Christian & Jewish Beliefs Regarding The Return Of The
Messiah and Plots Against Masjid Al-Aqsa
By Alia Amer  
AlJumuah Vol 11 Issue 9 [Excerpted] © al-Muntada

Islaam, Christianity, and Judaism all believe in the
coming of the leader of the great and final battle
whom they all call the Messiah.

The Jews are looking forward to his coming because
they claim he will bring about God's kingdom on Earth,
after the establishment of a Jewish nation in
Palestine. They await a leader from among the children
of Prophet Dawud, alayhes salam. According to Imaam
Ibnul Qayyim, when this leader "moves his lips in
prayers all the nations will die." They claim that he
is the promised Messiah, and call him the 'Prince of
Peace'. Believing that he will make all mankind
subservient to the state of Israel, they are preparing
for his arrival by gathering in Palestine. According
to their beliefs, he will come to rule the Earth and
reside in Jerusalem, which he will take as his
capital. The person they are waiting for is the
Dajjal, whom the Christians call the Antichrist. This
is why the majority of the Dajjal's followers will be
from the Jews.

The Christians and the Muslims agree that this
promised Messiah leader is Eesa who will descend from
heaven and return to Earth to lead the great battle.
This battle will be led by Eesa against the Dajjal and
his followers. 

The Christians believe that before the second coming
of Eesa, those who believe in Eesa as the son of God
will experience 'the rapture' when they will be raised
up into the heavens to meet their Lord, and thereby
will be saved from the Antichrist. They base their
belief on the corrupted text of the Bible: "For the
Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout,
with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet
of God. And the dead in Christ [i.e., the dead
Christians] will rise first. Then we who are alive and
remain shall be caught up together with them in the
clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall
always be with the Lord." (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
The rest of the people will be left to perish with the
king of darkness, son of Satan.  

"Then the king [Dajjal] shall do according to his own
will: He shall exalt and magnify himself above every
god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods,
and shall prosper till the wrath has been
accomplished; for what has been determined shall be
done" (Daniel 11:36). 

The Christians believe that the Armageddon will take
place in a small valley called Meggido in Palestine.
They claim that the battle which will be led by Eesa
against the Dajjal and his followers, will be crowned
by victory for the Christians and the complete
destruction of the non-Christians who will all drown
in a lake of fire burning with brimstone. This is
based on the corrupted text of the Bible: "Then I saw
an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud
voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the midst
of heaven, 'Come and gather together for the supper of
the great God, that you may eat the flesh of kings,
the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, the
flesh of horses, and of those who sit on them, and the
flesh of all people both free and slave, both small
and great.' And I saw the beast, the kings of the
Earth, and their armies gathered together to make war
against him that sat on the horse against his army.
Then the beast was captured, and with him the false
prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he
deceived those who received the mark of the beast, and
those who worshipped his image. These two were cast
alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.
And the rest were killed with the sword which
proceeded from the mouth of him who sat on the horse.
And all the birds were filled with their flesh."
(Revelation 19:17-21) 

Why the Judeo-Christian Alliance in Palestine?
Allaah the Exalted said: "O you who believe! Take not
the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are but
friends of one another" [5:51]. Although they differ
in their theories of the outcome of al-Malhamah, the
Jews and Christians have become allied against the
Muslims in Palestine. Al-Aqsa Masjid is located in
Jerusalem and is the third holiest site for Muslims.  

According to the corrupted text of the Old Testament,
all of the Jews must return to Palestine and establish
a Temple in the exact location of al-Aqsa before the
Messiah will come. It is from this perspective that
both the Jews and the Christians agree on the
establishment of the state of Israel, and the
immigration of all the Jews to Palestine. The
Christians believe that the Messiah will come at the
end of the Gregorian millennium, and rule on Earth for
one thousand years. Allaah says: "Each [one of us, for
the outcome of this] is waiting, so wait, and
assuredly you shall know who are the travelers on the
even path, and who is guided." [20:135]. 

Al-Aqsa Masjid is in Danger
The Christians, specially the evangelicals, believe
that Eesa will kill the Dajjal who would be a Jew as
well as his followers. But they believe that all of
the Jews will convert to Christianity after the defeat
of the Dajjal. Therefore the Christians do not object
to the gathering of the Jews in Jerusalem. The Jews,
however, believe that their victory and the
re-establishment of their state will not take place
until the 'Temple' has been rebuilt. This temple will
have to be built in the same spot on which al-Aqsa
exists today. They are waiting for signs that cause
this to happen but because they believe that they can
(and should) hasten their occurrence, they would like
very much see al-Aqsa Masjid be destroyed sooner than
later. They are, however, ready to rebuild the temple
anytime now because they have taken all the necessary
steps to prepare for that. Some are mentioned in the

