Religion of the Capitalists  
America is trying to introduce a new religion with their strong and 
international media. A religion where Satan gives revelation to the owners of 
large companies and rich people of the hegemonic system that is running the 
world. The source of revelation is Satan and those that receive the revelation 
and propagate the religion are the American and Israeli spy research centers 
and think tanks. These colonization organizations perform two actions; they 
present a unified religion and they explain the teachings of correct religions 
in accordance with their goals and interests: increasing their domain. The 
American Zionists have named Islam, holy war, and defending one’s land, women, 
children, religion, and honor as terrorism and consider them as evil actions. 
The Jewish Christians take on religion is that they consider enjoining the good 
and forbidding the evil as well as advising one another as an unjust 
interference into one’s personal business. The American British take on
 religion is that they consider chastity and the holding back of pious and 
believing men and women from corruption and unethical conduct as a type of 
depression, a type of mental disorder, and a type of backwardness. The concepts 
of independence in culture, politics, and economics does not have a meaning in 
the new religion of those who worship the world, rather independence, 
power-mongering, people after proofs, and people after building are praised. In 
the new religion, the whole world must act in accordance to the culture, 
economy, and politics of the headquarters of disbelief; New York and Tel Aviv. 
If they don’t they will be charged with apostasy and then… Hence, everyone must 
live in the cage built by America. Modern logic considers the term independence 
as old and belonging to the Middle Ages. In the new religion, in shadows of 
making an international economy, 80 percent of the worlds wealth and resources 
must be in the hands of less than 20 percent of the worlds
 population; in other words the Zionists. 
  In the shadows of the international Zionism, God is no longer the one 
worshiped on earth, the direction of prayer is no longer Mecca, rather the 
American dollar, large companies, international media, and large internet cites 
have been transformed into idols, gods, and the direction of prayer. In the new 
definition of religion that America is presenting to the Muslims, the teachings 
of jihad, martyrdom, enjoining the good, forbidding the evil, spiritual and 
ethical traits, and forming an Islamic government must be erased from the 
Quran. The verses that discuss the evilness, the dividing tactics, and the 
instigating nature of the Jews and the deception of the Christians over the 
Muslims must be erased from the Quran. In its place, understanding, dialogue, 
de-escalation, unity with the modern world’s caravan, unified thought, and a 
peaceful life in accordance to their understanding will be taught. One of the 
first laws that they will pass is laxity and negligince with the
 aggressive disbelievers and polytheists. One of the important political 
strategies of the new religion, according to the statements of the Jews and 
Christians, will be that they have the right to any kind of military move or 
economic embargo against the Muslims or the downtrodden. This will be legal, 
advanced, and humane. Therefore, in farthest parts of the world they are 
gathering different types of weapons of mass destruction and are building 
prisons, army barracks, bunkers, forts, castles and torture dungeons. But, 
Muslims do not have any right to fight against their invasion of Muslim land 
and if they do defend their religion, women, children, or land they are 
introduced as violent, terrorists, and backward. 
  One of their acts of worship will be giving democracy to backward nations. 
There is no problem in giving them democracy even though millions of humans in 
Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Bosnia, Palestine, Panama, and Vietnam are 
killed and are tortured by modern American tactics in Abu Gharayb and Guntanamo 
until they accept western culture, civilization, progress, and modernity. 
Examples of laws of the new religion are making, hording, and using nuclear, 
microbe, and chemical weapons by England, America, and Israel. Also, that there 
is no problem for them verbally and physically threaten the world because they 
are spreading liberal democracy and western human rights. But, Muslim countries 
gaining knowledge and modern technologies are a serious danger to the world’s 
peace and are definitely forbidden and unforgivable. Another rule of the new 
religion is that all of mankind must use the cultural and propagation goods of 
Hollywood. The whole world must spend their lives
 in the dirty, unethical internet sites and satellite channels and at the same 
time they must thank their lords; they must look at them respectfully. Another 
aspect of this religion is America’s selling humans, their new form of slavery, 
buying drugs and weapons of mass destruction, buying and selling young women in 
farthest parts of the world and sending them to the centers of corruption to be 
used sexually, selling body parts of innocent children, women, and girls who 
have fallen into slavery. High class jobs will be those that strengthen the 
hegemonic systems economy. Their deceptive marketplace will be made successful. 
The Protection of the superiority of their marketplace is obligatory. 
  According to the rules of the world’s new unified and evil religion, 
homosexuality, devil worship, nudity, abominable pleasures, the production of 
dangerous chemical drugs, organizing evil and teaching it, establishing centers 
and universities to teach torture, the production and sale of different kinds 
of tools used for torture, and teaching different types of crime are the 
necessities of a advanced modern civilization. The whole world must take the 
civilizations that have all of this as role models so that they are not left 
behind the fast-moving train of modernity. The teachings of this new, 
progressive religion of America which is taught to use, which state that the 
American army and its allies, with its tanks, missiles, airplanes, warships, 
weapons of mass destruction is occupying your countries, stealing your natural 
resources, taking control of your mines, killing your youth, raping your women, 
and building prisons and torture chambers. They say that this is to our
 benefit but we do not see it. They say that we must greet this warmly and pray 
that the American army comes and gives us democracy, human rights, and ethics. 
These are small examples of the rules of this religion; the religion of the 
modern world. !!! 

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