure mentioned in para graph 2. In Islamic Shariah, on balance and
taken together, women have a lofty and equitible position.In any event no
system including modern western system has given her such an honourable
position(reference books on gender issue by Dr. Qaradawi, Dr. Jamal Badawi,
Abdul Halim Abu Shukkah, Hasan Turabi, Hammudah Abdul Ati and others ).

I need not mention that any body who has gone through books of Islamic
Jurisprudence will find that whenever the texts are not clear or texts
differ, the interpretations through Ijtihad differ among the jurists.

With regards

Shah Abdul Hannan

----- Original Message -----
From: "fatemolla ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 3:58 PM
Subject: RE: [banglarnari] an article

> Salaam.
> Inspite of my extremely busy life I made time to read your long article
> by word. I must say your simplicity and honesty is glowingly reflected in
> the article. Taking your propositions as true, this is one side of the
> that we propose. There is another side that we don't. That makes us
> self-betraying and self-defeating; this attitude never helped us.
> Until we reconcile conflicting elements of our scriptures, we will never
> a resultant direction to proceed. Please see bellow, I reject those as
> Islamic - tell me what we can do with these documents that served as the
> source of Sharia's attitude towards our women, Muslim women.
> Regards
> fatemolla.
> Bangla site:-
> 1. It is better for women to pray at home than at the mosque. It is
> offensive for an attractive or young woman to come to the mosque to pray
> though not offensive for women who are not young or attractive when this
> unlikely to cause temptation. Shafi'I Law f12.4.
> 2. Women can visit mosques but must not wear perfume...( Sunaan Abu Dawud
> 2.0565)
> 3. Wife must shave her pubic hair if husband returns home at night after a
> long journey.(Shahih Bukhari 7.62.173)
> 4. A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife...( Sunaan Abu Dawud
> 11.2142 ).
> 5. If a woman is to prostrate to another person (besides Allah) it will be
> her husband. (Sunaan Abu Dawud 11.2135).
> 6. If a woman abandons her husband's bed for the night then the angels
> her until morning.(Shahih Muslim 8.3366).
> 7. Female circumcision is obligatory. Shafi'I Law e4.3
> 8. There is no maintenance allowance or lodging for the wife who has been
> given an irrevocable divorce - Shahih Muslim 3514 and 3530).
> 9. A divorced woman must marry another man and must intercourse before she
> can remarry her former husband.(Malik's Muwatta 28.7.18).
> 10. A woman can't travel a day's journey without her mahram.(Shahih Muslim
> 7.3105)
> 11. Majority of women are in hell... Shahih Bukhari 1.6.301.
> 12. Women, slaves and camels are same; must seek Allah's refuge from all
> these...(Sunaan Abu Dawud 11.2155).
> 13. A prayer is annulled by a passing woman, dog and a monkey...( Shahih
> Bukhari 1.9.490).
> 14. Menstruation is a defect in women for they cannot fast and pray during
> their periods... (Shahih Bukhari 3.31.172).
> 15. People ruled by a woman will never be successful...(Shahih Bukhari
> 5.59.709).
> 16. Women should be beneath men on four things (Al-Ghazali's Ihya' Ulum
> al-Din.Vol II p373).
> 17. A woman must keep her sexual organs ready for service at all times
> 7: vol. I, p235)
> 18. Women are half devils (Ibid .vol. II, p367).
> 19. Never walk behind a woman. Said ibn Jubayr said: "Temptation came to
> David (peace be upon him) merely through a glance. Therefore. He told his
> son (Solomon) (peace be upon him): "O my son! Walk behind a lion or a
> cobra, but never walk behind a woman." (Ibid,vol. II, p370)
> 20. A woman is like a rib---that is why she has the crookedness...(Shahih
> Bukhari 7.62.113).
> 21. Women, house and horses are evil omens..( Shahih Bukhari;7.62.30).
> 22. Nothing is more harmful to men than women...(Shahih Bukhari 7.62.33)
> 23. A woman advances and retires in the shape of a devil; so when one of
> sees a woman, he should come to his wife and have intercourse with
> her.(Shahih Muslim 8.3240).
> 24. The house, the wife and the horse are bad luck.(Shahih Muslim 26.5523)
> 25. Women are more harmful to men than anything else.(Shahih Muslim
> 26. Muhammad has no concern for a woman who cries loudly, shaves her hair
> and tears her clothes in bereavement.(Shahih Muslim 1.0187, 0188)
> 27. Because of Eve women are unfaithful towards their husbands.(Shahih
> Muslim 8.3471).
> 28. Can't tell a wife secrets, amount of property.etc. no musical
> instruments for her (Ref: p675 - A Dictionary of Islam, 1994 by T.P
> Publisher Kazi Publications, Inc. 3023-27 West Belmont Avenue, Chicago, IL
> 60618
> 29. Women should beg a man not to divorce her (Shahih Bukhari 7.62.134).
> 30. Marriage gives the man the right to enjoy a woman's private parts...(
> Shahih Bukhari;7.62.81).
> 31. Wife can't leave home - Shafi'i law m10.4.
> 32. If a woman claims to be having her period but her husband does not
> believe her, it is lawful for him to have sexual intercourse with her.
> Shafi'i law e.13.5.
> 33. The husband is not obliged (N: but rather is recommended) to pay for
> wife's cosmetics, doctors fees, the purchase of medicine for her, and
> similar expenses. - Shafi'i Law m11.4.
> 34. Support of a divorced wife is for 3 months. Shafi'i Law m11.10.
> 35. No reason is required to divorce one's wife/s (Many references, Sharia
> the Islamic Law -Dr. Abdur Rahman Doi, p173).
> 36. Female circumcision; The Prophet said Do not cut severely as that is
> better for a woman and more desirable for a husband. Sunaan Abu Dawud
> 41.5251).
> 37. It is recommended for a woman to wear a covering over her head
> a full length shift, and a heavy slip under it that doesn't cling to the
> body. Shafi'I Law f5.6.
> 38. A majority of scholars (n: with the exception of some Hanafis, as at
> m2.8 below) have been recorded as holding that it is unlawful for women to
> leave the house with faces unveiled, whether or not there is likelihood of
> temptation. It is unlawful for women to be alone with a marriageable man.
> Shafi'i Law m2.3.
> 39. Some Jihadis had sex with the captive women in the presence of their
> husbands and some were reluctant to do so (Sunaan Abu Dawud 11.2150).
> 40. One can have sexual intercourse with a captive woman after she is
> of her period and/or delivery. If she has a husband then her marriage is
> abrogated after she becomes a captive - Shahih Muslim 8.3432.
> 41. Ali had sex with booty captive women...(Shahih Bukhari 5.59.637).
> 42. Some Jihadis practiced coitus interruption with captive
> Bukhari 7.62.137)
> **************************************************************************
> >From: "sarwar kabir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [banglarnari] an article
> >Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 12:29:32 +0800
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Dear readers
> >
> >Salam on everybody
> >I was asked to prepare a talk to deliver on a mourning session. The
> >attachment is the result of that talk. Thought Muslim readers might find
> >useful.
> >
> >Any feedback can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >Regards
> >
> >Kabir
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Md Sarwar Kabir Shameem K'Train Computer School
> >Office: 65-62990815
> >Mobile: 65-93867588
> >Website:
> >Alternate E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >From: "sarwar kabir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [banglarnari] Of Bride and Groom
> >Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 11:03:07 +0800
> > >Dear Readers
> > >Assalamualaikum.
> > >Here are some hadith about Marriage.
> > >Your brother
> > >Kabir
> > >
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