Where on the web can you find bearded ladies, parachuting mermaids 
and pirates riding dolphins?    On Amnesty’s virtual journey to Guantánamo Bay! 
      Two weeks ago we launched an animated on-line petition asking for people 
to join our flotilla travelling all the way to Guantánamo to denounce 
injustice. Thousands have already joined us.
  If you still have not joined the protest, why not do it now? By doing this, 
you will put pressure on the US authorities to close Guantánamo and end 
injustice there.
  It only takes a minute and, besides, it is a lot of fun. Have you always 
wanted a beard but were afraid to grow one? Now's your chance! And you can also 
look for friends and check how they have designed their outfits, styled their 
hair and chosen their mode of transport.
  We would like to ask you to forward the link 
http://www.amnesty.org/guantanamoflotilla - to as many friends, colleagues and 
relatives as you can and ask them to sign up to the campaign as well.
  You can also link to the flotilla from your website or blog. Find banners and 
buttons here: Come on; let's give it a go!
  The campaign is gathering momentum and is creating quite a splash. Now we 
need your help to pass on the message.
  Can we count on you to keep up the momentum and ensure we get this awful 
detention site closed for good? Together we can make it possible!
  Thanks, everyone!
  (Captain) Sarah Burton
Campaigns Programme Director

                                         Visit our Close Guantánamo blog        
  16 December 2006 marked the start of a month of activism to close the US 
detention centre in Guantánamo Bay. 11 January 2007 marked the fifth 
anniversary of the camp.

Activists around the world joined together to demand once more, and louder than 
ever, that the US government Close Guantánamo once and for all.
  Read about the Close Guantánamo! actions in our blog

            © Amnesty International

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