It is being propagated in the Western countries that
people are homosexual by birth, it’s in their genes,
and they can’t help it, and that’s why it’s normal and
should be accepted. Your comments?

Answer 6089     2002-09-10

The aim of natural sexuality is procreation. Lawful
and natural sexual 
relations between man and woman has been designed by
Allah to preserve the 
human race here on earth. Homosexuality is negatory of
the natural role and 
aim of sexual activity. 

The experts on homosexuality and other forms of sexual
deviation advance a 
series of groundless assumptions in their discussion
on the causes of such 
unnatural sexuality. They attribute it to hereditary
taints, genetic causes, 
environmental influences, animal instincts in man,
etc. In certain cases, 
e.g. 'transiet homosexuality' where men are separated
from women such as 
prisons, same sex institutions, etc. they argue that
the criminal's blame 
will be considered as diminished in view of his

Islam does not accept any type of justification for
the unnatural sin of 
homosexuality regardless of any biological,
psychological or environmental 
factors which may influence a man to indulge in this
type of grossly 
unnatural immorality. This should not be interpreted
to mean that Islam does 
not recognize the reality or validity of the existence
of the various 
factors which influence man to commit homosexuality.
However, the presence 
of any destructive influences which lead man towards
this unnatural and 
bestial act of immorality does not constitute a valid
excuse for indulgence 
in acts of deviation and inhumanity. Just as
fornication, rape and other 
criminal acts of immorality cannot be condoned because
of biological, 
psychological, environmental, factors, etc, which may
be the causes which 
occasion the crime, so too, can these factors not be
cited in favour of 
diminished blame for the act of homosexuality. In
spite of the existence of 
the factors (described as causes) of adultery, human
culture does not permit 
man and woman to indulge in this crime notwithstanding
the naturalness of 
heterosexuality. They are required to restrain
themselves and behave within 
the bounds of chastity and morality. 

In like manner man is required to exercise restraint
and overcome his 
emotional, biological demands, etc. and manage the
disturbances within him. 
He, as a member of the highest species of Allah's
creation, is under moral 
obligation to control the dictates of his lust -
whether such lust directs 
him towards unnatural or natural avenues - and refrain
from smearing his 
soul and intellect in such loathsome indulgence. 

Modern studies and the many consequent theories
regarding the crime of 
homosexuality lend to convey a blurred conception of
the Biological 
disturbances as well as some environmental factors are
even tendered as 
mitigating circumstances to reduce the stigma and the
blame from the 
homosexual. This idea has made homosexuals daring and
revengeful of their 
unnatural crimes. They have come to regard their
misdirected lust as morally 
acceptable. They, as well as the 'experts' who have
undertaken research in 
homosexuality, have deceived themselves into believing
in the idea of 
diminished, blame and moral acceptance, of this
unnatural act. As long as 
man's intelligence is not inflicted with insanity, he
is held responsible 
for his actions and he is Islamically under compulsion
to restrain his 
perverted cravings so that he does not descend into a
sub-human level of 

Man's gratification of his sexual appetite with
another man has a long 
history of its own. The Qur'an bears testimony t the
fact that the people of 
the prophet Lut (Alayhis salaam), the nephew of
Ibriham (Alayhis salaam), 
sent as a warning to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah,
were those who 
initiated this heinous practice. Before them it was
unknown. In this 
connection the Qur'an mentions: 

"We also sent Lut. He said to his people, 'Do you
commit indecency such as 
no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For
you practise your 
lusts on men in preference to women; you are indeed a
people transgressing 
beyond bounds." 

These Sodomites even indulged in their homosexual
orgies publicly. Their 
wickedness had attained the level where the mere sight
of a handsome young 
man made them so agitated that they pounced upon him
as famished people 
would fall on food. Even honoured guests did not enjoy
immunity or any 
privileged position. They did not hesitate in even
resorting to violence in 
achieving their lustful object. 

The Qur'aan has depicted the scene when the angels of
punishment Lut 
(Alayhis salaam) as his guests in the guise of
handsome young men. Hadrat 
Lut (Alayhis salaam) did not recognized them in the
first instance. But he 
knew the shameless habit of his people. He was
extremely distressed and he 
apprehended that his people would certainly demand
unnatural and shameful 
sexual activity. His apprehension was correct. They
could not sit silently 
at the news of such "boys" of excellent beauty. These
sodomites recklessly 
rushed to the home of Lut (Alayhis salaam) to gratify
their unnatural 
desires. Lut (Alayhis salaam) found himself in a
difficult situation. He 
prompted them to legally satisfy their sexual appetite
with women even 
offering his daughter in lawful marriage to the most
gentle of them, and not 
insisting on this unnatural outlet. Then he very
effectively appealed to 
them, in the name of Almighty, that they should
abstain from disgracing him 
by dishonouring his guests. 

The Qur'an states: 

"And his people came rushing towards him, and they had
been long in the 
habit of practising abominations. He said: "O my
people! Here are my 
daughters: they ore purer for you (if you marry)! Now
fear Allah, and cover 
me not with shame about my guests! Is there not among
you a right-handed 

But the accursed people inflamed with evil passions
turned a deaf ear to all 
his reasoning with them. They had lost all sense of
morality and were blind 
in their voluptuous sentiments. On this occasion they
even taunted him for 
his frequent protests in the past against their sins.
Hadrat Lut (Alayhis 
salaam) seemed helpless in the situation in which he
found himself, - alone 
against a rabble of people inflamed with lustful
passions. He wished he had 
the strength to suppress them himself or had some
powerful support to lean 
on! But the powerful support was there, though he had
not realized it till 
then. It was the support of the Almighty. His guests
were not ordinary men, 
but Angels who had come to test the people before they
inflicted punishment. 
They now declared themselves and gave him directions
to get away before the 
morning, when the punishment would descend on the
doomed cities. Even in 
Lut's (Alayhis salaam) household was one, i.e. his
wife, who detracted from 
the harmony of the family. She lagged behind and
looked back, i.e. one whose 
mental and moral attitude, in spite of association
with the righteous was to 
hark back to the glitter of wickedness and sin.
Finally, the wrath of 
Almighty descended upon them, their cities were turned
upside down and 
showers of stone rained on them. Regarding this the
Qur'aan mentions: 

"Then when Our decree came to pass. We turned the
cities upside down, and We 
rained thereon stones of baked clay, piled up." 

