Mullah Omar issues Eid message
Publication time: 1 January 2007, 10:12 

Mullah Omar, the leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, has promised to 
drive foreign occupation forces out of Afghanistan in a new message timed to 
coincide with the Muslim Eid al-Adha festival. 


Speaking on an audio-tape released on last Friday by the Pakistan-based Afghan 
Islamic Press news agency, Omar also called on his fighters to avoid harming 
Afghan civilians. 


"I am confident that the enemy will run away in degradation and embarrassment," 
Omar said. 


"Afghans have always expelled their enemies by force and no enemy or aggressive 
force has left Afghanistan at its own will... They have committed aggression 
and we will drive them out." 


Mullah Omar also said the Eid festival, which began on Saturday, offered an 
example of sacrifice which could inspire his fighters. 


An ideology based on sacrifice, such as the Taliban's, "never submits and 
accepts defeat", he said. 


"You can see that present resistance and struggle in Afghanistan has amply 
proved the point." 


In the tape, Omar also criticised a new plan by the karzai "government" to hold 
tribal councils (jirgas) on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border in an 
effort to find ways to end recent violence. 


"Now the aggressor forces in our country want to entangle our valiant nation 
and tribes in their devilish trap by way of jirgas," he said. 


"But I am sure that no Muslim will participate in something that is created by 
the aggressors and puppets. Those who attend will only be people who have sold 


"Our aggressor enemy has been defeated and now they are hatching new 
conspiracies for their survival," he said. 


Mullah Omar also instructed his Mujahiddeen to be "mindful of not resorting to 
actions that may result in casualties of innocent ordinary people". 


"We must be more cautious and careful in focusing the target. We should have 
friendly and sincere relations with our own Muslim people." 



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