International Petition To Secure A Safe Shelter for The Syrian and 
Palestinian Exiles & Refugees in Iraq and Their Families

The continued campaign led by the Death Squads in Iraq, which targets the 
Syrian and Palestinian refugees who have been residing in Iraq for many 
decades, and because of the lack of ability to maintain and ensure security and 
 protection for those people in Iraq, the signatories of this petition do 
appeal to all organizations and international human rights bodies, including 
the Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, to protect the 
Syrian and Palestinian families remaining in Iraq estimated around 150 Syrian 
family and hundreds of Palestinian families and to secure a safe shelter for 
them. The plight of these families requires urgent and immediate action; 
especially that dozens of Syrian and Palestinian refugees have been 
assassinated during the last year.

To show your support and to add your name to the petition, please contact one 
of the following emails..

  also send to the emails in these links.. 

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