The Road to the Muslim Holocaust
by Ghali Hassan
February 7, 2006

    "We are being challenged by Islam these years - globally as well
as locally. It is a challenge we have to take seriously. We have let
this issue float about for too long because we are tolerant and lazy.
We have to show our opposition to Islam and we have to, at times, run
the risk of having unflattering labels placed on us because there are
some things for which we should display no tolerance. And when we are
tolerant, we must know whether it is because of convenience or
conviction". Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, 15 April 2005.

Tolerance is a falsehood often pronounced with difficulty in Western
societies. Small countries such as Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands,
Austria, and Norway are leading the pack in the war on Muslims at
home, and may be on the road to encouraging a new Holocaust against

While these countries are part of the US-led coalition, which is
responsible for the mass murder of Iraqis, they have also introduced
discriminate and draconian immigration laws which are specifically
directed against Muslims fleeing war and economic hardship. The
pretexts are always the phantom of the "War on Terror".

Historically, Muslims have been at the receiving end of
Western-Christian violence for centuries. Following the 9/11 attack on
the USA, Western Europe joined the US in its anti-Muslim crusade: "We
are all Americans now" united against Muslims. In this context,  9/11
is used to legitimise a new form of Western-Christian fascism. Media
pundits such as Christopher Hitchens and Daniele Pipes, who support
the anti-Muslim ideology are springing up like mushrooms all over the
Western world. Using the cliché of "free speech", they are fuelling a
vicious and violent war against Muslims around the world.

The recent blasphemous images of Prophet Mohammed are nothing more
than a campaign which promotes racism and violence.

Islam is a peaceful religion, and Muslims are not "terrorists". The
insult to Prophet Mohammed, who is revered by over a billion people
around the world, has nothing to do with "free speech". Had the Danish
cartoonist shown instead George Bush and Tony Blair slaughtering
hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi women and children, he would
have had lost his job by now and would be condemned by the same people
who are barking about "free speech". Would any newspaper in Europe
dare to discuss Europe's strict censorship laws of discussing the

Barely a month ago, in early January 2006, Flemming Rose, the
"cultural" editor of the Danish Jyllands-Posten (J-P), the newspaper
that published the blasphemous cartoons, told Dan Bilefsky of the
International Herald Tribune, that, "he would not publish a cartoon of
Ariel Sharon strangling a Palestinian baby, since that could be
construed as `racist'". In the past, J-P has also refused to run
drawings lampooning Jesus Christ submitted in April 2003 by Danish
illustrator Christoffer Zieler, because they were "offensive, not
funny". Zieler was also advised by the editor, Jens Kaiser: "I don't
think Jyllands-Posten's readers will enjoy the drawings. As a matter
of fact, I think that they will provoke an outcry. Therefore, I will
not use them". (The Guardian, 06/02/2006). It is "free speech" only if
Westerners agree, otherwise, it is "offensive" or "anti-Semitism".

The Danish Far Right Party (Dansk Folkeparti) is the country's third
biggest party and underpins a hard-line centre-right coalition
government claimed that Muslims are secretly planning to takeover
Denmark. Although Muslims make about 2 per cent of the Danish
population, one in four Danes have been brainwashed by their
opportunist monarchs, politicians and the media to seriously believe
that there will one day be "more Muslims" in Denmark than non-Muslims.

The 2005 report of the International Helsinki Federation for Human
Rights (IHF) on `Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims in the
EU' found that attacks on Muslims have markedly increased recently.
Muslims in Sweden, Denmark and Austria are encountering difficult
barriers. In Sweden, Muslims are advised to change their names to
"Swedish- sounding ones" to increase their chance of employment.
According to the report, 64 per cent of Muslims interviewed in Britain
said that they were "unfairly targeted by counter-terrorism policies".
In Denmark and Austria, the report reveals, Muslim women wearing
headscarves are less likely to find work or pursue education. In
Sweden, rightwing parties warn of a "Muslim invasion". Other Europeans
such as Belgium, Holland, France, Italy and Spain are also
contaminated with far right groups and anti-Muslims parties.

