URGENT! Vigil for al-Aqsa outside 10 Downing Street

This week in Jerusalem, Israeli troops began demolishing a part of the
structure along the wall of al-Aqsa Sanctuary, known as the
*Meghribi*[Moroccan] Gate. This has given rise to increased tensions
in and around
Jerusalem, and the many protests by Palestinians has gone unnoticed
internationally. The destruction of Islamic holy sites constitutes a
flagrant violation of International Humanitarian Law and International Law,
especially the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949), which prohibits the
destruction of civilian properties.

Friends of Al-Aqsa calls upon everyone to attend a vigil outside 10 Downing
Street demanding that the government asks for an immediate cessation to this

*DATE: Saturday 10th February*
*TIME: 4pm 6pm*
*VENUE: 10 Downing Street*

Supported by the British Muslim Initiative, PRC, IHRC, PSC and others.

Please circulate widely.

Friends of Al Aqsa is a voluntary organisation concerned with the defence of
Al Aqsa Haram Sharif and the protection of Palestinian Human Rights.

'Trust in God, but tie your camel first' - The Holy Prophet (pbuh)
'Knowledge is better than wealth, you have to look after your wealth,
knowledge looks after you' - Imam Ali
*** (O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion).''

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