This is the last of a four-part series.
Read from the beginning. <> *E
M Abdul Rahman,*
said to be an Islamic fundamentalist, proclaims, "There is no Muslim
fundamentalism in Kerala."

*S**infully harmless*.

*It's hard to believe that the man opposite us heads an outfit that is
reportedly the "most dreaded Islamic fundamentalist" force in Kerala.*

*Abdul Rahman,* *the new chairman of the National Development Front, is the
antithesis of how a fundamentalist ought to look. Frail, his beard streaked
with grey, his eyes don't burn with religious fervour behind the thick
glasses. His words, scrupulously chosen and carefully enunciated, belong to
the assistant librarian he is at the Cochin University, not a member of the
orthodox fraternity.

Could it be that the authorities are mistaken?

They claim not. "The NDF is the most radical force in the state today,"
intelligence sources allege, "The PDP (People's Democratic Party) and other
extremist groups are nothing compared to it."

[image: E-Mail this report to a
extremism in Kerala can be traced to the banned Islamic Sevak Sangh.
After the Babri Masjid demolition, ISS founder Abdul Nassar Madani fathered
the PDP. With Madani's arrest in the Coimbatore blasts case, PDP activities
more or less came to a halt.

Now, the authorities hold, the NDF has taken over. They link it with most
infamous activities that rocked Kerala recently, especially in and around
Manjeri where the outfit is headquartered.

"The NDF started functioning in 1988-89," the sources say, "But its
existence became public only in November 1993. It projects itself as a human
rights organisation. Its hidden agenda includes Jihad and Islamic rule in

The Communist Party of India-Marxist, head of the state's ruling Left
Democratic Front, recently accused it of running "60 Taliban-like" training
camps all over Kerala.

Rahman, considered by official agencies as more radical than his "moderate"
predecessor, shrugs his shoulders at such allegations. In conversation with*
*Chindu Sreedharan* *at his home near Ernakulam, he sought to project his
part as "secular" and "progressive," steadfastly denying involvement in all
the fundamentalist activities it has been accused of. Excerpts from the

*How did the NDF come into being?*

The NDF began in 1993 in northern Kerala. The main cause was the threat and
alienation that the Babri Masjid demolition caused among Kerala's Muslims.
Then the Mandal Commission report opened the doors of power to the backward
castes and minorities and made them conscious of their rights. This
consciousness led to a lot many social organisations coming up. The
onslaught against the backward people and religious minorities wasn't the
kind that could be met by isolated responses. The NDF came up to give
guidance to all such outfits.

*What kind of cadre do you have? Is it completely Muslim?*

The NDF was started by Muslim youth. So in the initial days there were only
Muslims. Even now the great majority is Muslims.

*What is the need of an organisation based on religion?*

We feel that all repressed sections should have their own separate
organisations. This is because the problems they are facing are not common.
For example, the dalits. (*Dr B R*) Ambedkar called them the untouchables.
In the job and ruling fronts they still continue as untouchables. Their
basic problem is social inequality. But as far as religious minorities like
Muslims are concerned, it is a question of religious identity. That is being
threatened. Our main fight is against that.

They (*the Hindutva forces*) want to occupy our place of worship on the
claim that some time long ago our ancestors destroyed their temples to build
it! They want it back, they say -- and if we don't give it up they would
take it forcefully!

Another reason is the religious clashes India has experienced. The Hindu
fascist force called the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has been functioning
since 1925. You have it and its associates on one hand and the un-united,
unarmed, poor, confidence-less people on the other. The Muslims were major
victims of the concentrated onslaught of these fascist forces. That's our
major problem.

Our view is that each of these sections should unity individually. They
should then fight their individual problems and progress. While they are
progressing they should join up with other similar forces.

*But won't organisations based on religion harm the secular fabric of the

Yes, they can be harmful. On the other hand, they can be supportive too. The
question is not whether people are uniting on the basis of religion, but why
they are uniting. The RSS, for instance, is building up an organisation
based on its hate for other religions. It builds up cadres to deny other
sections their rights. Such organisations are harmful to secularism. Our
organisation is to fight for what has been denied to us. To get what is
rightfully ours. Such organisations will only support secularism.

*Is it correct, then, to say that the NDF was a direct response to the RSS?*

(*Pause*) You cannot just say that we came up only because of the RSS. But
yes, the attacks of the RSS or Hindutva fascist forces were going
unchallenged. The national political parties were taking a soft stand
towards such forces because they wanted votes. We could see the reflection
of such forces in whichever government that came to power. We could see the
reflection in the bureaucracy. We could see these forces growing. In such
circumstances, there was an awakening among the victims of Hindutva fascism.

Please note here that we are not using the word 'Hindu' but Hindutva. That
is because we believe that the Hindus or Hinduism does not have anything to
do with it. Those involved are not real Hindus. They are endangering the
interests of the society and the country, which includes Hindus and Muslims.
That is how we see them. That is the message we want to convey to the

*What is the politics of your organisation?*

We have a very broad view. We do not intend to become a full-fledged
political party. Nor do we intend to concentrate on supporting or fighting a
full-fledged political party directly or indirectly. We see a situation in
which Hindutva forces are representing power in India and Kerala. Our
politics is to prevent them.

To attain that we need the unity of two sections. The first, all secular
forces including political and non-political organisations. The second, all
organisations of the victims of Hindutva fascism like religious minorities,
linguistic minorities, backward classes etc. The politics we believe in aims
at creating, though such forces, an anti-fascist power structure.

*What exactly is your strategy to defend against the RSS?*

The RSS sees three sections as the enemies of Mother India. The Muslims, the
Christians and the Communists. They have declared an armed, physical war
against these sections. It is a military organisation, an outfit that
challenges the law of the land. It is not possible for the religious
minorities like us to form a militant organisation to fight them. The way
out is to bring about a political change. That will be the only lasting
solution. What we want is to build up a cadre to create awareness among the
public and bring them into our fold.

*Cadre as in? Will it be like that of the RSS?*

Cadre as in just a disciplined group of activists.

*Whose work will be limited only to non-violent activities like creating

Yes. We cannot defeat a force like the RSS through armed combat. The only
way the minorities can survive in this country is to bring about a political
change. We can defeat their designs through other ways too. For example, I
can say the situation has changed in Kerala since the NDF came into being.
We are fighting the fascist propaganda of the Hindutva forces through our
cadre. Communal clashes are created by false propaganda and misinformation.
Now the NDF is there to check and prevent such activities.

*So there is no question of taking up arms?*


Abdul Rahman continues, "We are not lambs before a

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'Trust in God, but tie your camel first' - The Holy Prophet (pbuh)
'Knowledge is better than wealth, you have to look after your wealth,
knowledge looks after you' - Imam Ali
*** (O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion).''

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