Special Dispatch-Jihad & Terrorism Studies Project
January 3, 2007
No. 1406

American Professor Natana DeLong-Bas: 'I Do Not Find Any Evidence that Would 
Make Me Agree that Osama bin Laden Was Behind the Attack on the Twin Towers'

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On December 21, 2006, the London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat published an interview 
with Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas, who taught this year in the Department of Theology 
at Boston College and in the Department of Near East and Judaic Studies at 
Brandeis University(1). In the interview, she said that Wahhabism is not 
extremism and that the Muslim Brotherhood and Sayyed Qutb have nothing to do 
with jihadism. Dr. DeLong-Bas also indicated that there may be a Western 
conspiracy against the Arab and Islamic world, and said that she knows of no 
evidence that Osama bin Laden was behind the 9/11 attacks.  

In 2004, DeLong-Bas published her doctoral dissertation in book form under the 
title Wahhabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad. This book, 
published by the Oxford University Press, has been highly recommended by the 
Saudi embassy in Washington, D.C.(2)  

According to the book's jacket, "Ibn al-Wahhab was not the godfather of 
contemporary terrorist movements. Rather, he was a voice of reform, reflecting 
mainstream eighteenth-century Islamic thought. His vision of Islamic society 
was based upon monotheism in which Muslims, Christians, and Jews were to enjoy 
peaceful co-existence and cooperative commercial treaty relations."

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas is a contributor to The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, The 
Encyclopedia of the Qur'an, and The Encyclopedia of the Islamic World. 

The following are excerpts from the Al-Sharq Al-Awsat interview:(3)

"The Extremists in Saudi Arabia are a Mixture of a Number of Elements, and 
Their Extremism Does Not Stem From the Islamic Religion"

Q: "To begin with, why did you choose to discuss Sheikh Muhammad bin 'Abd 
Al-Wahhab in your doctoral dissertation?"

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas: "We hear a lot of talk in the U.S. about 'Wahabbi Islam' 
and 'the Wahhabis,' but only in a negative way that depicts them as extremist 
terrorists and gunmen. [Even] before 9/11, Americans would speak about everyone 
who opposed the positions of the American government - whether we talk of 
Chechnya, Indonesia, or Palestine - as 'Wahhabis.' This was the main reason I 
chose to discuss Sheikh Muhammad bin 'Abd Al-Wahhab, because I had a strong 
desire to know the meaning of the term 'Wahhabi Islam', and I could not find a 
single book that talked about Wahhabism and its meaning. This is why I though 
that it may be the right time to [write] a historical study about Sheikh 
[Muhammad bin 'Abd Al-Wahhab] and about Wahhabism..."

Q: "Who do you think were the influences on the extremists in Saudi Arabia?"

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas: "The extremists in Saudi Arabia are a mixture of a 
number of elements, and their extremism does not stem from the Islamic 
religion, as some think. The issue is more complicated than that. The political 
conditions in the Islamic world, like the Palestinian issue, which has lasted 
60 years, [the issue of] Iraq, and the American government's tying [the hands 
of] the U.N. [and preventing it] from adopting any resolution against Israel, 
have definitely added to the Muslim youth's state of frustration, which then 
pushes them to - as they understand it - help their brothers do away with the 
aggression against them, in the various Islamic countries... [This is 
happening] at a time in which all political options have been closed off. That 
is why I believe that religion has nothing to do with this. The activities of 
the [Islamist] groups stems from the escalation of the crises in the region, 
which causes this frustration which ultimately leads to nothing but
 armed operations..."

"I Saw a Lot of Tolerance" in Sheikh Muhammad bin 'Abd Al-Wahhab's Books

Q: "There are Muslims - whether ordinary people, intellectuals or even clerics 
- who criticize some aspects of Wahhabism as being extremist, and some believe 
that Wahhabi preaching contributed to instilling the tendency to religious 
extremism. What do you say about this?"

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas: "In my reading in Sheikh Muhammad bin 'Abd Al-Wahhab's 
books and his interpretation of the principles of faith, I saw a lot of 
tolerance and civilized [thinking], much more than is applied today. The 
important thing now is to examine [the views of] his students and see whether 
or not they are faithful to what he said and taught..."

Q: "There are those who accuse the Muslim Brotherhood's writings and agenda in 
Egypt of being the principle source from which the extremists in Saudi Arabia 
have taken [their views], and of being the cause for the start of religious 
extremism. Do you agree with this opinion?" 

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas:  "Hassan Al-Bana was not a jihadist or an extremist. The 
only thing he sought was how to be a true Muslim in everything one does and 
says. Al-Bana in no way called for any revolutions, nor did he order the 
assassination of Gamal 'Abd Al-Nasser [sic](4) - something of which he has been 
accused in the past. 

"Often the West ties together Sayyed Qutb's books and the ideology of jihad, 
and this is not true. Sayyed Qutb employed philosophical investigation [to 
distinguish] between evil and good in the world, and his book Fi Zilal Al-Koran 
['In the Shade of the Koran'] was one of the first books that [went beyond] 
what was said in previous interpretations of the Koran, and tried to interpret 
the Koran in a way that is understood and relevant to our times..."

