I am not a member of any of the mentioned groups, but is there a way for people outside to send any complaints to Yahoo.

Jazkallah Khair

----- Original Message -----
From: DDN
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: Allah's Brothel - Ajay Bhate and Jimmy Jumshade
Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu
F.A.O: Owners and Moderators of:   Sindorg and 81 members of the forum,
                                                         SindPost and 940 members of the forum,
                                                         Pakistanzindabad and 96 members of the forum.
I am quite aware that all three of your respective groups were not set up for the purpose of propogating Islam. However, I am also quite aware that you do accept and approve Islamic da`wah contributions from your Muslim members, mine (DDN) for example. 
I am sure you are aware that as owners and moderators you have an obligation towards the members of your forum to censure any postings that violates the terms and conditions you agreed upon with the Yahoo terms of service which states clearly as follows:
Yahoo! Terms of Service
You agree to not use the Service to:
a.  upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable:
However, by approving and forwarding the insulting, abusive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, hateful and filthy  messages from  two of your subscribers, namely Ajay Bhate and Jimmy Jumshade (abusing Islam and Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala), you have without a doubt, violated the terms you agreed upon with Yahoo:  
Ajay Bhate wrote - quote:
1.    "How can GOD/Allah sacrifice 72 pussies for lust of a Man. Are there no womens rights in Haven? OK to drink wine in haven but not not earth. What a
       fucking religion??"
2.    "Allah's brothel is OPEN for Business to all FUNDO Muslims. Allah serves wine and women. The sucide bombers get 10 times the usual prize. The Hurs
        have no rights, they have to spread their legs for Monkey looking and stinky Muslims. How could teh Almighty run such a place one wonders??
         Allah's brothel: the best little whorehouse in Mecca.
3.    "What a joke Islam and peace are opposite of each other. In HInduism we worship women godesses. We had a women prime minister in INdia. This hasn't
        happened in very few countries. Looks like your Allah is a male GOD, Quran has no respect for women, it is just a pleasure item."  - unquote.
Jimmy Jumshade wrote - quote:
1.  Do great minds think alike??!! These are exactly my questions.............There must be a Brigade of robotic women in Heaven soley for the purpose of being
     screwed as "Rewards" for bad-breath 5 timers.& sane grown-up people actually believe this fairy-tale crap & starve one month per year & pray umpteen times
    per day for life-times. Suckers !!! These are just gimmicks to make people do silly things for life-times.I would love to see the look on their faces when they
    eventually find out, that there is no such thing!!!
2. Which is exactly why "Jannah-hungry" Fundo kil-joy suckers lead miserable lives on earth along with making everybody else's lives miserable, boring, eventless.
    Which is exactly why Fundos/Mullahs are constantly mood-off, in a nasty mood, lousy depressing temper,humourless, boring, miserable & morose spreading
    boredom & misery upon everybody around them, along with their inevitable bad-breath .................
    It is a special brothel, supplying pearly young boys for screwing without sin purposes, plus all the women you want plus wine & booze which does not
    cause 'hang-overs'.Notice the ridiculous & insane notion by offer of whatever forbidden on earth is given as a reward in the special brothel.
3. Big fucking Deal.......you are only charmed by Shannon because she is a WOMAN & Canadians are biggest ass-kissers of WOMEN!! They think they will lose
    their livlihood if they ever say anything against a WOMAN, even if she is WRONG!!! So, WOMEN have all the POWER in North America to FUCK MEN &
    they the men love & support it!!! Just like you. - unquote.
Can you imagine how offensive, repugnant and distaseful it is for your respective group of members and myself  to receive such filthy and abusive messages about our religion and Allaah Almighty day-in-and-day-out!!! Why do you do this to all of us? Why do we have to put up with this repulsive filth, absolute ignorance and utter stupidity. What have we, your members, done to deserve all this?
There can be no other considerations but for you to remove (ban) these two (2) horrid, horrible and venomous individuals from your respective groups, in shaa`Allaah. I humbly ask you to do so immediately - within 24-hours.
Failing which,
1.    I intend to submit an "abuse" complaint to Yahoo once the 24-hours is up and I urge every single one of your members to do the same, in shaa`Allaah:

What should I do if I find content which is illegal or violates the Yahoo! Terms of Service?
Content that is illegal or violates the Yahoo! Terms of Service will be investigated. Please notify Yahoo! by completing an Abuse Form so that that the necessary action can be taken.

