Good background info. Thanks for sharing!

Erooth Mohamed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:            Who Are the Gemayels?
    Before we deconstruct the assassination of Pierre Gemayel in Beirut two 
days ago, we need to go back in history, to 1982.
  September 15, 1982. Israeli occupation forces in Lebanon, commanded by 
Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, surround two large Palestinian refugee camps in 
Beirut. The names of the camps are Sabra and Shatila. No one is allowed in or 
  Israeli forces are allied with one faction of Lebanese, the Maronite 
Christian Phalangists, who have maintained an Israeli-supported militia along 
Lebanon's southern border.
  Lebanon, formerly an enclave of Syria, was under direct French control from 
the end of WWI until 1943. By the time it received its tentative independence 
from France, the French has guaranteed the domination of the then-majority 
Christians over the government, its adminsitrative apparatuses, and the 
economy. As greater and greater numbers of Muslims populated Lebanon, driven 
significantly by mass exlusions of Palestinians from Palestine (Israel) and 
Jordan (where many Plaestinian refugees originally went after being pushed out 
by the Israelis), this control was contested. 
  Those attempts at resolving inequalities between Christan and Muslim resulted 
in sometimes violent reaction from the Christians, who clung jealously to their 
power. The close cultural ties between Syria (the Muslim-majority portion of 
the former French Mandate) and Muslims in Lebanon led directly to strong ties 
between Muslims under attack from Christian rightsts (organized as early as 
1938 into the Kataeb Social Democratic Party, "Phalange" for short, by a 
Lebanese Christian strongman named Pierre Gemayel ), and to Syrian intervention 
in the affairs of its former enclave.
  Pierre Gemayel was a big fan of Spain's fasicst dictator, Francisco Franco, 
and organized the Phalangists in a nearly identical structure to the Spanish 
Phalange. This is the Party that the US government, CNN, and both US political 
parties now tout as the hope of Lebanese democracy. 
  Pierre's son, Bachir Gemayel, continued the Phalangist legacy, and organized 
Phalangist militias. In August, 1982, Bachir had just been elected president, 
in Christian-run elections that Muslims boycotted, at the height of a bloody 
civil war, now involving Lebanese Muslims, Christians, Druze, Palestinians, the 
Israelis, and the Syrians. 
  Gemayel had "run" for election on the promise to smash the Palestinian 
Liberation Organization (PLO).
  September 14, 1982, nine days before Bashir Gemayal was due to take office, 
he was assassinated with a bomb, ostensibly by a Lebanese Christian working for 
the Syrians, named Habib Tanious Shartouni.
  But the Phalangists' enemies were the Palestinians.
  There was a swift reaction obviously coordinated with Sharon's Israeli 
military. That brings us back to:
  September 15, 1982. Israeli occupation forces in Lebanon, commanded by 
Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, surround two large Palestinian refugee camps in 
Beirut. The names of the camps are Sabra and Shatila. No one is allowed in or 
out. Revenge was on the minds of the Phalangists, and in coordination with the 
Israeli cordon sanitaire around the Sabra and Shatila camps, the Phalangists 
entered on the afternoon of Spetember 16th. 
  For the next two days, until 8 PM, September 18th, they rampaged through the 
camps, dragging men, women, and children from their shanty-houses and hiding 
places and killing them. 

Israeli troops, who were part of the cordon, would claim that even though they 
knew the circumstances after Gemayel's asassination, even though they had 
allowed the Phalange militia to enter, even though they heard the screams and 
shots for over 36 hours, they had no idea what was happening in Sabra and 
  During hours of darkenss, at the request of the Phalangists, Israeli troops 
fired parachute flares over the camps to assist the Phalangists with 
  Phalange Commander Elie Hobeika was overheard by an Israeli soldier telling a 
subordinate who had asked what to do with the women and children, "This is the 
last time you're going to ask me a question like that; you know exactly what to 
do." This reply was accompanied by laughter from other Phalangist militamen. 
  Palestinians who tried to flee the camps were turned back by Israeli troops.
  Israelis claim that 700-800 were killed. The BBC put the number at 800. Later 
researchers put the number closer to 1,300.
  Among Lebanese Muslims, who constitute a majority (55%), in addition to 
around 200,000 displaced Palestinians, the Phalange tradition embodied by 
Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel, nephew of Bachir Gemayel, is perceived as 
anything but democratic. Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel was assassinated two 
days ago in Beirut, and now we hear the outcry from UN Ambassador and 
world-class asshole John Bolton about Gemayel being part of some longstanding 
struggle for Lebanese democracy, and nary a mention of how the Phalange 
tradition has been one of support for the US-Israeli axis against Muslims.
  Instead, we hear the same drumbeat, the same demonizations of the only allies 
Lebanese Muslims have been able to count upon in defense against these 
imperial-comprador depredations: Syria, on behalf of the Lebanese Sunnis in the 
North, Hamas and the PLO on behalf of the Palestinians, and Southern Shia 
Hezbollah -- perhaps the most authentic grassroots Lebanese popular formation 
in the country, which has now commited the unforgiveable sin, defeating Israel 
in combat.
  That this assassination comes just as the immensely popular Hezbollah is 
mounting a successful capaign to take down the US-"supported" government in 
Lebanon should not go unnoticed. And the possibility of a " false flag" 
operation should not yet be discounted, as Syria and Iran -- next on the US 
target list (if they can ever extricate themselves from the ongoing defeat in 
Iraq) -- are being promoted in the US media and by the US government as the 

  Sabra & Shatila By Robert Fisk
  What happened at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in 1982?
  The Sabra and Shatila Massacre



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