Two articles: British Conservative Party (Tory) leader David Cameron writes his 
opinion on recent Britishness issues, including issues on British-Muslims. I 
have added Editorial comment from the Observer at the end of this article. 
Whether you are British or not, what is your say?
- Arif Bhuiyan , UK
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No one will be left behind in a Tory Britain

By vigorously promoting equal opportunity and fairness, we will make this a 
better country for all 

David Cameron
Sunday January 28, 2007
The Observer 

The subject of community cohesion, for understandable reasons, has become 
prominent in our national conversation over the past few years. But it is a 
challenge we have faced before: the question of how we live together is as old 
as humanity itself. Throughout history, there have been periods when Britain 
has not been entirely comfortable with itself or individual communities within 
Who would now question the contribution made by Jewish people to British 
society - or even talk about there being a conflict between being British and 
Jewish? And yet, only 50 years ago, this was exactly the debate going on in 
both the Jewish and non-Jewish communities. More recently, Britain's Irish 
community was questioning and being questioned about its loyalty to Britain.
Each time, over time, we have kept our country together by having faith in our 
institutions and our way of doing things: freedom under the rule of law, a 
common culture defined by pluralism and tolerance and a distinctively British 
approach (calm, thoughtful, reasonable) to potentially incendiary issues. The 
challenge today may have its own specific characteristics, but our approach 
should be the same. In that context, I am concerned by the direction that the 
debate on cohesion has taken recently. I believe it is time for a more British 
First, we must not fall for the illusion that the problems of community 
cohesion can be solved simply through top-down, quick-fix state action. State 
action is certainly necessary today, but it is not sufficient. Second, it must 
be the right kind of action, expressed in a calm, thoughtful and reasonable 
The doctrine of multiculturalism has undermined our nation's sense of cohesion 
because it emphasises what divides us rather than what brings us together. It 
has been manipulated to entrench the right to difference (a divisive concept) 
at the expense of the right to equal treatment despite difference (a unifying 
concept). But in seeking to atone for those mistakes, we should not lurch, with 
the zeal of the convert, into a simplistic promotion of 'Britishness' that is 
neither in keeping with our traditions, nor likely to bring our communities 
closer together. 
Yes, we need to ensure that every one of our citizens can speak to each other 
in our national language. Yes, we need to ensure that our children are taught 
British history properly. And I do think it is important to create more 
opportunities for celebrating our sense of nationhood. Unlike Labour, we will 
set out a clear and consistent path to ensure these things actually happen, 
starting with our policy review which will make specific recommendations this 
But I think we need to go much deeper than this if we are to address the 
substantial alienation and division that exist in our country today. It's no 
use behaving like the proverbial English tourist abroad, shouting ever more 
loudly at the hapless foreigner who doesn't understand what is being said. We 
can't bully people into feeling British - we have to inspire them. 
A number of the interventions we have seen from ministers recently have 
spectacularly failed to do that. Instructing Muslim parents to spy on their 
children. Offending our war heroes with the proposal of a new 'Veteran's Day' 
when we already have Remembrance Sunday. Suggesting that we put flags on the 
lawn. These and similar clunking attempts to address the complexities of 
community cohesion show a serious misunderstanding of the scale of the 
challenge, and the shape of the solution. Above all, we have seen a dangerous 
muddling of concerns: community cohesion, the threat of terrorism and the 
integration of British Muslims. 
Promoting community cohesion should indeed be part of our response to 
terrorism. But cohesion is not just about terrorism and it is certainly not 
just about Muslims. Similarly, promoting integration will help protect our 
security. But too mechanistic a connection between these objectives will make 
it harder to achieve both, by giving the impression that the state considers 
all Muslims to be a security risk. 
This week's report from our policy review, the product of months of dialogue 
with Britain's diverse communities, will seek to disentangle these threads and 
point a clear and responsible way forward. There will be no shying away from 
the tough issues: the influence of those who twist faith into ideology; the 
cultural attitudes that exclude women from mainstream society; the impact of 
foreign policy on domestic affairs; and, vitally, the divisive effects of the 
catastrophic failure of state education in many parts of urban Britain. 
I want the Conservative party to stand for a broad and generous vision of 
British identity. In a speech in Birmingham tomorrow, I will argue that 
questions of social cohesion are also questions of social justice and social 
inclusion. Cohesion is as much about rich and poor, included and left behind as 
it is about English and Scot or Muslim and Christian. Inspiring as well as 
demanding loyalty from every citizen will require a new crusade for fairness. A 
society that consistently denies some of its people the chance to escape 
poverty, to get on in life, to fulfil their dreams and to feel that their 
contribution is part of a national effort: such a society will struggle to 
inspire loyalty, however many citizenship classes it provides. 
Fairness will be our most powerful weapon against fragmentation. In America, 
new immigrants feel part of something from the moment they arrive because they 
feel they have the opportunity to succeed. It is that belief in equal 
opportunity that we need in Britain today and it is why the denial of quality 
education to so many is such a vital part of the cohesion argument. 
There is no easy short cut. Having tried to impose democracy in Iraq at the 
point of a gun, we must surely realise that we will never impose cohesion at 
home with the ping of a press release. There are serious divisions in our 
country today. Many thousands - maybe millions - feel shut out, under attack. 
Turning the situation around will require patience. We must be calm, thoughtful 
and reasonable: that is the British way. 
Building cohesion is a social responsibility. Government must enforce the rules 
of the road - speaking English, teaching history, upholding and celebrating the 
symbols of nationhood - and we will be absolutely clear about what needs to be 
done. If the government brings forward these measures, they will have our full 
But this is about much more than government and politics. We must each do all 
we can to make this a fairer and more just society - helping others, creating 
opportunity and ensuring that no one is excluded from it.

