brothers and sisters  , these are  BROTHER  JAMAL ALNASER (the founder and 
developer of DIVINE ISLAM and all its software )   who
  spent years writing thousands of code lines to make up all the free Islamic 
software he provides for FREE, he had to step away for personal reasons and we 
ask all those who did or will benefit from his work to pray for him.
  1)Holy Qur'an Viewer version 2.9
  - Additional Qur'an Languages and Translations can be installed.
- Additional Qur'an Manucript Pages can be installed.
- Remote recitation feature can be enabled from within the software 
  and you can add your (OWN) prefered language if it is not available in the 
above software i.e SPANISH  language by downloading the above VIEWER and visit 
this link
  and  download  SPANISH from the chart.
  2)Hadith Viewer Developed by Jamal Al-Nasir
- Supports Multiple Hadith Languages
Includes Full Arabic Text of Ahadith agreed upon by Imam's Bukhari and Muslim 
is is built into Hadith Viewer along with it's english translation. English 
translation of a collection of over 1900 Ahadith compiled by Imam Nawawi also 
provided. Features include glossary of (500 words) and more... 
  (sayings/actions attributed to The Prophet Muhammad).
  brothers and sisters , i hope these programs  are helpfull for you .
  wa alsalam alikom warahmato ALLAH wa barakatoh.

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