Salam alaikum,
Once again the Muslims have been succuessfully able to turn support and sympathy toward them into condemnation and call for restraint. If free speech is a right, then boycotting certain product is also our right, and while this boycott was taking momentum and spreading across the globe (very rightly so), the actions of many Muslims in the manner they are protesting has drawn its own criticism.
Why do we have to be so reactionary? Is it because we have  become deafitist in our mentality? Is it our need for instant gratification? Or our faith is so fragile that it requires such action?
While I wholehearedtly condemn the publication of the cartoons, I equally condemn the manner in which many of the Muslims are protesting. It is a pity that our actions are almost justifying the contents of the some of the cartoons that we are trying to protest!
I bet some of those cartoonists or newspaper editors are saying right about now “See I told you so!”
I found the article below insightful, something people at both sides of the debate can benefit from.
Maqsud Sobhani
Free speech is not a licence to insult. Insults do not justify violence, writes Maher Mughrabi.
In the 1890s, a Frenchman called Edouard Drumont ran a newspaper full of crude caricatures of Jews and articles that railed against their increasing dominance of French and European life, reaching fever pitch during the treason trial of French officer Alfred Dreyfus. Drumont called his paper La Libre Parole - "The Free Speech".
As the Danish cartoon row spreads and editors hurry to wrap themselves in the mantle of Voltaire, it is worth noting that most of civilised Europe today gladly accepts (and in some cases even legislates to preserve) a taboo on the kinds of free speech that Drumont sought to establish.
Indeed, anyone who has worked in newspapers knows that a certain degree of self-censorship comes with the territory. There are pictures we deem too graphic for the front page (or any page), letters too offensive and pointless to be worthy of publication, words that are termed obscene and excluded from copy.
None of this means that newspapers should be prevented from criticising Islam, Muslims or their prophet. But looking at the 12 Danish cartoons (which, thanks to the internet, is now easy to do) any of their criticisms - of the oppression of women, or the crime of suicide bombing - could have been made with just as much force and considerably more wit without breaching the taboo on representing the prophet Muhammad. Indeed, several of the cartoons don't depict him, and most of the others are such crude stereotypes that if they weren't labelled with his name, it would be impossible to tell them apart from other Muslim-baiting efforts.
Lars Refn's cartoon, which instead showed a schoolboy called Muhammad writing on a blackboard in Farsi that "Jyllands-Posten's journalists are a bunch of reactionary provocateurs", earned him a rebuke from one online "Voltaire", who called him "a coward who does not understand the seriousness of the Muslim threat to free speech".
That a threat exists is clear, thanks to the murder of Theo van Gogh and other cases. But is this the best way to address it? Above all, the idea that Europe is somehow being taken over by wealthy or radical Muslims is as bigoted and repulsive as the idea of a century ago that it was being taken over by wealthy or radical Jews.
Those Muslims who have threatened violence over the cartoons live mostly in the very Muslim world that many European Muslims have migrated from. However, such thuggish behaviour, wherever it occurs, is testament to a lack of power; only when you feel disenfranchised in those avenues of life that really matter can you become exercised over such trivia.
Those who insist that this row is about upholding Islam need to ask themselves at whom the prohibition on depicting the prophet is aimed. The answer is Muslims, so that they do not fall into idolatry and revering the messenger instead of his message. No Muslim is at risk of worshipping the images in these cartoons. So what's the beef?
This controversy is about power. Muslim communities in the West feel under suspicion and under siege through the mere fact of their faith. Muslims in the Muslim world feel war has been declared on them by an adversary who controls the world. In such circumstances, the one power people feel they have left is to insist on their dignity.
At no time since the Middle Ages has the atmosphere between Islam and the West been more charged, or the power to insult so instantaneous.
In November 2001, the Scottish Daily Mail ran an essay on the prophet by historian John Casey with an engraving of a man in furs and a turban bedecked with pearls and feathers, intended to be Muhammad.
The phones ran so hot that they had to be left off the hook, and within days the paper had published an apology.
This was at a time when Glasgow, where the Mail is based, had recently elected Britain's first Muslim MP. Yet Muslims and knowledge of them are still rare in Western newsrooms, never mind society as a whole.
Last Wednesday one of the 12 cartoonists, speaking anonymously, told Danish radio that "one of my thoughts by saying yes to the job was a wish to open up a dialogue" with Muslims in Denmark.
When I sit down to a discussion with someone, I'm not in the habit of spitting in their face or calling their mother names first. In the unedifying din that has ensued, perhaps he and other journalists will be moved to contemplate their own approach to other cultures.

Maher Mughrabi is a staff writer.
Those who insist that this row is about upholding Islam need to ask themselves at whom the prohibition on depicting the prophet is aimed. The answer is Muslims, so that they do not fall into idolatry and revering the messenger instead of his message. No Muslim is at risk of worshipping the images in these cartoons. So what's the beef?
This controversy is about power. Muslim communities in the West feel under suspicion and under siege through the mere fact of their faith. Muslims in the Muslim world feel war has been declared on them by an adversary who controls the world. In such circumstances, the one power people feel they have left is to insist on their dignity.
At no time since the Middle Ages has the atmosphere between Islam and the West been more charged, or the power to insult so instantaneous.
In November 2001, the Scottish Daily Mail ran an essay on the prophet by historian John Casey with an engraving of a man in furs and a turban bedecked with pearls and feathers, intended to be Muhammad.
The phones ran so hot that they had to be left off the hook, and within days the paper had published an apology.
This was at a time when Glasgow, where the Mail is based, had recently elected Britain's first Muslim MP. Yet Muslims and knowledge of them are still rare in Western newsrooms, never mind society as a whole.
Last Wednesday one of the 12 cartoonists, speaking anonymously, told Danish radio that "one of my thoughts by saying yes to the job was a wish to open up a dialogue" with Muslims in Denmark.
When I sit down to a discussion with someone, I'm not in the habit of spitting in their face or calling their mother names first. In the unedifying din that has ensued, perhaps he and other journalists will be moved to contemplate their own approach to other cultures.

Maher Mughrabi is a staff writer.

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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