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Is your prayer in Good shape 2-83-9
        Al Salaam Aleikum, I want to announce the good news, your 
free book about good prayers is now available, please order your 
free copy today, come to know if you are doing prayer the proper 
way, and learn a lot more about what Ahan call for prayer means and 
says. Come to know what the Tahiyaat (Durood Shareif) means, and 
where it came from, learn good Duaa too. Check if your prayer is 
done properly, even if you think your prayer is in good shape. Those 
who still wish to have the books about Sourah one and 114, they are 
available now in my group, under Free Books, join us. 
        We spoke a little about the name of Allah of Al Azees: 
ÇáÚÒíÒ, the Dear One. We all remember in Sourah 12:88 how Yusuf PBUH 
was called, when he was the second in command to the king of Egypt: 
Al Azeez, which means: O one who stand on High honorable ground. 
Always this word is given to someone who is high in position, with 
relation to people, and my friend, there is no Higher than Allah 
ever among His creation, or in His KINGDOM, praise to Allah in the 
Glory of His Holiness. Azeez came few times in the noble book, 
always indicating great respect, and that is exactly what we owe 
Allah my friend, nothing less is acceptable, Al Hamdu Lillah.     
Dear readers, we are still speaking about Ayah 2:83, yes my friend, 
and let us look at what came in next. Next part in this Ayah says:
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"We made a covenant with the children of Israel (Jacob), do not 
worship anyone or anything besides Allah, and be dutiful and 
extremely good toward your parent, your relatives, the Orphans, and 
toward those who are in need, and talk to people in the most polite 
way, also do perform your prayers", Now we see Allah ordering the 
performance of prayer, this order came to every nation Allah sent a 
prophet and messengers to. You would say: what are you talking 
about, Allah sent prophets only to the children of Israel, then he 
sent Jesus to the Christians, when they used to be called Gentile, 
which means: Non Jew.
        Ya Allah how wrong those are who believe in such, which has 
such lack of information to all extremes. My friend, beloved 
brothers, wonderful sister please listen, please pay attention for 
just a little. Allah sent about 24000 prophets and messengers, Allah 
says in Ayah 35:24:
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"Not even the least among the nations in history that did not 
receive a man from the LORD to warn them about Hell, guide them 
towards Heaven", Israelis were the least in number and importance 
through history, they had many men of the LORD, no one can deny, but 
they were not every nation through history, how? Israelis started 
from Jacob PBUH, who left and stayed in Egypt with his son Joseph 
PBUH (Yusuf), then Israelis continued living their for many hundreds 
of years, four hundred and thirty of those years they spent in 
slavery, then they came to Palestine, lived there for a short time, 
after which they were taken slaves to Babylon, then slaves under 
Persia, till Cyrus the king of Persia returned them to Palestine, 
they stayed a very short time slaves under Rome, before Christian 
Rome kicked them out for the last 2000 years, they came back little 
by little since 1917, announced a state over the Palestinian blood 
        Yes, Israelis were always just one small nation, yet not 
one nation was left without Heavenly teaching from a fair LORD. 
Every nation had this order: do perform prayers, and believe me 
prayer is one of the most important among the good you and I can do, 
why? Dearest; please listen, prayer is done for your sake not His, 
the first thing we will be questioned about is prayer, trust me. In 
prayer we are actually performing all five pillars of Islam, we make 
the Shahadah (Testimony of Only One LORD) many, many times, only by 
reading Al Fateha we mention the Shahadah and the names of Allah 14 
times, multiply by four Rakaas Al Fateha repeated, 14 * 4 == 56 times 
Allah is mentioned in each prayer, not to mention other Sourahs we 
recite, and this is done at least 17 Rakaa every day at least, 952 
times you say Shahdah of there is only One LORD just reciting Al 
Fateha five prayers every day, imagine that. What other nation 
mention what it worships as we do, looks like some of us are 
dedicated to His memory, so indulged in His name, praise to Allah in 
His Glory forever and ever. 
        During prayer you are doing prayer itself, which is the 
second in the Pillars as you see, in prayer you are fasting, no 
drinking or eating of any kind, in prayer you are making Zakah, 
because every good word you utter you receive a reward for, and 
Muhammad PBUH said: every good word is a Sadakah (Good Deed done), 
and in prayer my friend you put your face toward Mekka, as if you 
are performing Pilgrimage five times at least per day, yet no 
expense or trouble of any kind. Do you see now how the five Pillars 
applicable just in one great act? In my book: The Good Guide for 
Good prayer, I show you wonderful things about prayers, please read 
it if you don't mind, its free of charge, order now, and make better 
        What the Israelis have done to prayer, we just saw how 
Allah ordered them to do prayer? First thing they changed the five 
times into two only per day, one time in the early Morning, and one 
time in the Evening except on the Sabbath (Saturday) they pray 
little more after Noon time. No more they pray five times as their 
book shows, an example of such came from Daniel when he used to pray 
three times a Day (Means every day), also in Psalms that says: in 
the Morning, at Noon, and at night you hear my cries O LORD. In the 
New Testament, Jesus according to Mark went Early morning to pray 
before Sunrise, in the book of Acts, when it was Noon, Peter went to 
the roof of his house to pray, when Noon time came. Tens of examples 
how they were ordered to pray five times, but when Israelis ever 
obeyed the LORD in their lifetime.
        Israelis never fulfilled any of the orders Allah gave them 
in this Ayah, or any other through the Noble Qur'aan, or even in 
what they claim to be the Torah of Moses. How about Hindu, Hindu do 
pray five times a day, they call their prayer by Arty, differ from 
us in the night prayer, which they pushed to after Sunrise. How 
about Christians? Christians pray in a strange way, they sit, close 
their eyes, some of them put their hands like Hindu do during 
worship, and utter words that says nothing: like father give us our 
daily bread, well, the LORD gives the birds their daily, how about 
us who He put above? What Christians call prayer is just an asking 
of more material things in this life, they never ask to be in 
Heaven, they think they got it made. Since Christians prayer has no 
kneeling and bowing as Jesus and the Disciples did, then their 
worship is such a waste of time. They keep saying they want to be 
Christ like, then why they do not pray like he did, the Muslims way, 
even if they do not wish to convert to Islam?      
Yes, Israelis were ordered to pray, they too do not kneel and bow 
like Abraham, David, Elijah, Zechariah, and Jesus Christ PBU all of 
them. Israelis pray as Christians do, also something picked up from 
Hinduism, they sit on chairs, as if Jesus sat on chairs during his 
life, for those who wish to be Christ like? Israelis deviated all of 
their lives from following the orders of the LORD, that is why He 
made them live the worst life any nation could ever suffer, no other 
nation was humiliated by the LORD like the Israelis ever, and today 
80% of the Israelis are Atheists, and do not believe there is a 
LORD, they were the first to encourage Darwinism, evolution, Gays, 
Boyfriend/Girlfriend that spoiled our children, Israelis were able 
to do a lot to corrupt, just to offend the LORD all of their lives. 
Israelis are our Cosines from our uncle Isaac PBUH, but they went 
against Allah with all of their hearts, they killed tens of 
prophets, and many of those who say: there is no LORD except Allah, 
or Elloheim. Jesus as well as Moses said: Shamaa Yesrael (here this 
O Israelis"), Adoni (the LORD) Ellohaino (who is Allah), Adoni (the 
LORD) Ahad (is one), Shahadah we Muslims apply.   
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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