26.       The best of which man can leave behind for himself are three:
a righteous child who supplicates for him, an ongoing charity whose
reward continues to reach him and knowledge which others benefit from
after him. (Ibn Hibban, Hasan).

27.       The best Mosques for women are the most secluded parts of
their houses. (al-Bayhaqi, Sahih).

28.       The best of the worlds women are four:  Maryam bint Imran,
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad and Asiyah the wife of
Firawn. (Ahmad, Sahih).

29.       The best of days that you should perform cupping are the 17th
, 19th and 21st of the month.  I did not pass a single gathering of
angels on the night of Isra except that they would say to me, O
Muhammad, perform cupping! (Ahmad, Sahih)

30.       The best day on which the Sun has risen is Friday; on it Adam
was created, on it Adam was made to enter Paradise  and on it he was
expelled. The Hour will not be established except on Friday. (Muslim). 

31.       "Verily, the best of perfume for men is that which is strong
in smell and light in color, and the best of perfume for women is that
which is strong in color and light in smell." (at-Tirmidhi, Sahih).

32.       "The Most beloved of religions according to Allah the Most
High is the 'easy and flexible religion." (Ahmad, Hasan).

33.       "The most beloved of deeds according to Allah are the
continuous ones, even if they are little." (Agreed upon).

34.       "The most beloved of names according to Allah are AbdAllah,
'Abdul-Rahman and Harith." (Abu Ya?la, Sahih).

35.       "The most beloved of deeds according to Allah are the prayer
in its right time, then to treat the parents in an excellent manner, and
then Jihad in the path of Allah". (Agreed upon).

36.       "The most beloved of deeds according to Allah is that you die
and yet your tongue is still moist from the remembrance of Allah." (ibn
Hibban, Hasan).

37.       "The most beloved words according to Allah the Most High are
four:  SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Lailaha illallah and Allahu Akbar;
there is no problem with which one you start with." (Muslim).

38.       "The most beloved of speech according to Allah is when the
servant says, 'Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi' (How Transcendent is Allah and
we praise him!)." (Muslim).

39.       "The most beloved of speech according to Allah the Most High
is that which Allah chose for his Angels: Subhana Rabbi wa bihamdihi,
Subhana Rabbi wa bihamdihi, Subhana Rabbi wa bihamdihi." (at-Tirmidhi,

40.       "The most beloved of people according to Allah is he who
brings most benefit, and the most beloved of deeds according to Allah
the Mighty, the Magnificent, is that you bring happiness to a fellow
Muslim, or relieve him of distress, or pay off his debt or stave away
hunger from him.  It is more beloved to me that I walk with my brother
Muslim in his time of need than I stay secluded in the mosque for a
month.  Whoever suppresses his fury  while being able to execute it,
Allah will fill his heart with satisfaction on the Day of Standing.
Whoever walks with his brother Muslim in need until he establishes that
for him, Allah will establish his feet firmly on the day when all feet
shall slip.  Indeed, bad character ruins deeds just as vinegar ruins
honey." (at-Tabarani, Hasan).

41.       "The most beloved of people to me is A'isha and from the men,
Abu Bakr." (agreed upon).

42.       "The  best of people in recitation are those who when they
recite, you see that they fear Allah". (al-Bayhaqi, Sahih).

43.       "The best of your leaders are those that you love and they
love you, you supplicate for them and they supplicate for you.  The
worst of your leaders are those that you hate and they hate you, you
curse them and they curse you.". (Muslim).

44.       "The best of you are those who are best in paying off their
debts." (Tahawi, Sahih).

45.       "The best of you are those with the longest lives and most
excellent character." (Bazzar, Sahih).

46.       "The best of you are those with the longest lives and best in
action." (Hakim, Sahih).

47.       "The best of you are those with the softest shoulders during
prayer." (al-Bayhaqi, Hasan).

48.       "The best of you are those who are best to their wives".
(at-Tirmidhi, Sahih).

49.       "The best of you are those who are best to their families."
(At-Tabarani, Sahih).

50.       "The best of you during the 'Period of Ignorance' are the best
of you in Islam as long as they deeply understand the religion."


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