----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 12:30 PM
Subject: Seminar on Hijab solidarity day

Dear all, 
A seminar was held yesterday in Dhaka, in VVIP lounge of Press club to mark the International Hijab Solidarity Day. A report of the seminar as published in The New Nation  is reproduced below  for your information and use. 


Protect right to take Hijab, seminar told

The need for protecting the right of muslim women to take hijab (scarf on head) was emphasized at a seminar in Dhaka yesterday.
Speakers at the seminar marking the ‘World Hijab Solidarity Day’ noted that some western forces, which are envious of Islam and its progress, are engaged in a propaganda against Hijab. The Assembly for Protection of Hijab, Bangladesh, organized the function.
Justice Abdur Rouf, former chief election commissioner was the chief guest at the seminar, which was presided over by Prof. UAB Razia Akhtar Banu of Dhaka University and vice chairman of Assembly for Protection of Hijab, Bangladesh. A keynote paper was presented by Dr. Meera Momtaz Sabeka, Assistant Professor, Salimullah Medical College ,Shah Abdul Hannan former secretary to the government, Barrister Fatema Anwar, advocate, Bangladesh Supreme court, Nasima Hasan, Assistant Professor, Manarat University and Kaniz Fatima, Lecturer, Darul Ihsan University, and Mostofa kamal Majumder, editor, The New Nation, took part in the discussion.
Justice Abdur Rouf said that hijab guaranteed the personal dignity of women. It is an inalienable right of woman, he said. It’s not possible to establish hijab by way of declaration made by a country or the United Nations. Similarly it’s not fair to impose restrictions on this women’s wear, Justice Rouf said, terming the restrictions imposed by the government of France as aggression against civilization. He demanded withdrawal of the restriction.
Shah Abdul Hannan said that hijab has emerged as a sign of progress from a situation excesses where some schools of thought believed that women should be restricted to the four walls of home. Only the forces of evil want to make people including women naked.
He said that education and law came under pressure along with hijab in muslim countries after their colonization. Hijab was under pressure when muslim countries like Iran, Turkey and Indonesia were under dictatorial regimes. But why should such attacks come in liberal countries like France, which spread the message of liberty, equality and fraternity, he asked.

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]



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