*From the Book, An IDEAL MUSLIMAH! *

(*The True Islamic Personality of the Muslim Woman
as Defined in the Qur'an and Sunnah) *

* - Dr. Muhammad Ali Al-Hashimi.*
*Chapter:1 - A Muslim Woman with her Lord (Allah)!...*
*continuation - 10...*

*She avoids mixing freely with men*

The true Muslim woman avoids mixing with men as much as possible; she does
not pursue it or encourage it. Thus she follows the example of Fatimah, the
daughter of the Prophet (PBUH), the Prophet's wives, the women of the *salaf
* (the* Sahabah* and *Tabi`in*), and those who followed their way sincerely.

The harm that may be done to both sexes as a result of free mixing, that is
obvious to the Muslim woman, is now becoming clear to Westerners who have
practised free mixing on the widest scale. They have seen that it leads to a
fall in standards of education, so they have now begun to segregate male and
female students in some universities and institutes of education. A number
of the greatest Muslim educators, who have visited Europe, America and
Russia have witnessed this segregation, for example, Professor Ahmad Mazhar
al-`Azmah, who was sent by the Syrian Ministry of Education to Belgium,
where he visited a number of schools. On a visit to a girls' elementary
school, he asked the principal, "Why do you not let boys and girls mix at
this level of education?" She replied, "We noticed the harm that mixing can
to do children even at the elementary level."

There was news that Russia had reached a similar conclusion, and had
established separate, segregated branches of universities, where male and
female students did not mix.

In A, there are more than 170 university branches in which male and female
students do not mix. They were set up because the educators and supervisors
noticed the harm that was caused by mixing, even in a society that is used
to mixing in every area of social life.

The evidence of the harm caused by mixing is too vast to be enumerated. All
of it points to the wisdom of Islam in putting an end to mixing, and
protecting the Muslim societies which adhere to Islamic guidance from its
destructive, harmful effects.

*She does not shake hands with *

*a non-mahram man*

It is natural that a Muslim woman who does not mix with men would not wish
to shake hands with anyone who is not her *mahram*, in accordance with the
teaching and example of the Prophet (PBUH). Bukhari reports that `A'ishah
(May Allah be pleased with her) said: "When the believing women made *hijrah
* to the Prophet (PBUH), he would examine and test them, in accordance with
the *ayah*: ( *`O you who believe! When there come to you believing women
refugees, examine [and test] them'. . . ) *(Qur'an 60:10)

Whoever accepted these conditions required of the believing women has
thereby accepted their *bay`ah*. When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) accepted
their words, he told them (the women), `You may go now, for I have accepted
your *bay`ah*.' By Allah (SWT), the Prophet's hand never touched the hand of
a woman; he accepted their *bay`ah* by words only. By Allah (SWT), he never
put any conditions on women other than those that Allah (SWT) commanded him,
and when he had confirmed the *bay`ah* he would say `I have accepted you *
bay`ah* by your words.'"91

*She does not travel except with a mahram*

One of the rulings of Islam concerning women is that a woman should not
travel without a *mahram*, because travel is full of dangers and hardships
and it is not right for a woman to face all this alone, without a
*mahram*to protect her and take care of her. So the Prophet (PBUH)
forbade women to
travel alone without a* mahram*; this is recorded in numerous Hadith, but it
will suffice to quote just two of them here: "A woman should not travel for
three days except with a *mahram*."92

"It is not permitted for a woman who believes in Allah (SWT) and the Last
Day to travel the walking-distance of three days without a *mahram*."93

All the Hadith on this topic state that the presence of a *mahram* is the
condition for women's travel, except in cases of utter necessity as defined
by the scholars, whose points of view differ somewhat. 94

In this way the Muslim woman is truly obedient to Allah (SWT), following His
commands, heeding His prohibitions, and accepting His rulings. She adheres
to the teachings of Islam and bears with patience any difficulties that may
be involved in obeying Allah (SWT), even if this goes against many of the
prevalent social ideas. She is filled with hope that she will ultimately be
successful and victorious, as the Qur'an states: ( *By [the Token of] Time
[through the Ages], Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do
righteous deeds, and [join together] in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of
Patience and Constancy. ) *(Qur'an 103:1-3)

    *will be continued Insha Allaah!...*

*Pls forward to all...very useful to everyone...*


*Fayaz Ahmed.*


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