The punishment of turning upside down given to this
people resembles 
outwardly their shameless deed of homosexuality. The
shower of stone was 
very thick so as to form layers. It is also said that
the name of each man 
was written or engraved on those stones which were the
cause of their 
annihilation. The inversion of cities by way of
punishment was the task 
which was assigned to Jibraaell (Alayhis salaam).
Homosexuality is also a 
form of sexual inversion, hence the type of punishment
was most befitting in 
that it also symbolized their unnatural acts of
immorality. Showers of 
stones (not hail-stones, but real stones) are not a
normal occurrence. So 
too, the punuhment of the inversion of the cities (was
quite rightly 
justified). Thus, unnatural forms of punishment were
prescribed by Allah for 
the unnatural sins of the homosexual community. 

The community of Lut (Alayhis salaam) was a prosperous
nation materially and 
they inhabited five cities: Sodom, Gamurah, Udmah,
Laboobem and Sughar. The 
Qur'aan refers collectively to these five cities with
the term Mu'tafikaat 
(the inverted cities). The cities are so designated
because of the perverted 
crimes of sexual inversion of their inhabitants and
because they were 
physically inverted and eliminated by the command of

Before the people of Sodom, never did this evil even
enter the mind of 
mankind, let alone practicing it. The Umayyad Khalifah
"Abdul Malik said 
that if this episode of the homosexuals was not
mentioned in the Qur'an, he 
would not have conceded the reality of this crime
since it was unthinkable 
that man will descend to such a degenerate level and
debase himself in a 
type of act which is not indulged in by even the
overwhelming majority of 
lowly beasts.' 

Nevertheless, even after the community to which
prophet Lut (Alayhis salaam) 
was sent as cautioner, met their catastrophic end,
sodomy continued and even 
sometimes flourished. It is now known that
homosexuality existed before the 
pre-Christian era among the so-called 'civihilised'
nations of the world 
especially the Greeks and Romans. It was not only
confined to common masses, 
but even legendary and prominent figures such as
Socrates, Aristotle, Julius 
Caesar and many others practiced it. (Miftahi) 

In thirteenth century France, homosexuality was the
great craze of the day 
and the government of the country had to enact a law
that those found of 
guilty of this unnatural crime will be put to death.
And Germany was not far 
behind in the pursuit of this craze. Before Nazi
Germany there was a famous 
person, Dr Magnus Herschefield, (who had been the
president of the society 
for the Reformation of Sexual behaviour), who launched
powerful propaganda 
in favour of sodomy for six years. Finally 'democracy'
acceded to this 
demand and the strictly forbidden became approved. It
was decided by 
majority vote that homosexuality among the males was
no longer an offence 
provided it was indulged in with mutual consent of the
parties involved and 
in case of the object of the unnatural love being a
minor, his guardian had 
to give his consent. In the Orient, Iran has been
notorious and Persian 
poetry amply supports it. Karachi has also been named
in this regard. It is 
said there were three centres there, where eunuchs
carried on that unnatural 
business. Afghanistan (then under Communist influence)
has also been 
mentioned. India, too, is not so clean in her records
in this field, 
although the common people are involved in it to a
limited extent. It is the 
educated and the sophisticated people who take to it
as a diversion. The 
educational institutions, schools, colleges and
centres of oriental studies 
too are not free from this curse. 

Islam strictly forbade this detestable deed and
prescribed the severed 
punishment, relenting not in the least in making it a
deterrent. The Qur'aan 
cautions that once people take to homosexuality, they
sink to the depths of 
moral degradation. The admonitory punishment meted out
to these 
transgressors was described in such a moving way that
those reciting the 
Qur'an may learn the harsh consequences of this evil,
and may protect 
themselves from this outrageous crime. To deter the
Muslims from evil, the 
Qur'aan initially declared to those participating in
this perversion: 

"If two men among you are guilty of indecency, punish
them both." 

Once Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)
expressed his 
anticipated fear by stating that among the evils that
his ummah can take to, 
he feared sodomy most. In fact, this was a forewarning
measure that the 
ummah may guard against, realizing that the prophet
himself had forbidden 
it. On one occasion Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi
Wasallam) declared: 

"Whoever gratifies his sexual urge with another
(individual} of his own 
sex,, Almighty will not so much as look at him." 

Undoubtedly, sodomy is one of the most repulsive acts,
even observed among 
beasts. Therefore, the sight of a homosexual will be
so disgusting to Allah 
that it will intensify His anger to heights where He
will not even consider 
glancing at a sodomist. Through this act, man degrades
his humanity and 
announces extermination as his policy. Moreover, it
implies wretchedness and 
misery of the womenfolk and he himself is prone to so
many diseases: the 
basic organs of his body, brain, heart, liver and
kidneys become deficiently 
immune (AIDS), his face lacks the sparkle of health
and he looks off-colour 
and melancholy, with the result that such an
incapacitated criminal becomes 
worthless to women. This wretched outcast deprives
himself of the bounty of 
procreation and the priceless jewel of morality. 

[ morality in Islam, Acaciaville]

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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