Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria etc were said most corrupted countries, what 
about this guy and his peers?
Please see the cartoons below....
Police quiz Blair inside Downing St on peerages
Patrick Wintour, Vikram Dodd and Will Woodward
Friday December 15, 2006

Tony Blair yesterday became the first serving prime minister to be interviewed 
as part of a criminal investigation when Scotland Yard officers running the 
"cash for peerages" inquiry questioned him for two hours in Downing Street.
The prime minister kept the meeting with detectives a closely guarded secret, 
and did not even confide to members of his cabinet it was due to take place.
Mr Blair was interviewed as a witness and not as a potential suspect, an 
indication that he is unlikely to face criminal charges himself. Downing Street 
and the Metropolitan police indicated privately that unless fresh evidence 
emerges they do not expect Mr Blair to be interviewed again. Police sources 
indicated, however, that the focus of their attention had swung back to Lord 
Levy, the party's chief fundraiser and Mr Blair's personal Middle East envoy.
They stressed they had not chosen the timing of the interview with Mr Blair, 
leaving No 10 open to the charge that its officials had hoped to dampen the 
explosive impact of Mr Blair's interview in the cacophony of other events.
The government selected yesterday to close 2,500 post offices, drop a Serious 
Fraud Office inquiry into allegations that BAE had paid bribes to senior 
figures in the Saudi royal family in return for contracts, and publish a white 
paper on the future of British airports. Lord Stevens had also made clear weeks 
ago that he intended to publish his report into the death of Princess Diana 
Chris Grayling, a member of the shadow cabinet, said: "Five years after Labour 
launched the concept of burying bad news, Mr Blair's spin doctors are back to 
their old tricks." A Labour insider said it appeared to be "take out the trash 
Police questioned Mr Blair about the circumstances in which he nominated four 
party lenders for peerages, and whether there had been any conspiracy to keep 
from the Lords Appointments Commission that all four had lent the party 
considerable sums ahead of the 2005 election.
Mr Blair was told before yesterday's interview that he would not be questioned 
under caution so he chose only to have a civil service notetaker present, 
rather than a lawyer.
The prime minister kept the timing of the interview from some of his most 
senior officials as well as cabinet colleagues.
Mr Blair's spokesman would not say how many officers were involved in the 
interview, although it is understood that Acting Deputy Assistant Commissioner 
John Yates, who is heading the inquiry, was not among them.
Witness interviews are not usually tape recorded and those being questioned are 
free to leave at any time. Mr Blair's official spokesman was only informed 
after the interview had been completed and within 20 minutes hastily convened a 
briefing of political journalists in the Commons.
During the course of yesterday's questioning, Mr Blair was said to have 
defended his actions in awarding the peerages in terms he has used in public 
before. The four nominations under question are those offered to Barry 
Townsley, Chai Patel, Sir David Garrard and Sir Gulam Noon. Collectively they 
lent Labour £4.25m ahead of the 2005 election.
Mr Blair's spokesman said: "The prime minister explained why he nominated each 
of the individuals and he did so as party leader in respect of the peerages 
reserved for party supporters as other party leaders do. The honours were not, 
therefore, for public service but expressly party peerages given for party 
service. In these circumstances, the fact that they had supported the party 
financially could not conceivably be a barrier to their nomination."
Mr Blair apparently robustly pointed out that party donors are in themselves 
carrying out a public service.
But the Lords Appointments Commission blocked the nominations only after 
learning the quartet had lent money to the party. It is alleged that Lord Levy 
advised the four to give loans, and even suggested they change their nomination 
forms to remove any reference to a financial connection. Commercial loans do 
not have to be disclosed in public, either to the government regulator, the 
Electoral Commission, or to the Lords Appointments Commission.
If the police are to place charges against Lord Levy, they would have to have 
secured witness statements from some of the nominees saying that Lord Levy 
suggested their cash would lead to a peerage. Lord Levy was contacted by Labour 
shortly before the last election to undertake a last-minute fundraising spree, 
as it became clear the Conservatives were going to greatly outspend Labour.
Although it is conceivable the police will re-interview Mr Blair, and this time 
under caution, the guidance suggested this is not the case.
The prime minister's spokesman said: "I have no reason to believe that there 
will be any other interviews. That's a matter for the police. I don't talk to 
the police." Asked whether Mr Blair had got the impression he faced another 
interview, he replied: "I say that with good reason."
However, Angus MacNeil, the Scottish National party MP whose complaint 
triggered the investigation, said that Mr Blair could face further questioning.
"This revelation will be shaking the very foundations of Westminster," he said. 
"We know that a number of Downing Street officials have been questioned many 
times by the police and this could be only the first of such a series of 
questions for the prime minister, also."
The Metropolitan police wants to put a file to the Crown Prosecution Service's 
lawyer in the new year. Detectives have already sent material including 
potentially incriminating emails and other documents from those involved in the 
money-raising process for Labour to the CPS for their advice. Prosecutors have 
been giving their assessments of the strength of evidence and on investigative 
avenues detectives may want to follow.

- Arif
London, UK
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