In Belgium, the country which has one of the "most vicious and inhuman
of all colonial histories", the far right Party (The Vlaams Blok or
Belang) dominate local politics, with an agenda to repatriate all
people of colour to their countries of origin. One of its prominent
leaders, Filip Dewinter, told the BBC recently; "When I see Muslim
culture I think that our culture is superior. Our values, our way of
life are superior and we have to say so. I don't think the way of life
of Muslims is compatible with our way of life". Muslim is our enemy,
is the new European anti-Semitism motto.

In the "liberal-minded" Netherlands, famous for its brutal and violent
colonial history, racism is becoming part of Dutch values. Muslims
have become targets of religiously motivated attacks. After the
killing of an anti-Muslim fanatic and unknown Dutch film maker, Theo
van Gogh, allegedly by a Dutch Muslim of African origin, after making
the obscene film about Islam, the Netherlands erupted in anti-Muslim
racism. The death of a Muslims-hater is used to justify much uglier
crimes. Islamic schools and Mosques were bombed and set on fire.
Muslim women were attacked throughout Holland. The rightwing Dutch
government is embarking on anti-Muslim legislation to crack down on
immigration and close-down "suspected" Mosques, and give police power
to arrest people of Muslim faith. Although Muslims make up about one
million (6%) of the Dutch population, former EU Commissioner Frits
Bolkestein, said recently; "The most common first name registered at
birth these days in Amsterdam is Mohammed. This, they say, is the

In France, the situation is not much different. The French can be
proud of their well-known anti-Muslims and anti-Arabs hatred.
President Jacques Chirac has adopted Jean Marie Le Pen extremist and
anti-Muslims policy, which has increased violence against Muslims and
denying Muslim women the right to education and employment. According
to the IHF report, the French Front National (an offshoot of fascism),
stated publicly that France's Muslims "share an allegiance to a wider
community of believers that threatens national sovereignty". Even
Muslims, who were born in France, have no standing in the ideals of
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, and the plague is spreading to
neighbouring countries.

The new German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, compared Islam with the
"rise of fascism". The East German politician who was selected to
solve Germany's unemployment and other social ills seems to find the
war on Muslims a much easier issue.

Thousands of Muslims have been arrested and screened by German police
only because of "their profiles have matched basic criteria, including
an affiliation with Islam", reveals the IHF report. The German state
of Baden-Wurttemberg has enacted what is called the "Muslim test", in
which Muslim applicants for citizenship are asked about their views on
September 11, gay relationships and whether their teenage daughters
are allowed to attend swimming classes. Can you imagine all Germans
(in Baden-Wurttemberg) have exactly the same opinion on all three? "I
am afraid we have not learned from our history. My main fear is that
what we did to Jews we may now do to Muslims. The next holocaust would
be against Muslims", Dr. Wolfram Richter, professor of economics at
the University of Dortmund told Ziauddin Sardar of New Statesman
magazine in Britain. It has always been easier to use crimes in order
to commit even greater crimes.

Finally, in Australia, the draconian "anti-terror" laws are designed
specifically to victimise Muslims. Indeed, young Muslim men have been
thrown in Guantanamo-like prisons not because they committed crimes,
but because they are Muslims. Some companies have closed their
employment's doors to Muslim Australians and migrants from Muslim
backgrounds. In addition, the army of commentators in the Australian
media – one of the most controlled in the world – are accusing the
police of "softly" treating Australians of the Middle Eastern
backgrounds. This deliberate falsehood is designed not only to
discredit the Police, but also to increase injustice and violence
against Muslims.

The IHF report's director, Aaron Rhodes warned that; "these
developments threaten to undermine positive efforts at integration and
further increase the vulnerability of Muslims to human rights
violations and marginalisation". Hence the IHF report recommends that
all EU governments "enhance efforts to prosecute and punish
discriminatory and violent acts". However, the warning may fall on
deaf ears. As Sardar writes; "Even among individuals with more relaxed
attitudes to interracial relationships, racism is unashamed and
upfront". The governments may be pouring fuel on fire.

