Abdul Wahid Osman Belal forwarded:                           According to Dr. 
Mohammad Ihsanullah Khan: "....in an Islamic State, the Sovereignty belongs to 
God and not to the people or a people's party or to the Dictator for that 
matter. Thus it is something other than the modern Democracy or the 
Dictatorship. It is Theocracy. This Sovereignty is exercised by the Khalifa in 
the name of God and as His agent and in the interest of the community. The 
Khalifa is elected by the people, though not on numerical strength, as is the 
case in Democracy but on qualitative grounds. The Khalifa, being the agent of 
God, must be most pious, virtuous and an all round talented, gifted and a 
reliable person. The Khalifa can as well be deposed by the people, if he 
betrays trust and does not abide by the laws of God. Now if Khalifa can be 
elected and as well deposed by the person that means that an Islamic State is 
in no way different from Democracy and that the people do possess the right of
 Sovereignty to all intent and purpose. Of course they do, but that only 
derivatively so, not directly. Directly, the Sovereignty still remains with 
God, for the people have the right to election or deposition only subject to 
the instructions and principles laid down by God, not subject to their own 
whims or caprice. Indeed, at times the Khalifa can act even against the will of 
the whole population, if it is intended to serve the purpose of God. Thus an 
Islamic state may better be termed as Theo-Democracy, if that term be permitted 
rather than as Democracy or Theocracy pure and simple.
        Further, since sovereignty belongs to God, the right of legislation 
likewise belongs to God and no other person or persons besides Him. Such a 
legislation is laid down in Quran or the Tradition, and they admit of no 
alterations from any quarter. Only Bye-Laws are allowed, but that, too, within 
the framework of the fundamental principles laid down in Quran or the 
          Further the rule of party or parties does not exist in Islam. The 
party, strictly speaking, is the entire community itself. The programme of an 
Islamic State is essentially, indeed predominantly, moral and religious:  and 
only secondarily it is economic and political. It stands for the reformation of 
humanity, and it sanctions war against wickedness and moral vices wherever 
existing. Even against one's Khalifa, one is entitled to wage war or Holy War 
if he is a wicked person. More it believes in a certain ideology which is 
revealed and not thought out by man himself        According to Dr. Mohammad 
Ihsanullah Khan: "....in an Islamic State, the Sovereignty belongs to God and 
not to the people or a people's party or to the Dictator for that matter. Thus 
it is something other than the modern Democracy or the Dictatorship. It is 
Theocracy. This Sovereignty is exercised by the Khalifa in the name of God and 
as His agent and in the interest of the community. The
 Khalifa is elected by the people, though not on numerical strength, as is the 
case in Democracy but on qualitative grounds. The Khalifa, being the agent of 
God, must be most pious, virtuous and an all round talented, gifted and a 
reliable person. The Khalifa can as well be deposed by the people, if he 
betrays trust and does not abide by the laws of God. Now if Khalifa can be 
elected and as well deposed by the people, that means that an Islamic State is 
in no way different from Democracy and that the people do possess the right of 
Sovereignty to all intent and purpose. Of course they do, but that only 
derivatively so, not directly. Directly, the Sovereignty still remains with 
God, for the people have the right to election or deposition only subject to 
the instructions and principles laid down by God, not subject to their own 
whims or caprice. Indeed, at times the Khalifa can act even against the will of 
the whole population, if it is intended to serve the purpose of God.
 Thus an Islamic state may better be termed as Theo-Democracy, if that term be 
permitted rather than as Democracy or Theocracy pure and simple.
        Further, since sovereignty belongs to God, the right of legislation 
likewise belongs to God and no other person or persons besides Him. Such 
legislation is laid down in Quran or the Tradition, and they admit of no 
alterations from any quarter. Only Bye-Laws are allowed, but that, too, within 
the framework of the fundamental principles laid down in Quran or the 
          Further the rule of party or parties does not exist in Islam. The 
party, strictly speaking, is the entire community itself. The programme of an 
Islamic State is essentially, indeed predominantly, moral and religious:  and 
only secondarily it is economic and political. It stands for the reformation of 
humanity, and it sanctions war against wickedness and moral vices wherever 
existing. Even against one's Khalifa, one is entitled to wage war or Holy War 
if he is a wicked person. More it believes in a certain ideology which is 
revealed and not thought out by man himself -revealed by God through the 
Prophet and the Quran. Lastly, Islam being a missionary religion, the Islamic 
State stands for Internationalism;   and it does not remain confined within its 
own bounds. But unlike Totalitarian states it seldom crosses its boundaries 
with a set purpose of aggrandizement or of colonization. It is predominantly a 
moral and spiritual state and, as such, wherever it goes it
 spreads religion, morality, learning, culture and all-pervading peace. " 
  Lastly, Islam being a missionary religion, the Islamic State stands for 
Internationalism;   and it does not remain confined within its own bounds. But 
unlike Totalitarian states it seldom crosses its boundaries with a set purpose 
of aggrandizement or of colonization. It is predominantly a moral and spiritual 
state and, as such, wherever it goes it spreads religion, morality, learning, 
culture and all-pervading peace. " 
  Reproduced from Foreword by Dr. Mohammad Ihsanullah Khan M.A.,LL.B.. (Alig), 
Dr. Phil. (Bonn)      Reproduced from THE COMMUNIST CHALLENGE TO ISLAM- A 
Warning to the Muslims By Dr. Muhammad Fazl-ur-Rahman Ansari 
Published 1951 by The Makki Publications, 100 Brickfield Road, Durban, South 

Suggested for further reading:

Dr. Muhammad Fazl-ur-Rahman Ansari
2. ISLAM VERSUS MARXISM BY Dr. Muhammad Fazl-ur-Rahman Ansari
  Available from:  1.World Federation of Islamic Missions (WFIM) Islamic Centre 
Block B, North   Nazimabad, Karachi-74700 PAKISTAN  Phone 92-021-6644156 Fax 
No: 92-021-6627021 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Website: www.wfim.org.pk  2. 
Islamic Book Trust Kuala Lumpur  609, Mutiara Majestic, 6th. Floor, Jalan 
Othman  46000 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Website: 

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