"Saudi Arabia, Egypt , Jordan , Kuwait , Bahrain , Qatar , Oman and the 
Emirates have all signed up to the Bush administration’s escalation of its 
aggression against Iraq and its plans for a military attack on Iran."
  They have strayed very far from the guidance in the Qur’an and the example of 
our Prophet (saaw). 
  “All humanity is from Adam and Eve. There is no superiority for an Arab over 
a non-Arab, nor for a non-Arab over an Arab; nor for a white man over a black 
man; nor for a black man over a white man; except through piety. Know that 
every Muslim is a brother to every other Muslim, and that the Muslims 
constitute one nation. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim that belongs to 
a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do 
injustice to yourselves.”
   Rice’s Middle East Tour: Arab Regimes Back US War Drive
In Iraq and Iran
  (If the GCC and other Arab states have indeed signed up and endorsed the US 
plan to invade Iran, it marks the beginning of a global conflict in which the 
invaders and their Arab collaborators would end up being the biggest losers. 
Musharraf is visiting the ‘offending’ Arab States this week. One hopes he is 
able to get public denial of the news of their collaboration with the US in 
invading Iran ). + Usman Khalid +
  By Jean Shaoul & Chris Marsden
World Socialist Web 20 January, 2007
  Saudi Arabia, Egypt , Jordan , Kuwait , Bahrain , Qatar , Oman and the 
Emirates have all signed up to the Bush administration’s escalation of its 
aggression against Iraq and its plans for a military attack on Iran .
  A tour of the Middle East by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice 
culminated on January 16 in a meeting at the Bayan Palace of the emir of Kuwait 
and the signing of a joint communiqué by the foreign ministers of the 
six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), plus Egypt and Jordan.
  The foreign ministers endorsed President Bush’s dispatch of 21,000 more 
troops to Iraq , portraying this as a means of preventing a further descent 
into civil war. And they joined Rice in welcoming a US commitment to defend 
“the territorial integrity of Iraq and to ensure a successful, fair and 
inclusive political process that engages all Iraqi communities and guarantees 
the stability of the country.”
  “Nine foreign ministers [including Rice] are meeting in Kuwait precisely to 
prevent Iraq from sliding into a civil war. And that speaks volumes,” Kuwaiti 
Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammad al-Salem al-Sabah said. “We expressed our 
desire to see the president’s plan to reinforce American military presence in 
Baghdad as a vehicle...to stabilise Baghdad and prevent Iraq sliding into this 
ugly war, this civil war.”
  Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal said, “We agree with the full 
objectives set out by the new plan, the strategy.... If it were applied, it 
will solve the problems facing Iraq .”
  Egypt’s Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Ghewas was even more obsequious, telling 
reporters in Cairo on Wednesday, “Bush’s strategy is not merely a military 
action or operation or a unilateral military programme. It represents a vision 
with different political, military and economic aspects.”
  Endorsing Bush’s plans in fact paves the way for the bloody suppression of 
the Iraqi people and a worsening of sectarian conflict. The US intends to first 
crack down on Sunni insurgents in Baghdad , but is also demanding that the 
Iraqi regime of Nouri al-Maliki mount an offensive against Shia militias, 
particularly the Mahdi army of Moqtada al-Sadr. Maliki has already announced 
the beginning of such a crackdown and 400 arrests.
  But the US military “surge” will not stop with Iraq . Iran is firmly in 
Washington ’s sights and is accused of being the primary instigator of the Shia 
insurgency. In his speech announcing the troop escalation, endorsed by the Arab 
states, Bush threatened that the US would “interrupt the flow of support from 
Iran and Syria ” and to “seek out and destroy the networks providing advanced 
weaponry and training to our enemies in Iraq .”
  The official communiqué did not mention Iran explicitly, but declared that 
“Relations among all countries should be based on mutual respect for the 
sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states and on the principle of 
no-interference in the internal affairs of other nations.” Sweeping aside the 
oblique political formula of the Arab states, a spokesman for Rice declared 
afterwards that this meant Iran .
  Every day that has passed since Bush’s speech outlining a fresh “surge” has 
seen fresh political and military threats directed against Tehran . US Vice 
President Dick Cheney has said that Iran constitutes a “growing, 
multidimensional” threat to the entire region.
  As Rice was shuttling between Middle East capitals, a second US aircraft 
carrier was despatched to the Gulf for the first time since the start of the 
war against Iraq in 2003. According to a US Navy spokesperson, the USS Stennis, 
with 3,200 sailors, is part of a strike group consisting of the guided-missile 
cruiser USS Antietam, three Navy destroyers—the USS O’Kane, Preble and Paul 
Hamilton—the submarine USS Key West, and the guided-missile frigate USS Rentz, 
as well as the supply ship USNS Bridge. It will remain in the Middle East “as 
long as the situation demands it.”
