Suicide by Smoking

Most Muslims are aware of and try to avoid the major
sins in Islam - murder, suicide, adultery, alcohol,
gambling, usury, etc.  Muslims are forbidden to harm
themselves or others.  Yet millions of Muslims all
over the world are doing just that - harming, even
killing themselves and their families. Islamic
scholars have historically had mixed views on the
subject, and the actions of these Muslims have not
been unanimously forbidden or even discouraged. 

The danger is tobacco use - cigarette and cigar
smoking, chew, etc. The mixed views on the subject
came about because cigarettes are a more recent
invention and did not exist at the time of the
revelation of the Qur'an in the 7th century A.D.
Therefore, one cannot find a verse of Qur'an or words
of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saying
clearly that "Cigarette smoking is forbidden." 
However, there are many instances where the Qur'an
gives us general guidelines, and calls upon us to use
our reason and intelligence, and seek guidance from
Allah about what is right and wrong. In the Qur'an,
Allah says, ....he [the Prophet] commands them what is
just, and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as
lawful what is good, and prohibits them from what is
bad..." (Surah al-Ar'af 7:157).  So what are the evils
of tobacco use, for your health and for your deen
1. Danger to your health 

Allah says,"...make not your own hands contribute to
your destruction..."(Surah al-Baqarah 2:195, );"...nor
kill yourselves..." (Surah al-Nisaa 4:29).  It is
universally understood that cigarette smoking causes a
number of health problems that often ultimately result
in death.  Men who smoke contract lung cancer at 22
times the rate of non-smokers.  Smokers are also
highly at risk for heart disease, emphysema, oral
cancer, stroke, etc.  There are hundreds of poisonous
and toxic ingredients in the cigarette itself that the
smoker inhales straight into the lungs.  In an
authentic hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) said that "Whomsoever drinks poison, thereby
killing himself, will sip this poison forever and ever
in the fire of Jahannum (Hell)."  Over 3 million
people worldwide die from smoking-related causes each
2. Danger to your family's health 

In the Qur'an, Allah says: "Those who annoy believing
men and women undeservedly bear on themselves a
glaring sin" (Surat al-Ahzaab 33:58).  And the Prophet
(peace be upon him) said that "there should be neither
harming, nor reciprocating harm.? In another hadith,
the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Anyone who
believes in Allah and the Last Day should not hurt his
neighbour."   Those around the smoker inhale what is
known as "second-hand smoke" - the unfiltered,
poisonous waste that goes in the air around the
smoker.  There are over 4,000 chemicals in cigarette
smoke, over 40 of which are known to cause cancer. 
Second-hand smoke causes or aggravates asthma,
bronchitis, and other respiratory problems, especially
in children. 
3. Addictive 

The addiction to tobacco is a physical response that
often interferes with one's life and worship.  For
example, most Muslims are aware that it is forbidden
to smoke during the fasting days of Ramadan.  Many of
these addicted smokers spend their fasting days
sleeping, cranky, and short-tempered, just counting
the hours until they can have their fix.  There have
been times when the most severely addicted will wait
outside the masjid door for the adhaan, and break
their fast by lighting up, before taking even food or
4. Noxious Smell 

Muslims are advised to refrain from eating raw onions
and garlic - simply as a courtesy to those around
them.  Nobody likes the smell.  The same goes even
more so for the reek of cigarettes, which permeates
everything around the smoker - hair, clothing, home,
car, etc.  The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 
whoever has eaten from such greens as garlic, onions
or leek should keep away from our mosque.? Many
smokers try to hide the smell by using breath mints or
perfume.  This does not get rid of the smell, it only
masks it.  Often the combination of smells is even
more nauseating. 
5. Waste of Money 

Allah says, "...But spend not wastefully (your wealth)
in the manner of a spendthrift. Verily spendthrifts
are brothers of the devils...?{Surah
al-Israa?17:26-27} And in an authentic hadith the
Prophet (peace be upon him) said that: "Allah hates
for you three things: gossiping, begging, and wasting
money." In the U.S. and other countries, cigarettes
are taxed heavily in order to discourage this habit
and reimburse the government for the overwhelming
health care costs to care for those afflicted with
diseases caused by smoking.  Smokers often spend
thousands of dollars a year that literally just go up
in smoke. 

Recent Opinions of Scholars 

In more recent times, as these dangers of tobacco use
have come to be proven beyond any doubt, scholars have
become more unanimous in pronouncing tobacco use
clearly Haraam (forbidden) to believers. They now use
the strongest terms to condemn this habit. 
How to Quit? 

As mentioned, one of the dangers of tobacco is that it
is so addicting.   It causes a physical response in
your body when you try to give it up.   Therefore,
quitting is often difficult.  However, with the help
of Allah and the personal commitment to improve
yourself for the sake of Allah, and for your own
health, it is possible.  It is first recommended to
make the firm intention, from deep in your heart, to
give up this evil habit.  Trust in Allah's words:
"...When you have taken a decision, put your trust in
Allah.  For Allah loves those who put their trust in
Him.  If Allah help you, none can overcome you; if He
forsakes you, who is - after that - that can help you?
 In Allah, then, let believers put their trust" (Surah
Al-'lmran 3:159-160). 

Secondly, one must avoid situations where you are used
to smoking, and people who do so around you.  For
example, if you have certain friends who gather
together and they all constantly smoke - make a choice
(Allah gave you free will to choose!) to stay away
from that environment for the time being.  At a
vulnerable stage, it is too easy to get sucked back in
by having "just one."  Remember, tobacco causes a
physical addiction and you must stay away completely. 
Drink a lot of water and keep yourself busy in other
endeavours.  Go to the masjid.  Play sports.  And
remember the words of Allah:  "And those who strive
hard in Our Cause, We will certainly guide them to Our
Paths, for verily Allah is with those who do right?
(Surah al-Ankabut 29:69). 

For more information about the proven dangers of
smoking, and advice on how to quit, visit's
Smoking Cessation website. 

Living With a Smoker 

If you live with or are friends with smokers, first of
all encourage them to quit, for the sake of Allah,
their deen, and their health.  If they refuse (and
ultimately we will face Allah alone), you have the
right to protect your own health and the health of
your children.  Do not allow it in the house.  Do not
allow it in enclosed quarters with your family.  Even
if the smoker is a parent, we are not to obey our
parents in things which are forbidden by Allah.

And this is a reminder to all of us. As we all know
the facts (from the CIA book of records):

1) Total world population: 6.5 billion

2) Total population of Muslims (Masha'Allaah!): 2
billion (2,023,829,080) i.e. out of every 4 human on
this earth, one is a Muslim.

3) Total cigarette smokers in the world: 1.15 billion
(1,158,536,585) i.e. 18% of the population

4) Total Muslim cigarette smokers in the world
(according to the world percentage): 400,000,000
approximately. (400 million).

Do you know?
1. Phillip Morris is the largest tobacco & cigarette
manufacturing company in the world.

2. Phillip Morris donates 12% of its profits to

3. If 400 million Muslims smoke a packet of cigarette
each on average per day (average cost per packet being
$2.00) - only us Muslims contribute $ 800 million to
the Phillip Morris company.

4. Let us assume 10% profit on this amount, which sums
up to $ 80 million. 5. 12 % of the profits go to
Israel - 12% of $80 million = $ 9.6 million.
$ 9.6 million per day!
This is the amount that we Muslims are contributing to
Israel and  helping them kill our children in

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with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
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