To clarify one thing that seemed to be missed by most Westerners,
Muslims are not ignorant of Western cultures, or Christianity, which
is never part of Western civilisation any way. Jesus wasn't born in
Denmark or Norway. The fact, that many Muslims are studying in Western
and American universities and many Muslims adopted segments of Western
popular culture is proof of Muslims acceptability. This
misunderstanding of Muslim societies, which suffered greatly under
Western imperialism, is embedded in the West's ignorance and imagined
superiority, which continue today.

As vassals of U.S. imperialism, these small European nations such as
Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands are using their deceptive position
of "neutral countries" to commit gross crimes around the world. From
Palestine to Iraq and Afghanistan, their armies are complicit in U.S.
war crimes against defenceless peoples. In addition, they are
participants in U.S. "War on Terror" and in U.S. "rendition" policy –
the policy of kidnapping and covertly delivering an individual or
individuals for interrogation and torture in undisclosed location or

For example, Norway is credited with the Oslo "Peace Process", the
"fig-leaf for the ongoing colonization of the West Bank and Gaza
Strip", and the destruction of Palestine. Indeed, the Oslo "Peace
Process" allowed Israel to confiscate over 50 per cent of the West
Bank and constructed dozens of Jewish-only colonies for Talmudic
extremist fanatics.

The Netherlands, is leading the way in "building democracy" and
terrorising the people of Afghanistan. Denmark with 530 soldiers is
part of the so-called "coalition of the willing", the group of vassals
that participated in the illegal and criminal invasion of Iraq.
Indeed, Danish soldiers are complicit in the sadistic torture and
abuse of Iraqi prisoners and detainees.

This brings us to how the Jewish Holocaust – as an example of
Christian Europe brutality – was initiated. Of course, anti-Semitism
(anti-Jews and anti-Arabs hatred) was widespread in Christian Europe
centuries prior to Nazi Germany. However, modern anti-Semitism was
initiated in 1879 by William Marr, the German who founded the "League
for Anti-Semitism". Marr's racist views (Europe's biological racism)
were that Jews constituted a distinct racial group which was both
physically and morally inferior, and therefore must be exterminated.
With the rise of European racism against minorities in the 19th
century, European Jews were targeted, as Muslims are targeted today.
Differences between Jews and other European citizens manufactured and
used as pretext to justify crimes against Jews. Jews were accused of
"taking over" the world and so on.

Adolf Hitler's election on 30 January 1930, was based on his ideology
of "one people [`master race' or Übermenschen], one empire, and one
leader". Hitler's election paved the way for one of the greatest
criminal acts in human history. Marr's European biological racism
continued during the rule of Nazism and became the vehicle for
genocide. Jews, Gypsies, Czechs, Poles, the mentally and physically
handicapped, homosexuals and others not belonging to the "master race"
were targeted for extermination. Jews were specifically targeted.
Bombings of synagogues, blasphemous cartoons depicting Jews, and
anti-Jews posters were wide-spread all over Europe.

During the occupation of Europe by the Wehrmacht (German forces), in
France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway etc. the locals were
rounding up Jews, Gypsies and other folk much faster than the Nazis
could handle them. And if this wasn't enough, the so-called "neutral"
countries such as Switzerland were sending fleeing refugees back to
the Nazis – as they do now with Muslims in daylight – and looking
after the Third Reich money in their own bank.

Do Western Europeans want to repeat history's biggest crime against
humanity? It is the duty of every civilized citizen to point a finger
at any form of racism and violence against minorities. Our duty is to
reject opportunist monarchs, politicians, the media, celebrities and
anyone trying to manipulate the public and breed racism and violence.

Global Research Contrinbuting Editor Ghali Hassan lives in Perth,
Western Australia.

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