"Carlsberg beer is a cash cow for the Malaysian
 Q: During Mahathir Mohamed ( as PM) this business existed ?
-------Original Message-------
Date: 02/09/06 16:30:54
Assalamu aleikum.

Malaysia won't be boycotting Danish products, a
decision that maintains the high profitability in
Malaysia of Danish Carlsberg beer and the rapidly
rising government revenues that accompany it.
Carlsberg beer is a cash cow for the Malaysian

This year, Carlsberg tops the list of "Malaysian"
corporations declaring higher dividends than before,
while the Malaysian government has again increased its
own revenue from alcohol sales for the third year in a
row. And just last year, control of Carlsberg Malaysia
left Malaysia for good and was placed under the direct
control of its Danish masters. Malaysian shareholders
are now a minority. So Carlsberg cannot even be
represented as a Malaysian corporation anymore. In
effect if not in law, Carlsberg Malaysia is now a
joint venture of Carlsberg Denmark and the government
of Malaysia.

Two excerpts from recent publications:

"... beer companies such as Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia
Bhd. raised retail prices in October after the
government increased tobacco and alcohol taxes for a
third year in its Sept. 30 budget, making the products
more expensive compared with a year earlier."
Bloomberg, January 18, 2006


"At least 36 companies, with total market
capitalisation of more than RM200bil, under its
coverage are anticipated to declare higher dividend
per share (DPS).  Topping the list are LBS Bina Group
Bhd, Edaran Otomobil Nasional Bhd, Carlsberg Brewery
Malaysia Bhd and Dutch Lady Milk Industries Bhd."
The Star (Kuala Lumpur) January 27, 2006


Please note that 3 articles follow:

*Malaysia Won't Boycott Danish Products: PM
*Carlsberg nu majoritetsaktionær i Carlsberg (Danish
language original)
*Carlsberg now majority shareholder in Carlsberg
Brewery Malaysia Berhad (English language translation)



Malaysia Won't Boycott Danish Products: PM
Islam Online
February 7, 2006


Badawi said whatever action taken to protest the
cartoons should not bring problems to other people.

An Egyptian passes by a supermarket sign on boycotting
Danish products

KUALA LUMPUR, February 7, 2006 (IslamOnline.net & News
Agencies) - Malaysia will not boycott Danish products
over the provocative cartoons of Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH), Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announced
on Tuesday, February 7.

Badawi, also the current chairman of the Organization
of the Islamic Conference (OIC), said his country has
no plans at present to take such a measure, reported
the Malaysian news agency (Bernama).

Iran announced Monday, February 6, that all trade with
Denmark has been immediately suspended in retaliation
for the publication of the cartoons.

"As of tomorrow, you cannot register to import
consumer products from Denmark," Commerce Minister
Masoud Mir-Kazemi was quoted as saying by state

"Any kind of business negotiation or agreement with
Denmark is suspended as of today. All those agreements
which are able to be cancelled will be cancelled," he

Twelve cartoons of a man assumed to be the Prophet,
first published last September by Denmark's
mass-circulation Jyllands-Posten and then reprinted by
several European dailies, have caused an uproar in the
Muslim world and initiated calls for a Muslim boycott
of the Danish products.

Leading Muslim scholars and organizations have called
on world Muslims to boycott Danish products.

Danish-Swedish dairy company Arla Foods, one of
Europe’s largest dairy producers, said it is losing
$1.8 million of sales a day in the Middle East over
the boycott.

The company's products were removed from shelves of
supermarkets in many Gulf countries.

Branches of French hypermarket Carrefour in Qatar and
the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have also stopped
selling Danish goods.


Badawi also called for calm over the blasphemous
cartoons, which triggered violent protests in many
Muslim countries.

He said that whatever action taken to protest the
cartoons should not bring problems to other people.

Muslims protesting the cartoons set fire to the Danish
consulate in Beirut on Sunday, February 5, and Syrian
protesters did the same with the Danish and Norwegian
embassies in Damascus a day earlier.

Muslim scholars, organizations and leaders were united
in condemning the violent attacks against the

Muslim in Malaysia are planning marches before the
Danish mission to protest the cartoons later this

"We appeal to all Muslims to participate in the
protest. We demand that the government of Denmark and
the newspapers offer an apology to Muslims," said
Ahmad Sabki Yusof, youth secretary of the Islamic
Party (PAS).

The response to the anti-Prophet cartoons has so far
been low-key in Malaysia, which is predominantly
Muslim but also home to sizeable Chinese and Indian




Carlsberg nu majoritetsaktionær i Carlsberg Brewery
Malaysia Berhad
April 27, 2005
Carlsberg er nu majoritetsaktionær i Carlsberg Brewery
Malaysia Berhad efter at have øget sin ejerandel fra
49,66 procent til 51 procent.  Investeringen beløber
sig til cirka 35 mio. kr.

Formålet med investeringen er at tydeliggøre
Carlsbergs kontrol over Carlsberg Malaysia.

Carlsberg Malaysia er det andet Carlsberg bryggeri,
som blev etableret uden for Danmark. Dette skete i
1969, og bryggeriet blev i 1972 noteret på fondsbørsen
i Kuala Lumpur.

Bryggeriet er i dag en af Carlsbergs mest succesfulde
investeringer i Asien. Virksomheden har gennem mange
år været markedsleder på pilsnermarkedet, hvor
Carlsberg Green Label er en klar markedsleder, men har
også en betydelig markedsandel på portermarkedet.
Suc-cesen bygger på en bred vifte af kvalitets brands
og på produktudvikling. For nylig har Carlsberg
Malaysia introduceret mærket SKOL, som en del af en
strategi om at styrke selskabets portefølje på det
stærkt konkurrenceprægede marked.

Transaktionen medfører ingen ledelsesmæssige ændringer
hos Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad.

Yderligere information:

Jens Peter Skaarup,
International Media Relations Manager
33 27 14 17 eller 40 94 14 17




Carlsberg now majority shareholder in Carlsberg
Brewery Malaysia Berhad
April 27, 2005

Carlsberg has today increased its ownership in
Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad from 49.66% to 51%.
The investment amounts to approximately USD 6m.

The increase of the shareholding is made to reflect
Carlsberg's control of Carlsberg Malaysia.

Carlsberg Malaysia was the second Carlsberg brewery
established outside Denmark. It was founded in 1969
and listed on the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange in 1972.

Today, the brewery is one of Carlsberg's most
successful investments in the Asian region and the
company has been the market leader in the lager
segment for several years. Carlsberg Green Label is
the clear market leader, but the brewery also holds a
substantial market share in the stout segment.

Carlsberg Malaysia's success has been built on a wide
range of quality brands and product innovation.
Recently, Carlsberg Malaysia introduced the beer brand
SKOL as part of the on-going strategy to further
strengthen the company's portfolio in the fiercely
competitive market.

The transaction will not affect the management set-up
in Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad.


Jens Peter Skaarup,
International Media Relations Manager
+ 45 40 94 14 17


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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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