A Campaign Journal for Human Rights of All Ethnic Nationalities in Burma



Contents [ Please read on http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk ] 

English Language Section  

I. " Just in Time"_ Editorial: Dr. Tayza

            _ As if the UN Security Council has suddenly come to realization that 18 years of sufferings under a brutal military regime is already too much to bear for poor Burmese people. In fact, it happens just in time as a dark age is looming ahead in the near future for Burmese people......

II. " Burmese Generals Mindset Vs. International Response"_ Feature Article: Prof. Kanbawza Win

            _ "Lying the very concept of Truth" seems to be the mindset of the current Burmese generals ruling the country with an iron hand. The Burmese Junta in their lust for power never seems to give up. Having defied the international community all these years and abducted an entire country, the Generals have come up with a new excuse to perpetuate the status quo. ........

III. " Chronic Emergency: Speaking with Backpack Health-workers"_ Interview by Raluca Enescu

            _ Travelling in almost non-accessible areas, in small villages and in conflict areas. Educating people about health issues in places where, otherwise, education and health care would not be accessible. For Mahn Mahn and his colleagues at the Back Pack Health Worker Team, this is part of everyday life.......

IV. " Throwing Light on the Conspiracy Theory" _ Critique: Tai Samyone

            _ The US raised the issue of bringing Burma onto the UN Security Council agenda for September.  As we might expect, the New Light of Myanmar countered with a long diatribe describing the news as evidence of an attempted conspiracy by the US ....to impose a 'puppet government' on Burma.........

V. "Enough is Enough" _ Opinion: Terry Evans

            _ Over the last 18 years, a lot of energy has gone into a thousand explanations of why the junta is so aggressive, brutal and insensitive. The fact remains that the generals have engaged in the insane destruction of Burma. ...... .

VI. " Some Attributes of the Military Rule in Burma "_ Opinion: Ko Sala

            _ Today, military junta can celebrate their sterling performance with the Nation League for Democracy much weaker and can barely operate, the exile folks living like celebrity with their own personal history of imprisonment and so forth, the movement is split with a polarised debate on sanction Vs anti-sanction, some Western academics with access to enter the country uphold the military junta with various arguments and the rubber stamp National Convention is heading with success .......

VII. " Bloodless Revolution"_ Opinion: Myint Zaw

            _ Pro-democracy groups should urge people to actively vote in constitution referendum and record a 'NO' vote, forcing to rewrite the SPDC 's draft constitution. ........ the SPDC generals are likely to deny the result. In this case, people with awareness, should not hesitate to step onto the street......

VIII. " Cultural Politics, Asian Values & Burma (3) "_ Feature Article: Min Khin Kyaw

            _ As ASEAN always lays itself like a bridge across a dirty canal of the SPDC military regime to let it cross in order to reach the EU and the US, ASEAN has taken its own voluntary position standardized by its own actions and integrity.. .....

IX. " To ASEM"_ Letter: Bo Aung Din

            _ We are worried because of your change of heart and softened approach on Myanmar by allowing them to attend ASEM in Europe. Our heart sank after reading "Myanmar leaders were given the chance to explain their situation (on human rights issues) and defend themselves..."

X. " A REMINDER"_ Poem: Feraya Nangmone

            _ You talk of the weather, and other trivialities, while in my homeland far away, my countrymen and women are dying; their lives are torn apart and everyday is like a living hell, please do whatever you can to help.

XI. " Damn 18 years!"_ Poem: Nay Yu

            _ It's  already 18, suffering for 18 years, have you done something?...........

X. "Photo Diaries"_


Burmese Language Section

I. " Is that done for the sake of People?"_ Editorial: Khin Ma Ma Myo

II. "People of Political Movements " _ Feature Article: Lwin Aung Soe

III. " The Reality inside SPDC Army, part 7" _ Serialized True story: Captain Nay Thu (retired)

IV. " Analysing Burma's Democracy Revolution, 3"_ Analysis: Ohn Kyaw Myint

V. " On Strategic Non-violent Conflicts"_ Serialized Strategy Discussion: Lwin Aung Soe

VI. " A Puppy cannot raise much dust" _ Views : courtesy of Nay Twin

VII. " Who is Aye Lwin?" _ Critique: Sai Min Lwin

VIII. " Dogs are Howling" _ Poem: Hein Naing

IX. " Our Blood is Red"_ Poem: Ohsaman (Malaysia)

X. "Free Khun Htun Oo Campaign "_ News Report: Kyaw Kyaw Naing

XI. " Laughter can lead to danger in Burma"_ News Report: Thaung Nyunt .


I Want to Go Home New

BURMA DIGEST Human-rights Literature Award

Volunteer Lecturers for All Ethnic International Open University.

Please click here to sign the petition we want AUNG SAN SUU KYI released.

Please click here to sign our petition for urgent United Nations intervention in Burma .

Please click here to sign the Petition to UN Security Council to help STOP ATROCITIES in Burma.


Newsroom (Burma & ASEAN news) http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/BDnewsroom.htm .

Printable booklet of BURMA DIGEST http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/BD.pdf .

Guidelines for sending articles http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/bd/guidelines.htm

Acknowledgement to volunteer writers and reporters http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/team.htm

Burma Digest Team: _

·        Patron = Prof. Kanbawza Win

·         Board of Advisors = Dr. Sein Myint, Ko Htun Aung Gyaw, Sai Wansai, Dr. David Law, Dr. Win Naing,

·        Think-tank = Ko Ko Thett, Tai Samyone, Feraya Nangmone, Lwin Aung Soe, Sun Maung, Ko Myint Swe

·        International Coordinator = Raluca Enescu

·        Publisher & Executive Editor = Dr. Tayza Thuria  ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )             

·       Associate Editors = Khin Ma Ma Myo (Burmese), Dr. San Oo Aung (Translations), May (Blog & IT)

·         Affiliations = Democracy for Burma Alliance & Democracy for Burma Forum  

JOIN!  "Democracy for Burma Alliance" on  http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/democracyforburma/ 

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]



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