An English Professor wrote the words,
  "WOMAN without her MAN is NOTHING" on the blackboard and directed his 
students to punctuate it correctly.
  The men wrote: "WOMAN, without her MAN, is NOTHING."
  The women wrote: "WOMAN: Without her, MAN is NOTHING."
  (So You See, It's all in the punctuation)
  Saudi Princess Would Let Women Drive
  Thursday, 25-Jan-2007 1:40PM EST
  Story from AP / SALLY BUZBEE, Associated Press Writer
  Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press
  DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) -- The most prominent princess in Saudi Arabia's 
royal family said Thursday that if she could change one thing about her 
country, she would let women drive -- a rare and direct challenge to the 
driving ban imposed by the kingdom's ruling male elite.
  The remarks from Princess Lolwah Al-Faisal, daughter of a former Saudi king 
and sister of the current foreign minister, came at the World Economic Forum -- 
a gathering known for getting world leaders to engage in frank, often 
off-the-record dialogue without fear of criticism.
  Al-Faisal, however, spoke at a public session on promoting religious 
tolerance. Other attendees included former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, 
the prime minister of Malaysia, an Orthodox Jewish rabbi and peace activist 
from Israel and an American cleric.
  The moderator, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, asked panelists at 
one point to "self-criticize" and say what they would change to promote greater 
interfaith understanding.
  Turning to the princess, he quipped: "What would you do, princess, if you 
were 'queen' for a day? I won't tell anyone."
  "First thing, I'd let women drive," Al-Faisal said dryly, as the audience 
erupted in applause and laughter. She added as the applause died down, "Or else 
have a great transportation system, which we don't have."
  Women in Saudi Arabia now can work at many jobs that once were off-limits -- 
a point the princess made. But critics say their inability to drive holds them 
back from many jobs by forcing them to rely on hired drivers, or on male 
relatives, to get to work or to school. Some critics say the driving ban 
particularly impacts poorer Saudi families who cannot afford to hire drivers. 
Because of that, some consider the driving ban not just as a women's rights 
issue, but also as a factor holding back the country's economic development.
  Al-Faisal's comments are particularly interesting because they show that 
while Saudi Arabia often presents a united front to the outside world, 
different opinions and even vigorous debate exist in private. The 59-year-old 
princess is the most publicly visible female member of the royal family and one 
of the highest-profile Saudi women. She led a delegation of Saudi women 
business leaders to Hong Kong last year, has appeared at U.S. forums on 
interfaith dialogue and heads a prominent Saudi women's college.
  But it is rare for her to speak in public or in front of the media. And she 
has never before publicly pushed for an end to the driving ban. Her comments 
also are intriguing because her father, King Faisal, who ruled from 1964-1975, 
had a reputation as more progressive on social issues than his successors. King 
Faisal first instituted education for Saudi girls, for example, in the 1960s, 
and some have wondered if he might have pushed for more reform in the 
conservative, religious kingdom had he lived longer. He was assassinated in 
1975 by a disgruntled royal family member.
  When the current monarch, King Abdullah, assumed the throne in 2005, 
expectations were high that he would decisively and quickly lead the country 
toward more openness. Indeed, for a while, Saudi Arabia made small but striking 
steps toward reform, such as instances where Saudi female journalists were 
allowed to interview men. But the reform pace has slowed, partly because of 
reported differences within the royal family over the pace and direction of 
change and partly because of resistance by religious conservatives who fear 
reform will dilute their strong influence.
  The issue of women drivers has been mostly dormant from Saudi public debate 
in recent years. It flared after the Gulf War in 1991, when a group of 
prominent Saudi women staged a protest by driving through the capital of 
Riyadh. But the government cracked down hard, confiscating many of the women's 
passports and thus preventing them from leaving the country for months 
  The debate has occasionally flared in newspapers since but never to such an 
extent as in 1991. Yet many Saudi women privately view the ban as a main 
barrier to progress. Conservatives, however, are vocal in pushing to retain the 
ban -- saying that allowing women to drive would inevitably lead to their moral 
corruption, by forcing them to interact with men who are not relatives in 
places such as gas stations.
  Other Gulf countries, including Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, and 
other Arab countries allow women to drive.
  Al-Faisal is a sister of two prominent members of the current government, 
Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal and Prince Turki Al-Faisal, the outgoing Saudi 
ambassador to the United States.
                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  
                                                                    "For to us 
will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy 
Quran 88:25-26)

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