Inclusive Cameron sets a welcome benchmark

Sunday January 28, 2007
The Observer 

Any community subjected to the sort of public scrutiny that has been brought to 
bear on British Muslims in recent years would feel defensive. Their customs and 
beliefs are analysed, their habits are judged against ill-defined notions of 
Often, devout Muslims are compared not with other conservative groups - 
ultra-orthodox Jews or evangelical Christians, for example - but to the liberal 
values of the Enlightenment, which had anti-clericalism as one of its central 
pillars. Not surprisingly, they are found wanting, as if it is not enough for 
Muslims to obey the law, but that they should also study Voltaire.
The reason Muslim illiberalism is scrutinised more than that of other faiths is 
that terrorist acts have recently been committed in Britain in the name of 
Islam. That is why a cultural and historical debate about what it means to be 
British, once the province of academics, has become a favourite theme for 
Writing in today's Observer, David Cameron enters that fray. This week, he 
announces the results of his party's policy review on social cohesion. Measured 
against the many forays into the subject from the right, Mr Cameron's tone is 
not hysterical. Compared with the government's approach, it is not activist in 
its view of the state's role in promoting integration. Mr Cameron recognises 
that the exclusion of many Muslims, and, indeed, non-Muslims from mainstream 
society is a problem, but one that is best seen as a subset of wider issues of 
poverty and lack of social mobility. For that reason, there is not much sense 
ordering the excluded to 'integrate'. We should, rather, have confidence that 
social cohesion will flow naturally from fair access to good education and more 
equitable distribution of prosperity. 
This is hardly revolutionary thinking. But it does mark a welcome alternative 
to the view that young Muslims should be urgently inculcated with 'Britishness' 
in the interests of national security. It is also a departure from the Tory 
habit of waving the flag and waiting impatiently for immigrants to rally to it. 
But Conservative members have already shown a reactionary queasiness about 
their leader's new direction on other issues. It would be shame if they cannot 
embrace a tolerant message on social cohesion. It is the right one.


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