Salaam All,

Can you please send the email below to all your mailing
lists/contacts/groups, insha-Allah. Much appreciated.


Salaam All,

The Big Event 2007. It's back and it's Big.

Baba Ali from will be coming to Imperial College
London next month(Friday 23rd March) to premiere his new Reminder Series.

Bookings for the event opened yesterday(28th February) and
alhamdulilah already 150 seats have been booked. The seating is
limited to 720.

To book your places for the the premiere please visit:

The event is open to all and each person can book up to 10 tickets.

To get a feel for the videos, watch them on youtube by typing in
"ummah films" in the youtube search engine.

Please note, when you book, you must also pay using the Paypal system
otherwise your booking will be cancelled.

Any queries, please email me on [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Imran Younas - President of the Imperial College Islamic Society

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