'The temple' is an ancient name for the chosen place
of worship before Islaam. The temple that existed two
millenniums ago in Jerusalem represented the steps of
Al-Aqsa mosque before Islaam. The Prophet, sallallahu
alayhe wa sallam, was asked about the first Masjid
ever built. He said: "Al-Masjid al-Haram (in Makkah),"
and when asked about the second Masjid, he said:
"Al-Masjid al-Aqsa," then he added that between the
two were forty years (Bukhari). Both were built by
prophet Ibrahim, alayhes salaam. The first temple that
was built was destroyed around 587 BC at the hands of
the king of Babylon, and the second temple was
destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE and was not rebuilt

At the advent of Islaam the great event of al-Israa
(The night journey of the Prophet from Makkah to
Jerusalem) was an indication that the area has become
the heritage of the Muslims, and that such a sacred
place should not stay at the hands of disbelievers.
Therefore freeing the land from them was the Muslims'
immediate goal after uniting the Arabian Peninsula
(hence the battle of Tabuk). Now after two thousand
years of the destruction of the temple and 1344 years
of the building of al-Aqsa mosque the Jews want to
destroy the mosque and rebuild a third temple at its
place. Unfortunately they have made great steps toward
this goal: 

Occupation of al-Quds by the Jews:
Al-Quds (Jerusalem), the town where al-Aqsa Masjid was
built, has been half eaten by the Jews when they
annexed its Western part after the 1948 war. Now they
have a plan (called Jerusalem 2000) to swallow the
Eastern part, where Muslims are. First, Jewish
settlers invaded the area which was 100% inhabited by
Palestinians, to the point that the town became 'a
stronghold of the radical Jews' (Newsweek 9/5/96).
Their goal is to assure a strong Jewish majority in
the Eastern town. Second, urban sprawl is allowed for
the Jewish settlers all around the town to isolate it
from the rest of the Palestinian land and hence its
annexation would become easier. 

Collecting holy stones to build the temple:
On 1989 the Jews claimed that they found a 'holy'
stone weighing more than five tons which they put as
the foundation stone for the third temple near al-Aqsa
Masjid. Since then, they went on a frenzy looking for
holy stones everywhere, even uprooting the city's
pavements to look for them. The radical Jews prepared
everything according to their rituals to build the
temple. They brought stones from the Neguev desert to
be cut and polished in Jerusalem. They will need six
million stones. 'It is no more a secret that the
temple has been designed in the USA by American Jewish
architects. The blueprints are at the disposition of
the Israeli government.' (France Agence Press, August

Other preparations are underway to revive the rituals
that were practiced in the temple. The altar is now
ready. Rabbis are preparing whole generations to
attend to the execution of the rituals. All utensils,
such as recipients and even prayer rugs that would be
needed once the temple is built are now ready. 

The menorah, the tabut, and the sacred cow:
For the Jews, the sacredness of the temple is not
complete without the menorah, their religious symbol.
The Jews believe that the menorah which was in the
first temple still exists, and was saved from fire
when this later was burned down, but it has been
missed since then. They are incessantly looking for
it. Meanwhile, a huge menorah costing three million
dollars was made of gold to be put in the temple. 

The Jews are also looking for the tabut (the Ark of
the Covenant) a wooden box containing a remnant of
what Musa and Harun left behind (Muslims believe that
this tabut was given to the people of Israel as a sign
of the kingship of Saul as stated in the Qur'an
2:248). They believe that exists buried under the
rubbles of the first temple. To search for it, they
are undertaking extensive excavations under al-Aqsa

In summary, the Jews have got everything ready before
even the temple is built. But they cannot start
building until they get a sign from God as they
believe. This sign is a red cow that should fulfill
the description mentioned in their book. This cow
would be slaughtered and burned and its ashes would be
used to 'purify' the people of Israel, for you see
none can enter the temple without being purified, and
the Jews believe that they all are impure now until
they are cleaned by the cow's remains! Well this cow
they claim was born in 1997. "The ritual slaughter of
the red cow will take place three years after its
birth; the count down to the great return of the Jews
to their original place of worship, and the glad
tidings of he coming of the savior, the Messiah. The
attempt to accomplish this return will lead to an
unforgettable beginning of the third millennium." (The
Observer, 9/7/97) Excavations under the Masjid 

This perhaps is the most dangerous and most malicious
plot to destroy the mosque. These excavations have
been going on for decades and are still underway. The
goal is: to empty the ground under the two mosques,
al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock, leaving them
standing on hollow foundations so that they are
vulnerable to collapse at the slightest natural or
man-made tremor. Of course the Israeli government does
not reveal this goal, but claims that the only purpose
of the excavations is archeological; to find the
remains of the second temple and other artifacts. 

Digging tunnels under al-Aqsa:
These operations not only contribute to threatening
the foundations of the mosque but also will facilitate
and complement the project of the temple in future
phases. In September 1996 a tunnel has been officially
inaugurated, an indication that the steps to turn the
mosque into a Jewish temple has officially started.
Other tunnels are being dug under the Masjid, which
means that now the Jews share the area with the
Muslims. These tunnels can be used temporarily for
worship, while the Israeli government has put
electronic screens inside them showing al-Quds
(Jerusalem), and at the place of al-Aqsa Masjid and
the Dome of the Rock, the Jewish temple is shown
surrounded by new buildings of Jewish architecture.

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