Koran becomes hit Christmas present  
  Believers and non-believers alike are looking to a new Koran translation to 
give them insight into Islam 
A new Danish translation of the Koran has been snapped up from bookstores' 
shelves, joining the ties, toasters and toys wrapped and waiting to be opened 
Christmas Eve.
  In the first month since its release, nearly half of the 10,000 copies 
available have been sold, sending philologist Ellen Wulff's translation to 
number two on the non-fiction list.
  Bookstore managers have reported that this translation of the central text of 
Islam has become a surprise Christmas gift hit.
  'The majority of Korans we sell are for Christmas presents. I know, because 
we wrap a lot of them,' Maja Nordholm, manager of Arnold Busck bookstore in 
Odense, told Kristeligt Dagblad newspaper.
  The only other existing Danish translation of the Koran was published in 
1967. But it is acknowledged by neither Shia nor Sunni Muslims, as the 
translator, Abdul S Madsen, belonged to the Ahmadiyya sect, which teaches that 
a second prophet arrived after Mohammed.
  The release of the new translation comes at a time when Islam is a highly 
debated subject, noted Jørgen Bæk Simonsen, an Islam expert and professor at 
the University of Copenhagen. He felt it could fill a need among non-Muslim 
Danes to gain an understanding of Islam.
  'You can't read the newspaper, listen to the radio or turn on the TV without 
encountering Islam and Muslims,' said Simonsen. 'So there is a desire to learn 
what the Koran is about. Some will read it to find out what the Koran says. 
Others will read it to take part in the public debate.'
  The translation has also opened a window for Muslims with an immigrant 
background who cannot read Arabic, according to Kate Østergaard, a researcher 
in religion at the University of Copenhagen. She believes the Danish 
translation fills a need among young Muslims to define and understand their 
  'Their religion is continually in focus, so they want to look at what is in 
the Koran and find out what real Islam is,' she said.
  Amir Mahdi, 24, a Muslim living in Odense, agrees. He has difficulty reading 
Arabic, so he was happy to receive a copy of the Danish version from his father.
  'The Danish Koran opens doors for me to rediscover my religion and gain a 
greater understanding for something that means a lot in my life,' Mahdi said. 
'Now I can make my own interpretations and go deeper into Islam.'
  Who would have expected the Quran to be so popular in a country where the 
cartoons of Muhammed Saw were drawn which led to many protests and a boycott of 
Danish goods by Muslims.
  The Government sought to  demonise Muslims by making public statements about 
Muslims refusal to integrate, dress code, refusal to join the army and kill 
fellow Muslims etc. 
  The public in their country most of whom were not taken in by the 
anti-Islamic rhetoric chose to go to the source of Muslims way of life which is 
the Quran and find out for themselves what Islam has to say on a variety of 
issues. This is the beginning of western people trying to understand what Islam 
is and is the perfect oppurtunity for us as Muslims to explain any issues and 
questions which they have to refute state propaganda and lies.

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