What is good for Muslims has got to be good for every one else for us to have peace, prosperity and progress.



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or Figure out what works in your situation... if you want the change

you have got to work at it.


1. Fox Television has Noor factor that replaced O'Reilly factor in 2016

2. Fatima Ali co-anchors the Nightline

3. Zia Sheik is the metropolitan editor for New York Times

4. Fareed Zakaria finishes 10 years as a The Editor of Time





9. All of this is a reality


The news reports you hear in the year 2020 are balanced and fair.


What can you have to do? First, meditate on these words and say to yourselves, "The change begins with me" and "I am not a talker, I am a doer".  


This is a possibility, if we are serious about it and really want to do it.

14 More years to go and we can make it happen. *Scholarship info below


If we do not institute changes now, do we have the right to gripe in 2020?




I had a very pleasant dinner with 6 people on Saturday 25th, none were my friends... I invited ordinary people who just enjoyed the company... enjoyed answering a few questions about Islam, and thanks to Allah for helping me resist the Dawah temptations successfully, as we also talked about how the used car sales people push you to buy something, you don’t even know about ... They walked out in peace knowing that all of us are good human beings and we are all on par.


I have nothing to gain from them and hope this process earns the good will for all of us Muslims. Fixed Burgers, Salad and Fruits for $27.00. I bet some one can do it for less. *Dinner info below 


The numbers will work out this way:


6 people x 12 months == 72

If 10,000 Muslim families in Dallas do this == 720,000 People/ Year

Within 3 years 3 x 720,000 == 2,160,0000. That is every one in Dallas.

Is it worth it? Let other Muslims do it?


Do you think that these people will defend ill talk about Muslims, if they hear one?

Do you think they will murmur when they see wrongs things about Muslims on TV?

It may take more effort to get to that point, but goodwill goes a lot farther.



To: Council of National Journalism Organizations


Please help us spread the word about these scholarships. Any
journalist at any media outlet, including copy editors, paginators,
editors, reporters, photographers, etc. can apply. The journalist does
not have to write about religion at all.

The scholarships are good for online courses, too. I just learned of an
eligible online course on Understanding Islam, offered this summer at

Hartford Seminary http://www.hartsem.edu/academic/courses.htm.

Thanks for your help!
-- Debra Mason, Religion Newswriters Association.

For Immediate Release

Full-time journalists are eligible for scholarships to attend any
accredited college or university course in religion.

The Religion Newswriters Association invites applicants to its Lilly
Scholarships in Religion program, which gives full-time journalists up
to $5,000 per course to cover the cost of college tuition, books,
registration fees, parking and other expenses. Full-time students are
not eligible for the awards.

Journalists can take any college course they choose as long as it is
in the field of religion. Journalists have previously taken courses
that include Islamic Movements, Church History, Religion and Violence,
Japanese Buddhism, Biblical literature and many more.

The next application deadline is
April 1, 2006. Additional deadlines are
July 1 and
Oct. 1, 2006. RNA has $100,000 in scholarship funds available.

All full-time journalists‹-including reporters, editors, designers, copy
editors, editorial writers, news directors, researchers and producers‹-are
eligible, regardless of whether or not they cover religion.

Religion Newswriters Association is the world¹s only journalism association
for people who write about religion in the mainstream news media.

Application information is at http://www.rna.org/scholarships.php. For
questions, call Amy Schiska at 614-891-9001 ext. 3#.




Choose an evening, let's say Saturday the 25th, budget permitting invite 2 to 6 individuals/couples with kids  from different faiths from work,  from your neighborhood. (please do not invite your friends - let them invite others) or from your day to day contacts. Just have a peaceful meal, be yourselves, and let them be themselves. Talk about children, crime, society...It is just a friendship dinner, it should not cost us more than $50/ Let's keep it within that. You are welcome to share...Insha Allah we will create a yahoogroup to learn about every one's experience. This group will grow slowly but steadily and only "DOERS" need to enhance this group.


No matter how great the temptation is, at this time, at the first meeting:


1) Let us avoid talking about religion - Let us not go on to explain how good our faith is, we will regret it - neither one will enjoy the dinner or the meeting.


2) Let us avoid talking politics - No bashing of any one at this time, just enjoy our meal - politics will lead into argument and let's not spoil the good thing.


3) Our Dawah is our good behavior,  and honoring them for who they are, we will be honored by them automatically.


I hope we can set up the dinner this Friday or Saturday... even if we have to invite just a couple. We can see the difference we will make in one's year time, if we have 12 such dinners in a year. 


Our Imams can envision the future and guide the community through the Juma Khutbas.  


Challenge yourselves to

An Evening of Wisdom

You and 9 other individuals from other faiths will learn about the mysteries and beauty of each one your faiths at your dinner table of 10. We hope you'd walk out with a larger heart than you walked in with respect and appreciation for the God given uniqueness to each one of us. You will also see demystification of some of the myths. If you have one, please send us the email.

6:00 PM ON SATURDAY, MAY 06, 2006
For details: www.FoundationforPluralism.com
and go to the programs tab.
Send an email to:

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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Holy quran


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