Q: "Do you agree with those who [claim] that Sheikh 'Abd Al-Wahhab tied 
together religion and politics?"

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas: "Not at all. Sheikh Muhammad Ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhab had no 
political motives. His efforts were limited exclusively to religious da'wa."   

Q: "How do you interpret the rise to power of Islamic groups in a number of 
Islamic countries like Egypt, Palestine and Somalia, and do you believe that 
the rise in their popularity stems from the recent political circumstances?"

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas: "The first reason [for the rise in their popularity] is 
their effectiveness, and the second is the citizens' grievances against the 
existing governments and their demonstrations against those governments, [which 
stem from the fact that] those governments ignored the people's concerns. [In 
addition, even though] the U.S. made an effort to implement democracy in the 
Middle East - efforts that did not rise to the level of what Hamas has 
achieved, for example - we need to give them more time. Also, I believe that 
the Islamic groups have clearly demonstrated their agendas in their  political 
and reformist activities in the fields of medical care and education..."

Q: "Do you think then that the political Islamic groups have more credibility 
than others?"

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas: "Yes. That is the case, and this is because they are 
well familiar with the concerns of the people and their needs..."

Q: "Did your writings convince the opponents of Sheikh Muhammad bin 'Abd 
Al-Wahhab and the relevant [political] circles in the U.S.?"

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas: "Some were convinced. Others still persist in their 
point of view, but it was the response of academics in the university which 
captivated me the most. Those who have had the opportunity to visit Saudi 
Arabia and stay and work there, and who have [understanding] of the Middle 
East, showed great interest in what I said. On the other hand, there are 
academics who have a particular political agenda. Some of them tried to 
criticize the substance of the research and to say that it was not academic. At 
the end of the day, my book provided a new opening for debate about an 
important issue, and I hope that my book will help to answer the questions I 

Q: "In your opinion, why do you think that Al-Azhar at first refused to [allow] 
the publication and distribution of your book in Egypt, even though it later 
allowed it?"

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas: "I think that the title of the book, Wahhabi Islam, made 
them think that perhaps it was hostile to Islam and defamed religious figures. 
Afterwards, Al-Azhar justified its refusal on the grounds that the book touched 
on sensitive issues."

"I Do Not Want to Believe in the Existence of This Sort of [a Conspiracy 
Against the Arab and Muslim World], Even Though... the Intervention in All the 
Affairs of the Arab Region Raises a Number of Concerns"

Q: "This is your second visit to Saudi Arabia. Are you on vacation, or do you 
plan to write another book on Saudi Arabia?"

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas: "I came to Saudi Arabia for both reasons. I am here with 
my husband and my two sons because I want them to get to know Saudi Arabia so 
they can see for themselves that everything that is said about Saudi Arabia in 
the U.S. is inaccurate. On the professional side, I am currently writing a book 
that deals with the clash of civilizations and discusses 'the jihad for the 
spirit of Islam in the contemporary Saudi state'..."

Q: "What about Osama bin Laden - do you think that he was behind 9/11?"

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas: "I think that the Western media and the world have given 
Osama bin Laden more weight [than he has in reality] and exaggerated in 
depicting the danger he poses. Likewise, I do not find any evidence that would 
make me agree that Osama bin Laden was behind the attack on the Twin Towers of 
the World Trade Center. All we heard from him was praise and acclaim for those 
who carried out the operation."

Q: "Do you believe in the danger posed by the expansion of the Al-Qaeda 
organization into other areas?"

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas: "I believe that this may be possible in the event of war 
breaking out in Iran, in which case we will see [Al-Qaeda's] presence there."

Q: "Many intellectuals in the Arab and Islamic world are preoccupied with 
discussing the question of a Western conspiracy [targeting] the Arab and 
Islamic societies. Do you believe in this 'conspiratorial' point of view of 
everything that goes on in the region?"

Dr. Natana DeLong-Bas: "There is enough evidence to indicate the possibility of 
the existence of such a conspiracy, according to those who endorse this theory. 
As for me, I do not want to believe in the existence of this sort of thing, 
even though what is happening nowadays -  the intervention in all the affairs 
of the Arab region - raises a number of concerns."      

(2) In an address to the Seattle World Affairs Council on March 24, 2006, 
former Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. Prince Turki stated "I would advise anybody 
who has an interest in that to read a book by a lady called [Natana] 
DeLong-Bas, and you will have her name passed onto you. She's an American lady. 
She did her research mostly in America, Saudi Arabia, and other places, and she 
has a very definitive book on Sheikh Mohammed and Abd Al-Wahhab and his 
teachings.", March 24, 2006, .
(3) Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), December 21, 2006.
(4) Hassan Al-Bana was murdered in February 12, 1949, and could not have been 
involved in ordering the assassination attempt against Nasser. Dr. DeLong-Bas 
apparently meant to refer to another Muslim Brotherhood leader, Sayyed Qutb, 
who was executed in Egypt in 1966 for involvement in an attempt on Nasser's 

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