2.   I urge my brothers and sister in Islam to speedily unsubscribe from these groups en masse if the owners/moderators do not ban these two (2) individuals within 24-hours - without all of you, Ajay Bhate and Jimmy Jumshade will have no audience. If you remain as members what will happen is that you will give these two individuals license to continue their vulgarity, filth and blasphemous tirades against Islam and Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala! How can you allow yourself be held accountable by Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala for letting the blasphemy on Him continue? I am sure all of you know that the ignorant and filthy words which Jimmy Jumshade spews out daily are a result of an unbalanced emotional mindset, passing Takfir (a call of disbelief) on others on the slightest difference of opinion, and Kibr (rejecting the truth and belittling people) - we can only ask Allaah Ta`aala to guide him, but we do not have to subject ourselves with his filthy and distorted attacks on our Deen.  And as for Ajay Bhate, can you or I accept the blasphemous things he wrote about Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala? We must do our part by not being his audience and leave Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala to deal with him. And Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala knows best.
The call to the Truth has never gone unhindered or unopposed. Messengers were killed and tortured, the Mu`min were persecuted, and the Religion made a mockery of, to such an extent that even the Messengers themselves beckoned for the victory to come. But we can look back and know that Allaah Subhanahau wa Ta`aala`s victory did come, after the Mu`min had proven their faith in deeds, actions and intentions by doing all what they can for Allaah Ta`aala's Pleasure.  Nothing makes the enemies of Allaah Sbhaanahu wa Ta`aala more jubilant and happier than a dormant Muslim, who has given up hope from forbidding the evil and enjoining good. This allows evil to spread unhindered. Our enemies go about demolishing Islam without fearBut remember Islam came to put a halt to the progression of evil, whatever the circumstances, and it is incumbent upon Muslims to do their part, and checking of fitnah can only come about through our strength in unity.
Let us take action immediately and get rid of these foul-mouthed bigots!!!
K a r i m a

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:32 AM
Subject: [pakistanzindabad] Re: Allah's Brothel
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:32 AM
Subject: [SindhPost] Re: Allah's Brothel

Which is exactly why "Jannah-hungry" Fundo kil-joy suckers lead miserable lives on earth along with making everybody else's lives miserable, boring, eventless. Which is exactly why Fundos/Mullahs are constantly mood-off, in a nasty mood, lousy depressing temper,humourless, boring, miserable & morose spreading boredom & misery upon everybody around them, along with their inevitable bad-breath.................
It is a special brothel, supplying pearly young boys for screwing without sin purposes, plus all the women you want plus wine & booze which does not cause 'hang-overs'.Notice the ridiculous & insane notion by offer of whatever forbidden on earth is given as a reward in the special brothel.

Ajay Bhate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Allah's brothel is OPEN for Business to all FUNDO Muslims. Allah serves wine and women. The sucide bombers get 10 times the usual prize. The Hurs have no rights, they have to spread their legs for Monkey looking and stinky Muslims. How could teh Almighty run such a place one wonders??

Sura 56:
056.013 "A multitude of those from among the first, and a few from the latter, (will be) on couch-like thrones woven with gold and precious stones. Reclining, facing each other. Round about them will (serve) boys of perpetual (freshness), of never ending bloom, with goblets, jugs, and cups (filled) with sparkling wine. No aching of the head will they receive, nor suffer any madness, nor exhaustion. And with fruits, any that they may select: and the flesh of fowls, any they may desire. And (there will be) Hur (fair females) with big eyes, lovely ! and pure, beautiful ones, like unto hidden pearls, well-guarded in
their shells. A reward for the deeds."
 Allah's brothel: the best little whorehouse in Mecca.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 11:28 PM
Subject: [SindhPost] Re: Islamic Heaven

Do great minds think alike??!! These are exactly my questions.............There must be a Brigade of robotic women in Heaven soley for the purpose of being screwed as "Rewards" for bad-breath 5 timers.& sane grown-up people actually believe this fairy-tale crap & starve one month per year & pray umpteen times per day for life-times. Suckers !!! These are just gimmicks to make people do silly things for life-times.I would love to see the look on their faces when they eventually find out, that there is no such thing!!!

Ajay Bhate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How can GOD/Allah sacrifice 72 pussies for lust of a Man. Are there no
womens rights in Haven? OK to drink wine in haven but not not earth.
What a fucking religion??

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 11:08 PM
Subject: [sindorg] Re: Kinds of GODS

When you have fake "respect" for women, they become your bosses. For when society forces 'to respect women', it becomes fake & forced like fake IRAQI elections. & Americans too worship women, their Chief God is OPARAH. In America, women have zero respect for men & the American men love it. The biggest crime upon earth is to forget a woman's birthday or annivarsary. This is what happens when you make women your Gods.

Ajay Bhate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What a joke Islam and peace are opposite of each other. In HInduism
we worship women godesses. We had a women prime minister in INdia.
This hasn't happened in very few countries.
Looks like your Allah is a male GOD, Quran has no respect for women,
it is just a pleasure item.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 9:41 AM
Subject: [SindhPost] Re: 'Accept our law or leave'...attn.Riaz,Shannon,yfn123
Big fucking Deal.......you are only charmed by Shannon because she is a WOMAN & Canadians are biggest ass-kissers of WOMEN!! They think they will lose their livlihood if they ever say anything against a WOMAN, even if she is WRONG!!! So, WOMEN have all the POWER in North America to FUCK MEN & they the men love & support it!!! Just like you.
Shannon is nothing but a fake sympathy seeking woman supported by stupid men who fear women & their newly acquired power. RAHI Sahib, come off it support men not women in this war of the sexes unless you are a woman yourself.
Plus men ONLY support women because they are scared of their WIVES, Plus they want to support the WEAKER SEX..........so women, understand IF treacherous to men, women supporters supportyou against their own selves........they are doing it as the stronger SEX to support the WEAKER SEX & Nothing else.

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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Holy quran


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