Muslim clerics push for flags to be flown on mosques
Richard Kerbaj,20867,21239882-601,00.html
  SENIOR Muslim leaders have called for the Australian flag to be flown outside 
the nation's mosques as an expression of the Islamic community's "loyalty" and 
commitment to this country.
Muslim clerics yesterday urged Australia's 300,000 Muslims to back the idea as 
a symbol of "integration" and pride. 
The former chairman of the Prime Minister's Muslim reference group, Ameer Ali, 
pushed the Australian Muslim community yesterday to adopt the flag. 
  "Even in Muslim countries in the mosque they fly the national flag ... (such 
as) in Pakistan. If that can be done in a Muslim country why not in Australia?" 
Dr Ali said. 
  He said Muslims opposed to the flag being displayed outside mosques were 
religiously narrow-minded. "I think they are looking at it from a very narrow, 
religious angle," he said. 
  Dr Ali said he spearheaded the initiative of displaying the flag outside 
Muslim schools owned by the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils when he 
ran that organisation in 2002. 
  He also ensured that students sang the national anthem during special 
  "We are Australian Muslims," he said. "And it (the flag) is a symbol of our 
national identity." 
  One of Australia's most respected female Muslim leaders, Aziza Abdel-Halim, 
said displaying a national flag outside mosques would not conflict with Islamic 
  "Putting the Australian flag (outside mosques is) a good sign of integration, 
of being at one with everyone else in this country and our pride in being 
Australian," said Sister Abdel-Halim, also a former senior member of John 
Howard's Muslim advisory body. 
  "I don't see anything at all that would contradict Islamic teachings in any 
way. It would be a nice gesture to have it, especially now that Muslims really 
need to underline the fact that they are loyal to this country." 
  Another respected imam, Amin Hady, said it would be especially important for 
the Australian flag to be flown outside mosques on special national occasions, 
such as Anzac Day and Australia Day. "That is to me a good idea to reaffirm the 
commitment of anyone living in this country, including the Muslims who are part 
of the population," the Indonesian imam said. 
  Islamic sources have told The Weekend Australian that the move to fly the 
flag was discussed by executive members of the Lebanese Muslim Association, one 
of the Islamic community's most prominent organisations. 
  But the move, backed by several LMA board executives, to display the flag 
outside Lakemba Mosque, in Sydney's southwest, were staunchly opposed by some 
community members. 
  It is understood that the LMA's proposal came after a Muslim man tore down 
the Australian flag from the Lakemba office of the Mufti of Australia, Sheik 
Taj Din al-Hilali, last year and stomped on it to express his opposition to it. 
  It is believed that Sheik Hilali - who recently labelled Westerners liars and 
oppressors and said Australia belonged more to Muslim immigrants who "paid for 
our passports" than Anglo-Saxon convicts - reprimanded the man before ordering 
him from the office, on the same premises as the mosque. 
  But Muslim leader Keysar Trad said last night some community members would 
consider the idea of displaying the flag as "politicising a place of worship". 
  "I have no problem with the flag being at Muslim schools, but a place of 
worship is for all people to be equal and as such I believe places of worship 
should maintain the tradition of not raising the national flag," Mr Trad said. 
  And prominent Sydney-based Islamic cleric, Khalil Shami, expressed fears 
yesterday that hoisting the flag outside mosques would lead to potential 
violence and further division within the community among factions opposed to 
the idea.
  Its quite funny how these so called religious leaders say that being loyal to 
a nation state which is based on non-Islam is compatible with the teachings of 
islam, yet they fail to provide a single reference from Islamic sources. Maybe 
its because Islam obliges loyalty to Islam and the ummah only.
  In terms of integrating into western society Muslims are prepared to do that, 
but not at the cost of losing our identity as many other communities have done 
  In their quest to be loyal to Australia and to integrate fully maybe these 
imams should lead by example and allow their sons and daughters to sunbath, go 
to nightclubs and pubs and engage in relationships with the opposite sex, after 
all this is quite normal and acceptable nowadays and only the backward and 
ignorant Islamic fundamentalists oppose such activities as being decadent and 

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