Assalmu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu ,
  My dear brothers and sisters , 
  Alhamdulilaahi , 
  Peace and blessing of Allah be upon our prophet Mohammad ,
  After this preamble ,
  Let us understand that Somali's and muslims should not be misguided by  the 
words claimed to be from Zawahiri , or any other muslim residing  outside of 
this country.
  The facts on the ground are different !!!!
  Let us see the facts , and accordingly judge .
  Allah/swt says "  "wa inja akum fasiqom bi nabain, fa tabayanu".
  The above ayah from the Quran calls us  to check before acting on  a news , 
as this news can lead us astray , and as a result we are made  accountable with 
Allah/swt for our deeds/ or misdeeds.
  "Check the vericity of the news !!!"
  Let me illustrate some facts on the ground to help you to judge.
  1- The Somali's are 100 % Muslims- and Sunni.
  2- The Somalis speak the same language .
  3- The Somalis are made of  tribes .
  4-  The Somalis formed a goverment of national unity , from all the tribes.( 
to establish a central goverment and unity). 
  5-  The Somali's have two of their provinces who declared  indipendence such 
as : Somaliland and Puntland , which are autonomous  and  peaceful for the past 
several years.
  6- The TFG ( Transitional federal goverment ) seat is in the capital,  which 
is having problems due to the few not due to the majority of the  civilian 
population .
  7-Somali's have been suffering without a central goverment for the past  15 
years , which were mostly due to the strive / tribalism , and  excesses which 
existed in the capital , which was the seat of the  goverment.
  8-Somali's have been misled by their tribal leaders most often ,  without a 
strong leadership and goverment it is hard to govern such  populace.
  Now that they have a somali goverment , shall they follow the tribal  
partisanship of the few to undermine it , or the fitna spread by  someone 
outside of their country?!!!
  Would it be wise and lawfull to undermine the unity of the people 
reppresented by the goverment , and rise in arms ?!
  Would it be wise and lawfull to kill civilians and bomb them  to
   cause strive and destabilize the peace and harmony ?!!
  I hope that you can judge now , that what the few people say is not in  the 
interest of the silent majority , and that spreading news is not a  good 
"hikmah " without checking the facts on the ground .
  May Allah/swt shows the haq as haq (good/justl) ,and give us the will  to 
submit to it ,  and may Allah/swt show us the badil as  badil(evil)  and  give 
us the will/action/wisdom  to  reject it .
  wa salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu.
  your Somali brother in islam ,
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