
 1.       Start by choosing the right spouse (Nur : 34)

 2.       Efforts must be exerted to correct any defects in a spouse once
married. Develop
           the family spiritually. Remember Allah often. (Nur : 87)

 3.       Inculcate iman in the children. Follow the Sunnah and read the
Quran regularly
           especially sura baqara. Take care of your family's education.
Teach your spouse
           and children. Set up both book and audio-visual libraries.
Invite good people to
           visit your home (Nuh : 28)

 4.       Treat your family as a small social unit. Establish shura by
discussing family
           matters with your spouse and children. Some problems amicably
and within the
           family. Children should not be allowed to see differences or
conflicts between the
           parents.Exchange visits with good families. (Nur : 61)

 5.       Guard jealously the privacy of your home (Nur : 23, 28, 53)

 6.       Keep family secrets within your home.

 7.       Exercise control. Monitor what the children are doing.

 8.       Make sure that the family follows fixed meal and sleep times.

 9.       All members of the family should co-operate in the household

 10.     Joke and have some fun and humor with the members of your family.
           waste and extravagance. Waste leads to poverty.

 11.     Do not live a life of hyper consumerism. Buy only what you need.
It's even advisable to buy less than what you think your needs are, because
you often over- estimate those needs. Resist temptation to always 'want'
things. Do not try to show off or compete.

 12.       Avoid debts. A debt is an instrument of enslavement.

 1.       Religion is basis for family formation (Quran 2 : 221)

 2.       Family relations besed on marriage and blood (Quran 25 : 54)

 3.       Family is a source of tranquility (Quran 25 : 74)

 4.       Husband as head of the family (Quran 4 :  34 )

 5.       Wife is a leader in her home  - Narrated  Ibn Umar : The Prophet
said, 'All of you
           are guardians and are responsible  for your wards, The  ruler is
a guardian and the
           man is a guardian of his family; the lady is a guardian who is
responsible for her
           husband's house  and his offspring; and so all of you are
guardians and are
           responsible for your wards' (Bukhari  7:98 hadith #128)

 6.       Duty to save family (Quran 66 : 1, 3-6)

 7.       Kindness for the young; respect for the old  - 'Hazrat Amr bin
Shuaib relates on
           the authority of his father who heard it from his father, that
the Holy Prophet (may
           peace be upon him) said : A person who has no compassion for our
children and
           does not honor our elders is not from us' (Abu Daud and
Tirmidhi) (Riyadh 1:217, Hadith #355)

 8.       Expenditure on family is sadaqa - Narrated Abu Mas'ud Al-Ansari :

           The Prophet said, 'When a muslim spends something on his family
intending to
           receive Allah's reward it is regarded as sadaqa for him'
(Bukhari 7:201,Hadith #263)

 9.       Justice takes precedence over family (Quran 4 : 135)

 10.     Financial security - Narrated Umar : The Prophet used to sell the
dates of the garden
           of Bani An-Nadir and store for his family so much foods as would
cover their needs
           for a whole year' (Bukhari 7:204, hadith # 270)

*See, How BEAUTIFUL are ISLAM's TEACHINGS !...Masha Allaah!*

*Courtesy: Sudheer hassainar.*

With Care,

*Fayaz Ahmed.*


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