"We Have to Repent in this Generation, Not So Much for the Evil Deeds of the 
Wicked People But for the Appalling Silence of the Good People"  - Dr. Martin 
Luther King Jr.
  10 Top Idiots of the Year 2006
  Imam Badi Ali of Greensboro, North Carolina says that 2006 was the year of 
the IDIOT. New Trend defines an idiot politically as a person who does not know 
that he/she is being used, is ego oriented and forcefully carries out a hidden 
political agenda, thus falling prey to the actual forces at work in the 
political arena.
  New Trend has come up with the following IDIOTS of the year 2006 after 
consulting and searching far and wide for people who would fit into our 
definition of the IDIOT. Here are the top 10:
  1. Mahmoud Abbas [Abu Mazen] the President of the Palestinian Authority who 
is a toy in the hands of the Israelis and his western backers. He started 
thinking that he is really the President of Palestine!
  2. King Abdallah of Jordan.  He plays America's game without realizing that 
for America he is no more than a playboy who fulfils the current agenda of the 
imperialist powers. Poor fellow! He sometimes starts believing that he, really, 
is the King and a Hashemite to boot!
  3. General Musharraf, "President" of Pakistan: He struts and frets on the 
Pakistani stage, selling his country's secrets, his religion, his army, his 
people, and all who trusted him. America keeps "upping the ante:" Bomb this 
village, arrest that Muslim, kill so-and-so [Bugti for instance], torture the 
Muslim who came from UK. Musharraf jumps and obeys. Perhaps somewhere in the 
back of his mind he realizes that he is being used: When America has had enough 
of him, he will be thrown out like a rat!
  4. Hosni Mubarak, the tyrant of Egypt. Hosni has built barricades of human 
bodies around himself: those his secret police has killed, those his expert 
torturers have broken and maimed, those who fill his prisons on suspicion of 
being "Islamic fundamentalists." He wants to forget that his existence is based 
on the billion dollar annual bonus his boss in the White House gives him. Hosni 
starts pretending that he in fact is the Pharoah and has the power of life and 
death. He wants to to pretend that the CIA, FBI and Mossad agents protecting 
him are not there and that he is an independent ruler!
  5. Karzai, the ruler of Kabul.  This one is really pathetic. The Americans  
built him up as the 'democratic" ruler of "democratic" Afghanistan. He was so 
pumped up that he forgot not only Islam but the traditions and honor of the 
Pushtun people. He puts on his fancy dress and comes to Washington and Ottawa 
to be cheered by the White Master. The Taliban are waiting to string him up.
  6. Britain's Blair, Bush's "boyfriend" [some call him] or " Bush's poodle" as 
his own people call him. He lives in a fantasy world where he thinks he can 
make Muslims fight each other [in the name of fighting "extremists"]. A dupe of 
the Zionists, he thinks he can fool Palestinians into recognition of "Israel.'
  7. Amre Moussa, the clown of Egypt. He helped Hosni crush Gamaa al-Islamiyya, 
sent his troops into mosques and homes and undermined Egypt's Islamic will. He 
has been promoted to be in charge of the Arab League, where he sits around 
talking at length about the future of the Arab nations. Little does he realize 
that he is no more than a pawn of the western powers.
  8. "Imam" W.D. Muhammad represents America on this list. The White House used 
him to neutralize African-American Muslims and to put them into the service of 
U.S. plans to generate an "American Islam." The community could not be 
mobilized to free Imam Jamil al-Amin and to confront Zionist tyranny owing to 
his foolishness. W.D.'s followers became a little cult which claimed that their 
leader was the "man of the Millenium. The "imam" is proud of his connection to 
the State department which has been sending out W.D.-types all over the Muslim 
world to teach the toothless new "American Islam" thought out by the Rand 
  9. Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the UN. It took him 8 years to 
realize that he was not important and had been used by the western powers. [His 
Jewish-Swedish wife was his ticket to promotion.] Only at the very end, he 
started uncovering the role his masters played in Iraq and want to carry on in 
Iran. It was too late. He looked foolish.
  10. Donald Rumsfeld, America's warlord and attack dog in Iraq, had delusions 
of grandeur. He thought he would set up a new system in Iraq where U.S. 
military might would be decisive in all matters. He called the resistance "dead 
enders" and "ba'athist leftovers." Only too late, he found that an uprising of 
the people of Iraq was taking place led by revolutionary Islamic forces. As 
thousands of martyrdom operators ["suiciders"]  week after week and month after 
month slammed into U.S. armored columns and recruiting centers of Iraqi 
collaborators, "Rummy's" dreams went up in smoke. Too late, he realized that 
his ego had blinded him. The real agents behind the Iraq war, the Zionist Jews 
like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Lieberman, Kristol, Krauthammer, Kissinger, 
prospered, and some were even promoted. "Rummy" was dumped
  New Trend Magazine.  
  Phone: 410-435-5000. 
  New Trend, P.O. Box 356, Kingsville, MD 21087. 
  Disclaimer: Views expressed are not necessarily shared by the editors. New 
Trend does not endorse violence of any kind. Information on news or views 
related to violence is for analysis and understanding, not for endorsement. New 
Trend is against racism, classism, gender superiority, Zionism and Imperialism. 
The Qur'an and the authentic Hadith are our foundation. All views are welcome 
but only a selection can be published owing to high volume of mail. Anyone 
criticized in New Trend has the right of reply up to 300 words.  
  "For to us will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to 
account." (Holy Quran 88:25-26)

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