By Sajid Iqbal
  Big Brother, a programme where 13 people chosen from thousands of applicants, 
are asked to live in a house where there are hidden cameras placed throughout 
the house covering their every move... and I mean every move if you know what I 
  Every week one guy or girl is evicted by the television viewers, who are 
given tasks to carry out and then are judged on their success as well as their 
behaviour, personality and deeds. The successful person at the end of the show 
is rewarded £100,000.
  Well, you're probably thinking what's this got to do with anything? Let me 
shock you by saying that our life in this world is just like the telly show Big 
Brother - no fatwa's please, let me explain!
  Our house is this world - the dunya. Our hidden camera is none other than God 
Almighty, the creator of the universe who watches our every single move. Allah 
(swt) gives our tasks in His book, the Qur'an and by His Messenger, Muhammad 
  The Creator judges us on our deeds and actions and our prize at the end of 
the show is Paradise and eternal life. Now what do you make of that then?
  Not bad eh… I know you're shaking your head and saying the blokes lost it but 
just think about it for a moment and it'll make sense to you … trust me. The 
term 'Big Brother is always watching you' has a very important meaning for 
  OK, check this out - the idea that 'Big Brother is always watching you' 
should become clear:
  You're cruising down the road in your Subaru ( or your Nissan Micra if you 
were honest) and you approach the lights. You think I ain't stopping and all of 
a sudden you see a cop car from a distance.
  So what do you do? Slam your brakes, put your seat belt on and hope the 
coppers say nowt. Its true innit… unless you get a buzz out of being fined and 
visiting the nick! You see we follow the law because we know we are being 
watched, and if we break the law we will be punished. 
  Another example: will you ever light up a spliff or chat up a girl/guy in 
front of your parents, older brother or your local molbi (imam).You must be 
joking! Why? Because you know a higher authority is watching you, so you have 
to do 'the right thing' otherwise you will be punished big time.
  Now, to get to the point- if we 'do the right thing' or follow the law of the 
land only to please the higher authorities in this world then why not 'do the 
right thing and obey the law of Allah' - the Creator of the Universe, who is 
the highest authority and is always watching you?
  You see whether we are playing football, watching the telly, in the town 
center, at uni or college, at work, in the mosque or in the nightclub our every 
action is watched and recorded.
  So next time you decide to link up with your undercover girl/boyfriend 
somewhere that you know that your dad, the local Imam and that big mouth auntie 
down the road wont see you, always remember that 'Big Brother' - the 
All-Seeing- is ALWAYS watching you, there is no place on Earth where you can go 
where you wont get clocked by Him.
  'Big Brother' is always watching us so isn't it about time we faced the facts 
and sorted ourselves out to save our self from the embarrassment in this world 
and the hereafter. A couple of things might be on your mind.
  You're thinking: 'OK I know Allah(swt) watches our actions but still I can't 
stop myself from doing what I do, even though I know its wrong. So, what do I 
  Fair point. To know something is wrong or haram doesn't take a genius but to 
stop yourself from committing sin and haram acts is the hardest thing ever. But 
you see that is the trick. That is the test. The test of life - pass this and 
you're buzzing. What we need is taqwa - the fear of God.
  The only way we can do good in this world and have a good hereafter is if we 
fear Allah (swt). The Prophet (saw) said in his final sermon : “Fear your Lord, 
pray your five prayers, fast the month of Ramadan, pay your Zakah, and obey 
your leaders, in doing so, you will enter your Lord‘s Paradise.”(Tirmidhi)
  For the rest of the article please visit

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