  The US already has nearly 40,000 troops in Gulf countries other than Iraq , 
including about 25,000 in Kuwait , 6,500 in Qatar , 3,000 in Bahrain , 1,300 in 
the United Arab Emirates and a few hundred in Oman and Saudi Arabia , according 
to figures from the Dubai-based Gulf Research Centre.
  On January 15, the day before the “GCC plus two” communiqué, US Defence 
Secretary Robert Gates gave a news conference at NATO headquarters in Brussels 
, Belgium . He described the beefing up of America ’s Middle East forces as 
reaffirming “our determination to be a strong presence in that area for a long 
time into the future.”
  He accused Iran of trying to take advantage of perceived US vulnerability in 
Iraq . Today, he said, “the Iranians clearly believe that we’re tied down in 
Iraq ; that they have the initiative, that they are in a position to press us 
in many ways. They are doing nothing to be constructive in Iraq at this point.”
  The British Broadcasting Corporation reported that in an interview Rice 
“denied that taking the war to Syria and Iran would be an escalation.” She told 
the BBC that it was simply “good policy” and was a reaction to unacceptable and 
lethal Iranian activities against US forces.
  Numerous commentators noted that the ringing endorsement of the foreign 
ministers could not conceal their underlying “scepticism” in the prospects of 
US success in Iraq . Theirs was a “hands-off” approach that places 
responsibility on the Maliki government to demonstrate an “even-handedness” to 
ensure against worsening tensions between Sunnis and Shias throughout the 
  Nevertheless, the Arab regimes have lined up behind US plans to escalate the 
conflict in the region in the full knowledge that it means more military 
adventures, civil wars and conflicts that could destabilise the entire region. 
Indeed, King Abdullah of Jordan warned that three civil wars are on the cards: 
in Iraq , the Palestinian territories and Lebanon.
  For the US , such outcomes are not so much accidental by-products of its 
determination to control the region and its extensive oil resources as 
deliberate policy choices. In Iraq , its policy of divide and rule through the 
deliberate fostering of civil war between Sunni and Shia Muslims is to be 
extended elsewhere.
  As Rice explained in her testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations 
Committee on January 11, “This is a different Middle East . This Middle East is 
a Middle East in which there really is a new alignment of forces. On one side 
are reformers and responsible leaders, who seek to advance their interests 
peacefully, politically and diplomatically. On the other side are extremists of 
every sect and ethnicity who use violence to spread chaos, undermine democratic 
governance, and to impose an agenda of hatred and intolerance.
  “On one side of that divide are the Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia 
and the other countries of the Gulf, Egypt , Jordan , the young democracies of 
Lebanon , the Palestinian territories led by Mahmoud Abbas, and Iraq . On the 
other side of that divide are Iran , Syria , Hezbollah and Hamas. I think we 
have to understand that that is the fundamental divide.”
  The US no longer seeks to maintain the status quo, but, as Rice herself put 
it in relation to Israel ’s offensive against Lebanon last summer, to bring 
about “a new Middle East .” The Arab regimes will be called on not only to 
passively support US actions in Iraq and Iran , but to suppress the domestic 
opposition that this will arouse. They will do so because their own survival 
has rested for decades upon US support.
  The Arab regimes have sought to dress up their support for Washington ’s 
plans by boosting illusions that the Bush administration is seeking a just 
resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The communiqué agreed that the 
“Palestinian-Israeli conflict remains a central and core problem and that 
without resolving this conflict the region will not enjoy sustained peace and 
stability.” They reaffirmed a commitment to achieving peace in the Middle East 
through a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  In reality, US policy in Palestine is to equip the Palestinian Authority of 
Mahmoud Abbas with the military equipment necessary for it to take on Hamas and 
suppress all opposition to Israel as part of the “war on terror.”
  Reports in Haaretz at the end of last year noted that, after coordinating 
with the US and Israel and discussions between Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister 
Ehud Olmert, Egypt was sending arms shipments across the border to Gaza. One 
shipment was said to be made up of four trucks with 2,000 automatic rifles, 
20,000 ammunition clips and 2 million bullets. The Bush administration is 
seeking congressional support to provide up to $86 million to bolster the 
presidential guard and expand Abbas’s control over strategic border crossings.
  Rice’s brief meeting with Abbas resulted in nothing of substance regarding 
moves towards establishing a Palestinian state. It could not do so because 
Israel remains Washington ’s key regional ally and is spearheading its military 
provocations against Iran . Rice started her tour of the Middle East in Israel 
, where she held a three-hour-long discussion with Olmert, all but half an hour 
of which was held in private without officials present. The talks focused on 
Israel ’s role in the campaign against Iran.

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